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This preliminary report will provide a geochemical and ionic characterisation of groundwater, to determine baseline conditions and, if possible, to distinguish between different aquifers in the Laura basin. The groundwater quality data will be compared against the water quality guidelines for aquatic ecosystem protection, drinking water use, primary industries, use by industry, recreation and aesthetics, and cultural and spiritual values to assess the environmental values of groundwater and the treatment that may be required prior to reuse or discharge.
This use of this data should be carried out with the knowledge of the contained metadata and with reference to the associated report provided by Geoscience Australia with this data (Reforming Planning Processes Trial: Rockhampton 2050). A copy of this report is available from the the Geoscience Australia website (http://www.ga.gov.au/sales) or the Geoscience Australia sales office (sales@ga.gov.au, 1800 800 173). The wind hazard outputs are a series of rasters, one for each average recurrence interval considered, presenting peak wind hazard (peak from all directions) as measure in km/h. This file presents the future climate wind hazard. The file name indicates the hazard being presented, e.g. wspd_rp_1000_max.tif is the 1000 year Return Period (RP - equivalent to Average Reccurrence Interval (ARI)) and is the maximum wind speed from all directions. The local wind multipliers adjust the 3-second gust regional RP wind speed from 10 m above ground level to ground level with the consideration of topography and shielding effects. Eight cardinal directions are calculated for every raster cell and the maximum of these values is then derived and presented here.
The second realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame (known as ICRF2) reached a floor accuracy of about 40 µas by 2009. The mean accuracy of the 295 'defining' radio source positions in the northern hemisphere is about 100 µas, whereas, for the southern hemisphere it is 3-4 times worse. This deficiency results in relatively poor estimation of geodetic and geodynamic parameters (TRF, EOP) using radiotelescopes located in the southern hemisphere (i.e. Australia, South Africa, New Zealand). To overcome this weakness of the ICRF2, we have commenced a dedicated observational program to observe a set of the ICRF2 'non-defining' and VCS (VLBA Calibrator Survey) radio sources to improve the coverage and accuracy of the celestial reference frame in the southern hemisphere, especially for the declination zone between -90° and -40°. Three new 12-meter AuScope radio telescopes involved in this project are complimented by the 64-meter radio telescope at Parkes (operated by Australian Telescope National Facility (ATNF)), the 12-meter radio telescope in New Zealand (Warkworth) and two radio telescopes in South Africa (HartRAO 15- and 26-meter facilities). There are 30 astrometric sessions planned during 2013-2014 (funded by AuScope).
Exploration in unconventional hydrocarbons has transformed the petroleum industry in Australia. It has seen the growth of the fledgling Coal Seam Gas (CSG) industry into a major supplier for the eastern energy market, and an exploration boom in shale and tight gas in Australia's onshore basins. The first successful flow from a shale gas well in the Cooper Basin in 2011 has been followed by the first shale gas production from the basin in 2012, and a series of discoveries in other sedimentary basins across Australia. Although much of the activity has been in basins with proven potential for conventional hydrocarbons and coal, unconventional hydrocarbon exploration is increasingly targeting frontier basins. As part of an unconventional prospectivity assessment of Australia's onshore basins, new geological studies have commenced in the Georgina Basin including, new biostratigraphic work, geochemical sampling and analysis and a GIS project. These new data will contribute to a formal unconventional resource assessment.
This use of this data should be carried out with the knowledge of the contained metadata and with reference to the associated report provided by Geoscience Australia with this data (Reforming Planning Processes Trial: Rockhampton 2050). A copy of this report is available from the the Geoscience Australia website (http://www.ga.gov.au/sales) or the Geoscience Australia sales office (sales@ga.gov.au, 1800 800 173). This file presents the future climate coastal erosion hazard as polygon areas.
This dataset shows locations of onshore refraction shot points. It is generated from a database containing coordinates of all onshore seismic traverses recorded since 1964.
This use of this data should be carried out with the knowledge of the contained metadata and with reference to the associated report provided by Geoscience Australia with this data (Reforming Planning Processes Trial: Rockhampton 2050). A copy of this report is available from the the Geoscience Australia website (http://www.ga.gov.au/sales) or the Geoscience Australia sales office (sales@ga.gov.au, 1800 800 173). The wind hazard outputs are a series of rasters, one for each average recurrence interval considered, presenting peak wind hazard (peak from all directions) as measured in km/h.
The paper presents the application of the European Macroseismic Scale - 1998 (EMS-98) in assessing vulnerability of the building stock in the Asia-Pacific region. Two case study areas have been selected for the purpose, i.e., Muzaffarabad (Pakistan) and Padang (Indonesia) which experienced severe earthquake shaking in 2005 and 2009 respectively. Typical building types in these areas are defined and compared to the standard construction types of the EMS-98. The inventory of 750 buildings in Muzaffarabad was obtained from a field survey carried out after the 2005 Kashmir earthquake that struck the city and its hinterland, and subsequently updated in 2007 after conducting more surveys. The surveys documented the key building features so that the primary parameters affecting vulnerability and typical failure mechanisms could be identified. Additionally, about 520 buildings were surveyed in several other cities of Pakistan. The inventory of 4,000 buildings in Padang was acquired from the 2009 Padang Region Damage Survey undertaken following the 2009 West Sumatra Earthquake which was supported by the Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction. During the survey, the building stock in Padang was classified into a schema consisting of 54 types and observed damages were categorised into 9 severities. An effort was made to map the building stock and observed damages from the survey outcomes to EMS-98 definitions. This paper highlights the flexibility and robustness that EMS-98 offers for use outside of the European region and describes the limitations and possible improvements in the current version of the scale for global application. These include the addition of new building types (e.g., dhajji, high-set timber construction, low-set timber construction and brick veneer), inclusion of a very high vulnerability class, consideration of building vintage and storey class in vulnerability assignment and damage description for wooden structures. Treatment of subjectivity and uncertainty are the key areas requiring more attention in making improvements in EMS-98 and making it a global scale.
Geoscience Australia has recently completed the Bonaparte CO2 Storage Project, a regional assessment of the CO2 storage potential of the Petrel Sub-basin. In 2009, two greenhouse gas assessment areas were released, PTRL-01 and PTRL-02, under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act (2006). Both are proximal to the developing LNG market in Darwin, as well as a number of hydrocarbon accumulations in the Bonaparte Basin. These permits define the area of interest for the project. Â A key component of the project was geological modelling to test CO2 injection scenarios. Initial 3D seismic horizon surfaces were generated to create a 'simple' geological model. A 'complex' geological model was then built by integrating a structure model, which was depth converted. Subsequently, the model was populated with reservoir properties such as V(shale), porosity and permeability. Palaeogeography maps were generated for all pertinent stratigraphic units and were used to populate the model where well control was lacking. Â Using Permedia- modelling software, CO2 migration simulations with randomly located injection wells were run on a high resolution model to study the migration pathways, major accumulations and the effects of vertical anisotropy. Smaller areas of interest were then identified to reduce the size of the model and allow fluid flow reservoir simulations study using CMG-GEM'. The simulation study estimated the practical injectivity, storage volume, reservoir pressure during and after CO2 injection.
This metadata entry is for the following shape files, found in the 'exploration' directory on the CDROM: wells.shp: Reference system for petroleum exploration and development wells drilled in Australia. Taken from the AGSO database called 'PEDIN". samples.shp This is general point locations for where seabed samples have been collected over the years by AGSO. Each sample has been collected by AGSO Rig Seismic Surveys.