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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product, no abstract available.
Legacy product - no abstract available
<p>A dome of Cretaceous and probable Permian sediments, about 2 miles across, is exposed in the southern part of the Canning Basin, at the north-western corner of the rlarri 4-mile Sheet area. <p>Two arcs of Cretaceous cuestas lie concentrically round an inner ring of hills 50 feet high, of probable Permian age, with a mound of brecciated dolomite at the centre. Sheared gypsum crops out 250 yards south-east of the dolomite. <p>Only one theory of origin appears to explain all the observed features: this is that the sediments were arched up by an intrusive plug of rock salt to form a salt dome uith a central area of cap rock. The economic implications of this theory - that rock salt, and possibly petroleum and sulphur, occur in the dome ~ can be tested by drilling only.