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AusLAMP is a collaborative national project to cover Australia with long-period magnetotelluric (MT) data in an approximately 55 km spaced array. Signatures from past tectonothermal events can be retained in the lithosphere for hundreds of millions of years when these events deposit conductive mineralogy that is imaged by MT as electrically conductive pathways. MT also images regions of different bulk conductivity and can help to understand the continuation of crustal domains down into the mantle, and address questions on the tectonic evolution of Australia. The AusLAMP data presented here were collected as part of three separate collaborative projects involving several organisations. Geoscience Australia (GA), the Geological Survey of South Australia, the Geological Survey of New South Wales, the Geological Survey of Victoria, and the University of Adelaide all contributed staff and/or funding to collection of AusLAMP data; GA and AuScope contributed instrumentation. The data cover the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Curnamona Province, the Neoproterozoic Flinders Ranges, and the Cambrian Delamerian Orogen, encompassing eastern South Australia and western New South Wales and western Victoria. This project represents the first electrical resistivity model to image the entire Curnamona Province and most of the onshore extent of the Delamerian Orogen, crossing the geographical state borders between South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria.
As global metal demands are increasing whilst new discoveries are declining, the magnetotelluric (MT) technique has shown promise as an effective technique to aid mineral systems mapping. Several case studies have shown a spatial correlation between mineral deposits and conductors, with some showing that resistivity models derived from MT are capable of mapping mineral systems from the lithosphere to deposit scale. However, until now, the statistical significance of such correlations has not been demonstrated and therefore hindered robust utilization of MT data in mineral potential assessments. Here we quantitatively analyze resistivity models from Australia, the United States of America (USA), South America and China and demonstrate that there is a statistically-significant correlation between upper mantle conductors and porphyry copper deposits, and between mid-crustal conductors and orogenic gold deposits. Volcanic hosted massive sulfide deposits show significant correlation with upper mantle conductors in Australia. Differences in the correlation pattern between these deposit types likely relate to differences in the chemistry, redox state and location of source mineralizing fluids and magmas, and indicate signatures of mineral system processes can be preserved in the crust and mantle lithosphere for hundreds of millions of years. Appeared in Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 8190 (2022), 17 May 2022
The AusLAMP-Victoria magnetotelluric survey was a collaborative project between the Geological Survey of Victoria and Geoscience Australia. Long period magnetotelluric data were acquired at 100 sites on a half degree grid spacing across Victoria in the south-east of Australia between December 2013 and September 2014. Some repeated sites were acquired in December 2017. Geoscience Australia managed the project and performed data acquisition, data processing, and data QA/QC. In this record, the field acquisition, data QA/QC, and data processing methodologies are discussed. A separate report will provide information on data analysis, data modelling/inversion, and data interpretation.
Long-period magnetotelluric (MT) data allow geoscientists to investigate the link between mineralisation and lithospheric-scale features and processes. In particular, the highly conductive structures imaged by MT data appear to map the pathways of large-scale palaeo-fluid migration, the identification of which is an important element of several mineral system models. Given the importance of these data, governments and academia have united under the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP) to collect long-period MT data across the continent on a ~55 km-spaced grid. Here, we use AusLAMP data to demonstrate the MT method as a regional-scale tool to identify and select prospective areas for mineral exploration undercover. We focus on the region between Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory and east of Mount Isa in Queensland. Our results image major conductive structures up to 150 km deep in the lithosphere, such as the Carpentaria Conductivity Anomaly east of Mount Isa. This anomaly is a significant lithospheric-scale conductivity structure that shows spatial correlations with a major suture zone and known iron oxide–copper–gold deposits. Our results also identify similar features in several under-explored areas that are now considered to be prospective for mineral discovery. These observations provide a powerful means of selecting frontier regions for mineral exploration undercover.. <b>Citation:</b> Duan, J., Kyi, D., Jiang, W. and Costelloe, M., 2020. AusLAMP: imaging the Australian lithosphere for resource potential, an example from northern Australia. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.
The NSW component of the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP), is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of New South Wales which commenced in 2016. Long-period MT data have been recorded at a 55-km spacing in a rolling deployment which to date has completed 224 of a planned 320 sites in NSW. This article summarises the progress of the AusLAMP NSW program and highlights how it is contributing to our understanding of the tectonic architecture in NSW.
The Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP) aims to collect long period magnetotelluric data on a half degree grid across the Australian continent. Data were collected in northern Australia under Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program from 2016 to 2019. This survey covers the area in south parts of Northern Territory and north western region of Queensland. The project aims to improve understanding of the lithospheric structure in northern Australia. It also provide pre-competitive data and knowledge for selecting mineral prospective areas in the under-explored and covered regions. This data package contains the preferred resistivity model and associated information for the project. The report provides details for data acquisition, data process and data inversion. The results provide new insights on the lithospheric architecture and mineral potential in the region.
This OGC compliant service provides access to magnetotelluric data and associated products, which have been produced by Geoscience Australia’s Magnetotelluric Program. This program includes regional magnetotelluric projects and the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP), a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia, the State and Northern Territory geological surveys, universities, and other research organisations. The data provided in this service comprise resistivity model depth sections and the locations of sites used in these studies.
This OGC compliant service provides access to magnetotelluric data and associated products, which have been produced by Geoscience Australia’s Magnetotelluric Program. This program includes regional magnetotelluric projects and the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP), a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia, the State and Northern Territory geological surveys, universities, and other research organisations. The data provided in this service comprise resistivity model depth sections and the locations of sites used in these studies.
This OGC compliant service provides access to magnetotelluric data and associated products, which have been produced by Geoscience Australia’s Magnetotelluric Program. This program includes regional magnetotelluric projects and the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP), a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia, the State and Northern Territory geological surveys, universities, and other research organisations. The data provided in this service comprise resistivity model depth sections and the locations of sites used in these studies.
This OGC compliant service provides access to magnetotelluric data and associated products, which have been produced by Geoscience Australia’s Magnetotelluric Program. This program includes regional magnetotelluric projects and the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP), a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia, the State and Northern Territory geological surveys, universities, and other research organisations. The data provided in this service comprise resistivity model depth sections and the locations of sites used in these studies.