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Geoscience Australia, ACRES distribute Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data for a series of epochs or time frames covering Australia. The first epoch is 1972. These data have been produced and provided by the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO). AGO use the data in their National Carbon Accounting System for monitoring land clearing and revegetation. This data is only available through ACRES and ACRES Landsat Distributors, and not through the AGO. More information is available at <a href=""></a> This data is available in 1:1M tiles or as a full continental Mosaic. Tiles areas are available at: <a href=""></a>
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
No abstract available
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
The Land Cover map service includes information derived from the Dynamic Land Cover Dataset (2000-2008) containing Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) information. The service provides a base-line for identifying and reporting on change and trends in vegetation cover and extent. It is a cached service with a Web Mercator Projection.
The Digital Earth Australia Hotspots web service has been developed as part of the Digital Earth Australia Hotspots national bushfire monitoring system. The service delivers hotspot data derived from (a growing number of) satellite-born instruments that detect light in the thermal wavelengths. The colour of the spot represents the time the Hotspot was last observed by a passing satellite (e.g. 0-2 hours). The colour does not indicate severity. Typically, the satellite data are processed with a specific algorithm that highlights areas with an unusually high temperature. In principle, however, Hotspots may be sourced from non-satellite sources.
The Landsat 7 Picture Mosaic of Australia was produced by the Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO) as part of their National Carbon Accounting System. The mosaic is comprised of 369 individual Landsat satellite scenes acquired between July 1999 and September 2000.
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20