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Legacy product, no abstract available.
Legacy product - no abstract available
This Record describes a geophysical survey at a dam site which was undertaken in response to an application from the Irrigation and Water Supply Commission of Queensland. The dam will be used for water conservation. The seismic method was used to measure the seismic velocities in different rock types and to determine the depth to rock discontinuities; some magnetic and resistivity work was done to determine the boundaries of a basalt flow, and to disclose the presence of shear zones.
45% coverage west F55/B1-37 Contour interval: 10
This record contains the accompanying notes for the Wooramel 1:250000 map sheet. The map is entirely the result of unpublished work of geologists of the Bureau of Mineral Resources and West Australian Petroleum Pty. Ltd. It was compiled by the author who is responsible for the interpretation presented in the map and section.
Legacy product - no abstract available
This Record describes seismic refraction and resistivity traversing surveys carried out at the request of the Hydro Electric Commission of Tasmania at a proposed dam site on the Huon River, up stream from its junction with Blackfish Creek. The purpose of the surveys was to determine the nature and thickness of the overburden and the nature of the bedrock. The overburden consists of scree material, sand, soil, clay, and weathered and recemented dolerite. In many places the seismic velocity in the weathered and especially the recemented dolerite indicates that these rocks are of sufficient strength for foundation purposes. Seismic results indicate that the overburden thickness ranges from 20 to 316 ft. Over most of the area, the estimated average overburden thickness is about 70 to 80 ft, although over about one sixth of the area the estimated overburden thickness ranges from 130 to 316 ft. The greatest thickness is indicated on the western bank. The bedrock consists mainly of unweathered dolerite, although the seismic velocities and drilling data indicate that the bedrock corresponds, in some instances, to partly weathered or recemented dolerite. It is estimated that the depth to bedrock has been calculated within 30 per cent.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available