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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
During the 1953 field season geochemical prospecting techniques were employed as an additional tool in the search for ore deposits in the Northern Territory. Areas of particular interest were those at which radio-active minerals had already been discovered or at which radiometric anomalies were being investigated. The work thus included the already proved Rum Jungle field as well as the new prospects at Brodribb, Waterhouse, Edith River, and Coronation Hill. A direct chemical test for uranium in soils was not used, the discovery of the radio-active areas being left to the sensitive ratemeters now in use. The close association between copper and uranium was used to advantage as it is present at many of the uranium prospects in the Northern Territory. It is a logical step to use the geochemical techniques to locate new copper mineralization, and then to carry investigations further by attempting to locate uranium in the vicinity of the copper, particularly in areas covered by deep soils where ratemeters are of no use. A field test for cobalt, a metal often closely associated with both copper and uranium, was developed, but of the many samples tested for this element only one gave a positive test. It is possible that the cobalt, an element which is extremely mobile in the oxidized zone, has been completely leached and dispersed from the radio-active minerals.
On 28th September, 1954, West Australian Petroleum Pty. Ltd. forwarded a short length of core from a depth of about 3,880 feet in Cape Range Well No. 1. In hand specimen the rock is dark brownish grey in colour and is dense and tough. Fragments of wood and of a pelecypod shell are present. A micro-palaeontological examination of the rock yielded interesting information as to the age of the beds the well penetrated at this depth. This section of the rock and of the fragment of wood were cut, and portion of the rock was crushed in the hope of finding micro-fossils.
Report on the activities of the administrative and technical sections in the Katherine-Darwin area, to February, 1954. A brief account is given of geological and geophysical operations. The results of prospecting and field work are summarised.
Two specimens of lower Cretaceous fossils from Papua New Guinea are described in this record: (i) a Neocomian Holaster of the H. cordatus group from near Mullens Harbour, Papua; and (ii) Lamellibranchia from Wapenamanda, Western Highlands District, Territory of New Guinea.
Report on the activities of the administrative and technical sections in the Katherine-Darwin area, to March, 1954. A brief account is given of geological and geophysical operations. The results of prospecting and field work are summarised.
Report on the activities of the administrative and technical sections in the Katherine-Darwin area, to April, 1954. A brief account is given of geological and geophysical operations. The results of prospecting and field work are summarised.
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These documents have been scanned by the GA Library. Please refer to the document for contents.