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  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • This kit follows the Mt Todd Map Kit- An Introduction to Geological Maps. It is designed to extend students by showing them a more complex geological map as well as different ways geological information can be displayed. Finally, the kit will introduce students to the use of geophysics and how it can be used to help interpret the geology of an area. It is assumed that students will have used the Mt Todd Map kit prior to using this kit. This kit is therefore not as extensive in its explanations of the basic map information. Only those new areas or areas which are markedly different will be discussed.

  • Geoscience Australia developed the guide with the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts and state and territory governments. There were several rounds of public consultation including international consideration by the International Atomic Energy Agency and United States regulators. The guide outlines the best practice principles and approaches that apply generally to mining in Australia, before giving more detailed consideration to best practice environmental protection and regulation for in situ recovery (ISR) mining. It draws on guidelines and regulatory practices applying to uranium mining in South Australia - the only jurisdiction currently with experience of approval and regulation of ISR projects. This guide is not a regulatory document and it should be considered within existing Australian legal and governance frameworks relevant to the mining sector. Its purpose is to set out expectations for approval and regulation of in situ recovery uranium mining (ISR), in line with the Australian Government's policy to ensure that uranium mining, milling and rehabilitation is based on world best practice standards.

  • New 2D seismic data acquired in the Mentelle Basin by Geoscience Australia in 2008-09 has been used for a seismic facies study of the post-rift succession. The Mentelle Basin is a large deep to ultra deep-water, frontier basin located on Australia's southwestern margin about 200 km southwest of Perth. The study focused on the post-rift sequences deposited following the breakup between Australia and Greater India. Stratigraphic wells DSDP 258 and DSDP 264 provide age and lithological constraints on the upper portion of the post-rift succession down to mid-Albian strata. The depositional environment and lithology of the older sequences are based on analysis of the seismic facies, stratal geometries and comparisons to the age equivalent units in the south Perth Basin. Fourteen seismic facies were identified based on reflection continuity, amplitude and frequency, internal reflection configuration and external geometries. They range from high continuity, high amplitude, parallel sheet facies to low continuity, low amplitude, parallel, subparallel and chaotic sheet, wedge and basin-fill facies. Channel and channel-fill features are common in several facies as well as a mounded facies (probably contourite) and its associated ponded turbidite fill. A progradational sigmoidal to oblique wedge facies occurs at several stratigraphic levels in the section. A chaotic mound facies, probably comprising debrite deposits, has a localised distribution. Seismic facies analysis of the post-rift sequences in the Mentelle Basin has contributed to a better understanding of the depositional history and sedimentation processes in the region, as well as provided additional constraints on regional and local tectonic events.

  • Flyer to be carried by GA officers while undertaking a building survey in the Adelaide Central Business District.