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No abstract available
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Poster Paper submission detailing the progress, benefits and vision of the Unlocking the Landsat Archive Project
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Includes copy of AGSO Record 1997/20
Pixel Quality Assessment describes the results of a number of quality tests which are used to determine the quality of a Landsat image product in terms of, pixel saturation, pixel contiguity between spectral bands, whether the pixel is over land or sea, cloud contamination, cloud shadow and topographic shadow. Pixel Quality is used to filter an input Landsat image for downstream processing in a production workflow. It has general applicability to a number of image processing scenarios.
GA through the Unlocking the Landsat Archive (ULA) Project is funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) to process and make available well calibrated Landsat imagery for the period 2000-2010. Having now processed this data to produce well calibrated optical surface reflectance data products at the National-Scale we are now able to promote these products through various means. This promotional animation shows the time-series "stacked" mosaics for each month of the year.
This report describes the results of an extended national field spectroscopy campaign designed to validate the Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Analysis Ready Data (ARD) surface reflectance (SR) products generated by Digital Earth Australia. Field spectral data from 55 overpass coincident field campaigns have been processed to match the ARD surface reflectances. The results suggest the Landsat 8 SR is validated to within 10%, the Sentinel 2A SR is validated to within 6.5% and Sentinel 2B is validated to within 6.8% . Overall combined Sentinel 2A and 2B are validated within 6.6% and the SR for all three ARD products are validated to within 7.7%.