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  • Faults of the Lapstone Structural Complex (LSC) underlie 100 km, and perhaps as much as 160 km, of the eastern range front of the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. More than a dozen major faults and monoclinal flexures have been mapped along its extent. The Lapstone Monocline is the most prominent of the flexures, and accounts for more than three quarters of the deformation across the complex at its northern end. Opinion varies as to whether recent tectonism, or erosional exhumation of a pre-existing structure, better accounts for the deeply dissected Blue Mountains plateau that we see today. Geomorphic features such as the abandoned meanders at Thirlmere Lakes illustrate the antiquity of the landscape and favour an erosional exhumation model. According to this model, over-steepened reaches developed in easterly flowing streams at the Lapstone Monocline when down-cutting through shale reached more resistant sandstone on the western side of the LSC. These over-steepened reaches drove headward (westerly) knick point retreat, ultimately dissecting the plateau. However, a series of swamps and lakes occurring where small easterly flowing streams cross the westernmost faults of the LSC, coupled with over-steepened reaches 'pinned' to the fault zones in nearby larger streams, imply that tectonism plays a continuing role in the development of this landscape. We present preliminary results from an ongoing investigation of Mountain Lagoon, a small fault-bound basin bordering the Kurrajong Fault in the northern part of the LSC.

  • Several different techniques have recently been developed to rapidly map and characterise surface landforms and materials for groundwater recharge studies in Australia. In this example, in the Darling Floodplain of western New South Wales, regional landform mapping was carried out primarily using Google Earth imagery with hill-shaded LiDAR DEM and SPOT images as visual guide and some field validation. A second, more detailed map (compiled: 1:25,000; final usable scale: 1:30,000) included landform elements such as borrow pits, individual scrolls and oxbow lakes was compiled using LiDAR DEM. Prior to landform delineation, the LiDAR DEM required levelling to eliminate tilting in the landscape, by subtracting the floodplain trend surface from the DEM. This is particularly important in floodplains and river profiles where there can be as much as a 20 m difference between the upper and lower reaches. A best-fit trend surface, which provides an average estimation of change in slope along a single plane, was required to level the data. Once the LiDAR was levelled, an interactive contour tool in ArcGIS was used to generate graphic outlines of particular features at identified breaks in elevation using hill-shading, e.g. channel banks and dune bases. Slope and 3-D DEM visualisation also facilitated identification of these breaks. Further editing was required to assemble line work, convert it into polygons, and assign landform attributes. A greater number of landform classes were developed at this finer scale than for the regional scale. In many cases, specific landforms are characterised by particular surface materials, though sediment type can vary within a single landform class. SPOT imagery has been used to delineate surface materials. In summary, the combination of the two datasets - landforms and surface materials - has allowed for the identification of potential recharge site

  • The 1:250 000 maps show the type and distribution of 51 regolith-landform units with unique dominant regolith-landform associations, and are a subset of the 205 mapping units on the six 1:100 000 maps. These units are distinct patterns of recurring landform elements with characteristic regolith associations. Geomorphic symbols indicate the location and type of geomorphic activity. The maps present a systematic analysis and interpretation of 1:89 000 scale 1973 RC9 aerial photography, 1:100 000 scale topographic maps (AUSLIG), and field mapping data. High resolution (250m line spacing) airborne gamma-ray spectrometry and magnetics (Geoterrex) were used where applicable

  • This paper presents a new style of bedload parting from western Torres Strait, northern Australia. Outputs from a hydrodynamic model identified an axis of bedload parting centred on the western Torres Strait islands (~142°15"E). Unlike bedload partings described elsewhere in the literature, those in Torres Strait are generated by incoherence between two adjacent tidal regimes as opposed to overtides. Bedload parting is further complicated by the influence of wind-driven currents. During the trade wind season, wind-driven currents counter the reversing tidal currents to a point where peak currents are directed west. The eastwards-directed bedload pathway is only active during the monsoon season. Satellite imagery was used to describe six bedform facies associated with the bedload parting. Bedform morphology was used to indicate sediment supply. Contrary to bedload partings elsewhere, sand ribbons are a distal facies within the western bedload transport pathway despite peak currents directed toward the west throughout the year. This indicates that sediment is preferentially trapped within sand banks near the axis of parting and not transported further west into the Gulf of Carpentaria or Arafura Sea.

  • Provides regional framework study of regolith and associated landforms over the Tanami region. Datasets are all contained in a GIS - these include regolith-landform units, enhanced Landsat TM imagery, site descriptions and photo links, regolith profiles descriptions (geochemistry and PIMA), drill hole geochemistry, gamma-ray spectrometry imagery, palaeochannels, geochemical sampling strategy maps, surface flow vector maps, enhanced DEMs, erosional scarps and maps showing depth of transported cover.

  • Previously undated post Devonian sediments are shown by plant macro- and microfossils to be Early Cretaceous, and thus part of the Eromanga Basin. Modern landscape in the northern Barrier Ranges results from differential erosion following post-Early Cretaceous deformation that folded these and underlying rocks, most probably in response to reverse movements on faults at the western margin of the Bancannia Trough.