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  • This Bulletin describes magnetic surveys of the Savage River and Long Plains iron deposits in northwest Tasmania made by the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics between 1957 and 1962. The results of the surveys are shown as vertical magnetic field contours. The Bulletin includes a discussion of the theoretical magnetic anomaly due to an infinitely long dipping vein of infinite depth extent, and gives an interpretation for the magnetic anomalies observed on a selection of traverses. The drilling completed at Savage River and Long Plains as at May 1964 is summarised and compared with magnetic profiles. Recommendations for additional drilling are made, particularly in areas where drilling has not been done.

  • This map shows the boundary of the security regulated port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 2 Sheets (Colour) 2 Sheets (B&W) August 2009 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • No product available. Removed from website 25/01/2019

  • Three hundred and sixty-five surface and near-surface seabed samples provide the basis for an assessment of regional lithofacies variations on the Tasmanian shelf and in eastern and western Bass Strait. Quartz-rich sands with variable amounts of shell debris occur on the innermost shelf and on the rises flanking the central Bass Strait basin. They are essentially modern deposits derived in the main from Pleistocene near shore sand bodies reworked and transported landwards during the Holocene marine transgression. Muddy sediments of the middle shelf off eastern Tasmania and in central Bass Strait are sites of present-day sedimentation, but they are likely to form only a thin veneer, and include coarse material probably reworked from the Pleistocene and early Holocene substrate. Extensive areas of the middle and outer shelf, particularly off southern and western Tasmania, are floored by dominantly relict bryozoan sands and gravels. Fine-grained and shelly, slightly quartzose sands in areas of the middle shelf consist of relict sediment, and sediment from the late Holocene transgressive marine sand sheet, in about equal proportions. Four main suites of heavy minerals are present in the surface sediments. Provenance relationships with sources in the adjacent hinterland suggest that little offshore sediment transport parallel to the coastline has taken place. Rare grains of cassiterite were identified in marine sediments lying off the tin-producing areas of northeastern Tasmania, but 10 ppm Sn was the maximum value recorded in the geochemical analyses. Some phosphatisation of relict limestone gravels on the middle and outer shelf off northwestern Tasmania has taken place, but the highest recorded whole-rock analysis was 3.6 percent Pi>0. Density of sample stations in this part of the shelf is low.

  • Two manganese nodules having a high clay content, a low Mn:Fe ratio, and low contents of valuable metals (Ni 0.25%, Cu 0.17%, Co 0.06%) were recovered in a grab sample during a short geological cruise in HMAS Kimble in the southern Tasman Sea in May 1979. Five stations were occupied. Free-fall grabs recovered sediment or pumice from four stations; nothing was recovered from the fifth. The carbonate compensation depth in the region is about 4500 m. Reddish brown clay, but no manganese nodules, was recovered in the central southern Tasman Sea, from depths of 4900-5100 m. The nodules, together with grey calcareous mud, were obtained from a depth of 4300 m, farther to the northwest, near Gascoyne Seamount (250 n. miles SE of Sydney). The results suggest nodules with high metal values are likely to exist only in the broad and deep depression in the central southern Tasman Sea southeast of Gascoyne Seamount, where sedimentation rates are low and oxidising conditions prevail. Whether nodule fields are present or not will only be resolved by considerably more sampling.

  • This map shows the boundary of the Maritime Security Zones for each port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 3 sheets (Colour) July 2009 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project