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Total magnetic intensity (TMI) data measures variations in the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field caused by the contrasting content of rock-forming minerals in the Earth crust. Magnetic anomalies can be either positive (field stronger than normal) or negative (field weaker) depending on the susceptibility of the rock. The data are processed via standard methods to ensure the response recorded is that due only to the rocks in the ground. The results produce datasets that can be interpreted to reveal the geological structure of the sub-surface. The processed data is checked for quality by GA geophysicists to ensure that the final data released by GA are fit-for-purpose. These line dataset from the Murrindal, Vic, 1996 VIMP Survey (GSV3060) survey were acquired in 1995 by the VIC Government, and consisted of 15589 line-kilometres of data at 200m line spacing and 80m terrain clearance. To constrain long wavelengths in the data, an independent data set, the Australia-wide Airborne Geophysical Survey (AWAGS) airborne magnetic data, was used to control the base levels of the survey data. This survey data is essentially levelled to AWAGS.
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Abstract # : 1479734 Paper # : GP43B-1142 Session : GP43B Potential-field and EM methods for geologic problems of the mid and upper crust Developments for 3D gravity and magnetic modeling in spherical coordinates Richard Lane - Geoscience Australia - Qing Liang - China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) - Chao Chen - China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) - Yaoguo Li - Colorado School of Mines - At Geoscience Australia (GA), Australia's Commonwealth Government geoscientific agency, we perform gravity and magnetic modeling at a range of scales, from broad regional crustal studies with thousands of kilometer lateral extent and tens of kilometer vertical extent, to detailed local studies with kilometer or less lateral extent and meters to hundreds of meters vertical extent. To achieve greater integration and coherence, and to better understand the geological significance of this work, we are investing in a number of development projects; * Spherical coordinate gravity and magnetic modeling, * Modeling using High Performance Computing facilities, * Utilizing rock property data as an input into the modeling and interpretation of gravity and magnetic data, * Better management of geoscience data and models, and * Visualization of spatial data in a Virtual Globe format. In collaboration with the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) and the China University of Geosciences (CUG), we are developing a capability to model gravity and magnetic data in a spherical coordinate framework. This will provide more accurate calculations and permit us to integrate the results into a single framework that more realistically reflects the shape of the Earth. Modeling gravity and magnetic data in a spherical coordinate framework is far more compute intensive than is the case when performing the corresponding calculations in a Cartesian (rectangular) coordinate framework. To reduce the time required to perform the calculations in a spherical coordinate framework, we will be deploying the modeling software on the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) High Performance Computing (HPC) facility at the Australian National University (ANU). This will also streamline the management of these software relative to the other main option of establishing and maintaining HPC facilities in-house. We are a participant in the Deep Exploration Technologies Cooperative Research Centre (DET CRC). In combination with this involvement, we are expanding our support for systematic management of rock property data, and developing a better understanding of how these data can be used to provide constraints for the modeling work. We are also using the opportunities afforded through the DET CRC to make progress with documentation and standardization of data storage and transfer formats so that the tasks of management, discovery and delivery of this information to users are simplified and made more efficient. To provide the foundations of integration and analysis of information in a spatial context, we are utilizing and customizing 3D visualization software using a Virtual Globe application, NASA World Wind. This will permit us to view the full range of information types at global to local scales in a realistic coordinate framework. Together, these various development activities will play an important role in the on-going effort by Geoscience Australia to add value to the potential field, rock property, and geological information that we possess. We will then be better able to understand the geology of the Australian region and use this knowledge in a range of applications, including mineral and energy exploration, natural hazard mitigation, and groundwater management.
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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
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Legacy product - no abstract available