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  • The RADARSAT Data Products Specification provides and overview of the endorsed products generated by the RADARSAT program. These products may be produced at the CDPF or at any of the RADARSAT network stations.

  • The product SAR.GTC is a digital image generated from raw SAR data takes using up-tp-date auxiliary parameters, with the best available instrumental corrections applied, precisely located, corrected for terrain varieations and rectified onto a map projection. The ESA SAR.GTC format is based on the general definition of the SAR CEOS format (ref. ER-IS-EPO-GS-5902).

  • The product SAR.SLC is a single look complex digital image generated from raw SAR data using up-to-date auxiliary parameters. The image, projected on sland range, referred to as 'quarter scene' or quadrant corresponds to approximately one half (range) by one half (azimuth) of a full scence image. The ESA SAR.SLC format is based on the general definition of the SAR CEOS format (ref. ER-IS-EPS-GS-5902).

  • The product SAR.GEC is a digital image generated from raw SAR data takes using up-to-date auxiliary parameters, with the best available instrumental corrections applied, precisely located and rectified onto a map projection. The JERS SAR.GEC format is based on the general definition of the SAR CEOS format (ref. ER-IS-EPO-GS-5902).

  • This document defines the Computer Compatible Tape (CCT) format for raw, quicklook, bulk-corrected (georeferenced) system-corrected and precision processed Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery data acquired from the Landsat 4, Landsat 5 and subsequent satellites.


  • These datasets are a subset of the mosaic of Australian Landsat MSS images of Australia. ldsatmss.bil is a 500m pixel Lambert Conformal Conic projected dataset. ldsatmssdd.bil is a 0.0048 degree geographic projected dataset. NOTE The original image is located in the corporate storage system at /d/geo/store/data/image/landsat_mss/aus_mosaic. In this directory there is extensive documentation (OVERVIEW.TXT) which describes all contents.

  • No available information

  • A satellite image poster that gives a view of the city of Canberra and the surrounding countryside. Derived by merging datasets from the Landsat Thematic Mapper and SPOT satellites which periodically pass over Australia, the poster provides a wealth of information as well as a pleasing visual image.

  • Joint Release of the National ASTER geoscience maps at IGC The ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer) Geoscience Maps are the first public, web-accessible, continent-scale product release from the ASTER Global Mapping data archive. The collaborative Australian ASTER Initiative represents a successful multi-agency endeavour, led by the Western Australian Centre of Excellence for 3D Mineral Mapping (C3DMM) at CSIRO, Geoscience Australia and the State and Territory government geological surveys of Australia, along with other national and international collaborators. National ASTER geoscience map These geoscience maps are released in GIS format as 1:1M map-sheet tiles, from 3,000 ASTER scenes of 60x60km. Each scene was cross-calibrated and validated using independent Hyperion satellite imagery. The new ASTER geoscience products range in their application from local to continental scales, and their uses include mapping of soils for agricultural and environmental management, such as estimating soil loss, dust management and water catchment modelling. They will also be useful for resource exploration, showing host rock, alteration and regolith mineralogy and providing new mineral information at high spatial resolution (30m pixel). This information is not currently available from other pre-competitive geoscience data.