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This map is part of a series which comprises 50 maps which covers the whole of Australia at a scale of 1:1 000 000 (1cm on a map represents 10km on the ground). Each standard map covers an area of 6 degrees longitude by 4 degrees latitude or about 590 kilometres east to west and about 440 kilometres from north to south. These maps depict natural and constructed features including transport infrastructure (roads, railway airports), hydrography, contours, hypsometric and bathymetric layers, localities and some administrative boundaries, making this a useful general reference map.
The Cadastral dataset is the spatial representation of property boundaries and descriptions in the Barcaldine, Charters Towers, Flinders, Longreach and Winton local government areas. It is a fundamental reference layer for spatial information systems in Queensland. This is a complete extract from the Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). Updates to this cadastre in 2012 will be released on the following dates: January 15 and 29 - February 12 and 26 - March 11 and 25 - April 8 and 22 - May 6 and 20 - June 3 and 17 - July 1, 15 and 29 August 12 and 26 - September 9 and 23 - October 7 and 21 - November 4 and 18 - December 2, 16 and 30. In 2013 the 1st release date will be January 13.
Australia has a rich uranium endowment. Amongst other favourable geological conditions for the formation of uranium deposits, such as the presence of intracratonic sedimentary basins, Australia is host to widespread uranium-rich felsic igneous rocks spanning a wide range of geological time. Many known uranium deposits have an empirical spatial relationship with such rocks. While formation of some mineral systems is closely associated with the emplacement of uranium-rich felsic magmas (e.g., the super-giant Olympic Dam deposit), most other systems have resulted from subsequent low temperature processes occurring in spatial proximity to these rocks. Approximately 91% of Australia's initial in-ground resources of uranium occur in two main types of deposits: iron-oxide breccia complex deposits (~ 75%) and unconformity-related deposits (~ 16%). Other significant resources are associated with sandstone- (~ 5%) and calcrete-hosted (~ 1%) deposits. By comparison, uranium deposits associated with orthomagmatic and magmatic-hydrothermal uranium systems are rare. Given the paucity of modern exploration and the favourable geological conditions with Australia, there remains significant potential for undiscovered uranium deposits. This paper discusses mineral potential of magmatic- and basin-related uranium systems.
Map showing the whole extent of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction. Produced for the Australian Customs Service (Border Protection) with simplified legend showing 2012 confirmed CS and unconfirmed areas. Represented in LOSAMBA base products data as "simplified_maritime_jurisdiction_November2012.jpg" files. Also in directory for Border Protection - Task 661 - GeoCat73979. Also Refer to latest GeoCat 74928 (without SAR zone)
This map depicts an unofficial approximation of the putative exclusive economic zones of Australasia and Oceania on a blue imagery background made from ETOPO2 data and Blue Marble. Limits are sourced from the Global Maritime Boundaries dataset by General Dynamics (2008) Map created from map with GeoCat 68230
Speculation is increasing that Proterozoic eastern Australia and western Laurentia represent conjugate rift margins formed during breakup of the NUNA supercontinent and thus share a common history of rift-related basin formation and magmatism. In Australia, this history is preserved within three stacked superbasins formed over 200 Myr in the Mount Isa region (1800-1750 Ma Leichhardt, 1730-1670 Ma Calvert and 1670-1575 Ma Isa), elements of which extend as far east as Georgetown. The Mount Isa basins developed on crystalline basement of comparable (~1840 Ma) age to that underlying the Paleoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup and Hornby Bay Basin in NW Canada which share a similar tripartite sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentation in both regions was accompanied by magmatism at 1710 Ma, further supporting the notion of a common history. Basin formation in NW Canada and Mount Isa both concluded with contractional orogenesis at ~1600 Ma. Basins along the eastern edge of Proterozoic Australia are characterised by a major influx of sediment derived from juvenile volcanic rocks at ~1655 Ma and a significant Archean input, as indicated by Nd isotopic and detrital zircon data. A source for both these modes is currently not known in Australia although similar detrital zircon populations are documented in the Hornby Bay Basin, and in the Wernecke Supergroup, and juvenile 1660-1620 Ma volcanism occurs within Hornby Bay basin NW Canada. These new data are most consistent with a northern SWEAT-like tectonic reconstruction in a NUNA assembly thus giving an important constraint on continental reconstructions that predate Rodinia.
The use of airborne electromagnetics (AEM) for hydrogeological investigations often requires high resolution data. Optimisation of AEM data therefore requires careful consideration of AEM system suitability, calibration, validation and inversion methods. In the Broken Hill managed Aquifer Recharge (BHMAR) project, the helicopter-borne SkyTEM transient EM system was selected after forward modeling of system responses and assessment of test line data over potential targets. The survey involved acquisition of 31,834 line km of data over an area of 7,500 km2 of the River Darling Floodplain, and was acquired by two systems over a 9-week period.. Initial Fast Approximate Inversions (FAI) provided within 48 hours of acquisition were used to target 100 sonic and rotary mud holes for calibration and validation. A number of different (Laterally and Spatially Constrained) inversions of the AEM data were carried out, with refinements made as additional information on vertical and lateral constraints became available. Finally, a Wave Number Domain Approximate Inversion procedure with a 1D multi-layer model and constraints in 3D, was used to produce a 3D conductivity model. This inversion procedure only takes days to run, enabling the rapid trialing to select the most appropriate vertical and horizontal constraints. Comparison of borehole induction logs with adjacent AEM fiduciary points confirms high confidence levels in the final inversion. Using this approach has produced quantitative estimates of the 3D conductivity structure that provide a reliable platform for identifying new groundwater resources and a range of MAR options, and developing new geological and hydrogeological conceptual models. Integration of the AEM data with borehole lithology, textural, mineralogical, groundwater and pore fluid hydrochemical and borehole NMR data has enabled maps of hydrostratigraphy, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater salinity, salt store and neotectonics to be produced.
A short article describing the outcomes of the Tasman Frontier Petroleum Industry Workshop held at Geoscience Australia on 8 and 9 March 2012.
Abstract # : 1479734 Paper # : GP43B-1142 Session : GP43B Potential-field and EM methods for geologic problems of the mid and upper crust Developments for 3D gravity and magnetic modeling in spherical coordinates Richard Lane - Geoscience Australia - rjllane@gmail.com Qing Liang - China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) - qingliang.cug@gmail.com Chao Chen - China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) - chenchao@cug.edu.cn Yaoguo Li - Colorado School of Mines - ygli@mines.edu At Geoscience Australia (GA), Australia's Commonwealth Government geoscientific agency, we perform gravity and magnetic modeling at a range of scales, from broad regional crustal studies with thousands of kilometer lateral extent and tens of kilometer vertical extent, to detailed local studies with kilometer or less lateral extent and meters to hundreds of meters vertical extent. To achieve greater integration and coherence, and to better understand the geological significance of this work, we are investing in a number of development projects; * Spherical coordinate gravity and magnetic modeling, * Modeling using High Performance Computing facilities, * Utilizing rock property data as an input into the modeling and interpretation of gravity and magnetic data, * Better management of geoscience data and models, and * Visualization of spatial data in a Virtual Globe format. In collaboration with the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) and the China University of Geosciences (CUG), we are developing a capability to model gravity and magnetic data in a spherical coordinate framework. This will provide more accurate calculations and permit us to integrate the results into a single framework that more realistically reflects the shape of the Earth. Modeling gravity and magnetic data in a spherical coordinate framework is far more compute intensive than is the case when performing the corresponding calculations in a Cartesian (rectangular) coordinate framework. To reduce the time required to perform the calculations in a spherical coordinate framework, we will be deploying the modeling software on the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) High Performance Computing (HPC) facility at the Australian National University (ANU). This will also streamline the management of these software relative to the other main option of establishing and maintaining HPC facilities in-house. We are a participant in the Deep Exploration Technologies Cooperative Research Centre (DET CRC). In combination with this involvement, we are expanding our support for systematic management of rock property data, and developing a better understanding of how these data can be used to provide constraints for the modeling work. We are also using the opportunities afforded through the DET CRC to make progress with documentation and standardization of data storage and transfer formats so that the tasks of management, discovery and delivery of this information to users are simplified and made more efficient. To provide the foundations of integration and analysis of information in a spatial context, we are utilizing and customizing 3D visualization software using a Virtual Globe application, NASA World Wind. This will permit us to view the full range of information types at global to local scales in a realistic coordinate framework. Together, these various development activities will play an important role in the on-going effort by Geoscience Australia to add value to the potential field, rock property, and geological information that we possess. We will then be better able to understand the geology of the Australian region and use this knowledge in a range of applications, including mineral and energy exploration, natural hazard mitigation, and groundwater management.
Geoscience Australia and CO2CRC have constructed a greenhouse gas controlled release facility to simulate surface emissions of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) from the soil into the atmosphere under controlled conditions. The facility is located at an experimental agricultural station maintained by CSIRO Plant Industry at Ginninderra, Canberra. The design of the facility is modelled on the ZERT controlled release facility in Montana. The facility is equipped with a 2.5 tonne liquid CO2 storage vessel, vaporiser and mass flow controller unit with a capacity for 6 individual metered CO2 gas streams (up to 600 kg/d capacity in total). Injection of CO2 into the soil is via a 120m long slotted HDPE pipe installed horizontally 2m underground. This is equipped with a packer system to partition the well into six CO2 injection chambers. The site is characterised by the presence of deep red and yellow podsolic soils with the subsoil containing mainly kaolinite and subdominant illite. Injection is above the water table. The choice of well orientation based upon the effects of various factors such as topography, wind direction, soil properties and ground water depth will be discussed. An above ground release experiment was conducted from July - October 2010 leading to the development of an atmospheric tomography technique for quantifying and locating CO2 emissions1. An overview of monitoring experiments conducted during the first subsurface release (January-March 2012), including application of the atmospheric tomography technique, soil flux surveys, microbiological surveys, and tracer studies, will be presented. Additional CO2 release experiments are planned for late 2012 and 2013. Poster presented at 11th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture Utilization & Sequestration, April 30 - May 3, 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania