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25% coverage nth east 22/F55/55 Vertical scale: 500
10% coverage sth east 22/E54/59 Vertical scale: 100
This Bulletin presents the results of systematic geological mapping in north Queensland by joint field parties of the Bureau of Mineral Resources and the Geological Survey of Queensland, during the period 1958 to 1963. The area investigated is more than 36,000 square miles, and extends from Princess Charlotte Bay in the north to the township of Ingham in the south, and from 142°30'E. to the shores of the South Pacific Ocean. It is the site of a Palaeozoic geosyncline the Hodgkinson Basin and includes part of the western Precambrian borderland, which is separated from the geosyncline by the Palmerville Fault, a large fundamental structure.
85% coverage nth east missing 22/E55/46 Vertical scale: 2000
Colour ternary (K-U-TH R-G-B) gamma-ray spectrometry pixel image digital BIL file covering the Andamooka, Copley, Parachilna, Orroroo and part of the Port Augusta 1:250,000 map Sheet areas.
No abstract available
No abstract available
The Victoria River region, in the northwestern Northern Territory, is underlain by Precambrian rocks and flanked to the east, south, and west by Lower Cambrian volcanics and younger sedimentary rocks. The Precambrian rocks include a deformed belt of basement metamorphics, granites, and acid volcanics, all overlain by sandstone, in the northwest; and a stable platform (the Sturt Block) overlain by slightly deformed sedimentary rocks in the centre and southeast. The rocks in the deformed belt range in age from Archaean to Adelaidean (late Proterozoic). On the Sturt Block are several Proterozoic groups of sandstone, siltstone, and dolomite. The sequences developed are all shallow-water deposits, and are separated by several regional unconformities. They are overlain by late Adelaidean tillites and associated fluvioglacials. Only minor production of tin, gold, and barite has been recorded, and the major resource presently being exploited is groundwater.
10% coverage sth west 22/E55/36 Vertical scale: 1000
Solid geology map of North eastern goldfields 1:500 000