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  • Total contribution of six recently discovered submerged coral reefs in northern Australia to Holocene neritic CaCO3, CO2, and C is assessed to address a gap in global budgets. CaCO3 production for the reef framework and inter-reefal deposits is 0.26-0.28 Mt which yields 2.36-2.72 x105 mol yr-1 over the mid- to late-Holocene (<10.5 kyr BP); the period in which the reefs have been active. Holocene CO2 and C production is 0.14-0.16 Mt and 0.06-0.07 Mt, yielding 3.23-3.71 and 5.32-6.12 x105 mol yr-1, respectively. Coral and coralline algae are the dominant sources of Holocene CaCO3 although foraminifers and molluscs are the dominant constituents of inter-reefal deposits. The total amount of Holocene neritic CaCO3 produced by the six submerged coral reefs is several orders of magnitude smaller than that calculated using accepted CaCO3 production values because of very low production, a 'give-up' growth history, and presumed significant dissolution and exports. Total global contribution of submerged reefs to Holocene neritic CaCO3 is estimated to be 0.26-0.62 Gt or 2.55-6.17 x108 mol yr-1, which yields 0.15-0.37 Gt CO2 (3.48-8.42 x108 mol yr-1) and 0.07-0.17 Gt C (5.74-13.99 x108 mol yr-1). Contributions from submerged coral reefs in Australia are estimated to be 0.05 Gt CaCO3 (0.48 x108 mol yr-1), 0.03 Gt CO2 (0.65 x108 mol yr-1), and 0.01 Gt C (1.08 x108 mol yr-1) for an emergent reef area of 47.9 x103 km2. The dilemma remains that the global area and CaCO3 mass of submerged coral reefs are currently unknown. It is inevitable that many more submerged coral reefs will be found. Our findings imply that submerged coral reefs are a small but fundamental source of Holocene neritic CaCO3, CO2, and C that is poorly-quantified for global budgets.

  • Contents: 1.Strusz DL. Brachiopods from the Silurian of Fyshwick, Canberra, Australia. 2.Young GC. Further petalichthyid remains (placoderm fishes, early Devonian) from the Taemas-Wee Jasper region, New South Wales. 3.Nicoll RS. Multielement composition of the conodont species Polygnathus xylus xylus Stauffer, 1940 and Ozarkodina brevis (Bischoff and Ziegler, 1957) from the upper Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. 4.Jones PJ. Treposellidae (Beyrichiacea: Ostracoda) from the latest Devonian (Strunian) of the Bonaparte Basin, Western Australia. 5.Dickins JM. Late Palaeozoic glaciation. 6.Shafik S. Calcareous nannofossils from the Toolebuc Formation, Eromanga Basin, Australia. 7.Belford DJ. Late Albian planktonic foraminifera, Strickland River, Papua New Guinea. 8.Smith MJ, Plane M. Pythonine snakes (Boidae) from the Miocene of Australia. 9.Casey JN, Romot N, Shergold JH. Armin Aleksander Opik (1898-1983). 10.Laurie JR, Shergold JH. Phosphatic organisms and the correlation of early Cambrian carbonate formations in central Australia. 11.Shergold JH, Cooper RA. Late Cambrian trilobites from the Mariner Group, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.

  • Contents: 1.von Stackelberg U, Exon NF, von Rad U, Quilty PG, Shafik S, Beiersdorf H, Seibertz E, Veevers JJ. Geology of the Exmouth and Wallaby Plateaus off northwest Australia: sampling of seismic sequences. 2.Quilty PG. Tertiary foraminiferida and stratigraphy, northern Exmouth Plateau, Western Australia. 3.Nicoll RS. Middle Ordovician conodonts from the Pittman Formation, Canberra, ACT. 4.Denham D. The 1961 Robertson earthquake - more evidence for compressive stress in southeast Australia. 5.Tratt MH, Burne RV. An inexpensive and efficient double-tube, hand-coring device. 6.Muir MD. Palaeontological evidence for the early Cambrian age of the Bukalara Sandstone, McArthur Basin, NT. 7.Radke BM, Duff P. A potential dolostone reservoir in the Georgina Basin: the Lower Ordovician Kelly Creek Formation. 8.Spies BR. TEM model studies of the Elura deposit, Cobar, New South Wales. 9.Jones HA, Holdgate GR. Shallow structure and Late Cainozoic geological history of western Bass Strait and the west Tasmanian Shelf. 10.Truswell EM. Permo-Carboniferous palynology of Gondwanaland: progress and problems in the decade to 1980.

  • Contents: 1.Coutts DA, Wellman P, Barlow BC. Calibration of gravity meters with a quartz-mechanism. 2.Seidel GE. Application of the GABHYD groundwater model of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. 3.Senior BR, Habermehl MA. Structure, hydrodynamics and hydrocarbon potential, central Eromanga Basin, Queensland, Australia. 4.Draper JJ. Rusophycus (Early Ordovician ichnofossil) from the Mithaka Formation, Georgina Basin. 5.Smith RS, McEwin AJ. Earthquake accelerograms and attenuation of seismic waves at Oolong, New South Wales. 6.Exon NF, Moreton D, Hicks G. Manganese nodules from the Tasman Sea off Sydney. 7.O'Connor DPH. Evidence of an exhalative origin for deposits of the Cobar district, New South Wales (comment). 8.Sangster DF. Evidence of an exhalative origin for deposits of the Cobar district, New South Wales (reply). 9.Rod E. Mode of emplacement of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt: a discussion. 10.Connelly JB. Mode of emplacement of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt: reply. 11.Habermehl MA. The Great Artesian Basin, Australia.

  • Contents: 1.Blake DH. The early geological history of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier, northwestern Queensland: an alternative interpretation. 2.Bubela B. Some aspects of interstitial water movements in simulated sedimentary systems. 3.Black LP. Rb-Sr geochronology of the Jervois Range area in the eastern part of the Arunta Block, NT. 4.Jacobson G, Hill PJ. Hydrogeology of a raised coral atoll - Niue Island, south Pacific Ocean. 5.Sheraton JW. Geochemistry of Precambrian metapelites from East Antarctica: secular and metamorphic variations. 6.Wyatt BW, Yeates AN, Tucker DH. A regional review of the geological sources of magnetic and gravity anomaly fields in the Lachlan Fold Belt of NSW. 7.Muir MD, Armstrong KJ, Jackson MJ. Precambrian hydrocarbons in the McArthur Basin, NT. 8.Pinchin J. Intracrustal seismic reflections from the Lachlan Fold Belt near Canberra.

  • Contents: 1.Bubela B. A model for sulfide band formation under epigenetic conditions - a study based on simulated sedimentary systems. 2.Drummond BJ. Crustal structure of the Precambrian terrains of northwest Australia from seismic refraction data. 3.Drummond BJ, Shelley HM. Isostasy and structure of the lower crust and upper mantle in the Precambrian terrains of northwest Australia, from regional gravity studies. 4.Chaproniere GCH. Australasian mid-Tertiary larger formaniniferal associations and their bearing on the East Indian Letter Classification. 5.Exon NF, Burger D. Sedimentary cycles in the Surat Basin and global changes of sea level. 6.Best EJ. The influence of geology on the location, design and construction of water supply dams in the Canberra area. 7.West BG, Davies PJ. The determination of suspended-sediment loads in the southern Great Barrier Reef: field techniques. 8.Davies PJ, West BG. Suspended-sediment transport and water movement at One Tree Reef, southern Great Barrier Reef.

  • Contents: 1.Falvey DA, Mutter JC. Regional plate tectonics and the evolution of Australia's passive continental margins. 2.Davies PJ, Marshall JF, Hekel H, Searle DE. Shallow inter-reefal structure of the Capricorn group, southern Great Barrier Reef. 3.Radke BM, Nicoll RS. Evidence for former evaporites in the Carboniferous Moogooree Limestone, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. 4.Shafik S. Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Hantkenina (foraminiferid) interval in the upper Eocene of southern Australia. 5.Jacobson G, Evans WR. Geological factors in the development of sanitary landfill sites in the Australian Capital Territory. 6.Colwell JB, von Stackelberg U. Sedimentological studies of Cainozoic sediments from the Exmouth and Wallaby Plateaus, off northwest Australia. 7.Turner S, Jones PJ, Draper JJ. Early Devonian thelodonts (Agnatha) from the Toko Syncline, western Queensland, and a review of other Australian discoveries. 8.Gidley PR. Discrimination of surficial and bedrock magnetic sources in the Cobar area, NSW. 9.Jackson MJ, Muir MD. The Babbagoola Beds, Officer Basin, Western Australia: correlations, micropalaeontology and implications for petroleum prospectivity. 10.Blake DH. Intrusive felsic-mafic net-veined complexes in north Queensland.

  • Contents: 1.Jackson KS. Geochemical evaluation of the petroleum potential of the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia. 2.Cull JP. An appraisal of Australian heat-flow data. 3.Brown CM, Jackson KS, Lockwood KL, Passmore VL. Source rock potential and hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Darling Basin, NSW. 4.Burne RV. Relative fall of Holocene sea level and coastal progradation, northeastern Spencer Gulf, South Australia. 5.Anfiloff W. Elevation and gravity profiles across Australia: some implications for tectonism. 6.Karner GD. Spectral representation of isostatic models. 7.Moore RF, Simpson CJ. Computer manipulation of a digital terrain model (DTM) of Australia. 8.Harrington HJ, Simpson CJ, Moore RF. Analysis of continental structures using a digital terrain model (DTM) of Australia. 9.Strusz DL. On Australina Clarke - and its junior synonyms Lissatrypa, Lissatrypoidea, and Tyrothyris (Silurian-Devonian brachiopod a). 10.Strusz DL, Jenkins CJ. The stratigraphic implications of Monograptus exiguus from Camp Hill, Canberra, ACT.

  • Contents: 1.Nicholas E, Lockwood KL, Martin AR, Jackson KS. Petroleum potential of the Bass Basin. 2.Bauer JA, Dixon O. Results of a seismic survey in the southern Denison Trough, Queensland, 1978-79. 3.Johnston CR, Bowin CO. Crustal reactions resulting from the mid-Pliocene to Recent continent-island arc collision in the Timor region. 4.Finlayson DM. Reconnaissance of upper crustal seismic velocities in the Tennant Creek Block, Northern Territory. 5.Black LP. Age of the Warramunga Group, Tennant Creek Block, Northern Territory. 6.Tilbury LA, Fraser AR. Submarine valleys on the Ceduna Terrace off South Australia. 7.Nicoll RS. Conodont colour alteration adjacent to a volcanic plug, Canning Basin, Western Australia. 8.Derrick GM, Wilson IH. The early geological history of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier, northwestern Queensland: an alternative interpretation: discussion. 9.Blake DH. The early geological history of the Proterozoic Mount Isa Inlier, northwestern Queensland: an alternative interpretation: reply to discussion. 10.Tenth BMR Symposium.