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  • Multibeam swath bathymetric data collected in 95-120 m water depth on Australia's North West Shelf revealed two distinct populations of sand waves: a laterally extensive low amplitude composite form comprising superimposed dunes and ripples, and a laterally restricted form that is anomalous in that the sand waves have unusually high height-slope-length relationships. These large subaqueous sand waves comprise bioclastic ooid/peloid sand. Significantly, evidence of seabed fluid flow was detected in association with the high amplitude sand waves. This evidence includes seabed pockmarks approximately 2-15 m in diameter imaged with side-scan sonar, tubular and massive carbonate concretions dredged from the seabed, and potential active venting of a fluid plume from the seabed observed during an underwater camera tow. Molecular and isotopic analysis of carbonate concretions collected from within pockmarks associated with the high amplitude sand waves indicate that the seeping fluids are modern seawater and not related to thermogenic fluids or microbial gases. The fluid flow is interpreted to be driven by currents flowing over seabed topography and leading to the expulsion of interstitial pore waters. Sites of fluid flow are thought to be preferentially focused due to the relatively steep slopes of the sand waves, the high permeabilities of the very well sorted, coarse oolitic sand, the relative stability of the bedforms, and the confining and focussing influence of subsurface mounds. This study represents the first time that this process has been inferred in a mid-shelf setting, and causally linked to seabed fluid expulsion features.

  • A visually and conceptually helpful method for understanding a region's geodynamic evolution is a time-space-event chart. A new chart focussed on the time span of 2800 Ma to 2600 Ma has been constructed for the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane (EGST). This was a key period in the Neo-Archaean evolution of the Earth; when extensive crustal growth, cratonisation and mineralisation occurred. The new time-space-event incorporates geochronology, geochemistry, isotopic data, greenstone and magmatic stratigraphy, deep seismic profiles, 3D models and structural mapping/analysis. Immediately obvious from this chart is the temporally coupled relationship between the main elements of deformation/structure, greenstone volcanism and sedimentation, and felsic magmatism. That is, a change in one of these elements is marked by a change in all other elements. Similar patterns occur in the Pilbara, Superior, and Birrimian. The record from pre-2720 Ma is sparse and most supracrustal assemblages involved mafic and ultramafic volcanism and minor BIF. Andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks predominate between 2720 Ma and 2705 Ma, after which the mafic-ultramafic lavas and intrusive rocks form a volumetrically significant component of the greenstone stratigraphy. Volcanism changed to more felsic types, and by 2670-2665 Ma (epi)clastic rocktypes dominated. The record of felsic magmatism was limited prior to 2700 Ma, but increased from ~2680, and peaked at 2670 Ma for the High-Ca type granites (TTG). Extension was dominant in this early period (D1), with the orogen likely facing ENE and establishing the NNW-trending architecture preserved today. Granite domes initiated at this stage. Volcanism shut off at 2665 Ma with the onset of the first regional contraction, the short lived D2 event which accreted the terranes of the region. From 2665 Ma to ~2657 Ma greenstone stratigraphy changed to Late Basin sedimentation, with unroofing and deep exhumation into the granitic substrate during a major extensional (D3) event that involved doming and core-complex formation. An equally dramatic change is recorded in the felsic magmatism, with a change to Mafic-type granite and Syenite marking the introduction of melts from a metasomatised mantle wedge (and gold!). Extension was at first controlled by rising granite domes (partly radial extension), and evolved into ENE-directed regional extension. This extensional event had a profound influence on the architecture of the region, and it forms many of the "events" that are imaged by the deep seismic reflection profiling. By ~2655 Ma the Late Basins were inverted by ENE-oriented shortening (D4a) and was followed by sinistral transpressional strike-slip (D4b) shearing as the stratigraphy and some granite-greenstone contacts rotated to the vertical. The sinistral shear likely involved a rotation in the regional 1 to south of E-W. These sinistral faults linked with NNW-directed thrusts (previously ascribed D1), both being mineralised with significant gold. Felsic magmatism changed after 2655 Ma with the introduction of extensive crustal melts (Low-Ca granites). These granites were accompanied by a change from sinistral to dextral (D5) transtensional strike-slip faulting, and a rotation of 1 by 60º to NE-SW. Further gold accompanied this event (or was remobilised from earlier events). The last significant event was the collapse of the regional with D6 normal faults and flat-lying crenulations and folds. Further work will integrate the changing PT conditions and fluids/alteration through time. As direct dating of deposits become available these will be added.

  • Map 2 - Produced for the Australian Government Solicitor in August 2007 showing the Torres Strait Regional Claim (Q6040 of 2001) and the territorial sea as proclaimed under the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 that was updated in 1983 with the adoption of straight baselines. For confidental/internal use by AGS and not for general release.

  • Estimating the shear wave velocity structure of the subsurface from ambient vibration recordings in a passive seismic method requires inverse modelling of a dispersion curve. This can be estimated via frequency-wavenumber analysis of time series data obtained from a seismic array. Precise estimation of the frequency and wavenumber of a signal embedded in random noise is essential to generate a high quality dispersion curve. I propose a new method in which a sparse signal is recovered from a limited number of measurements through a blind source separation technique. I then utilise a technique for high resolution estimation of frequency and wavenumber, which are subsequently used in computing a dispersion curve.

  • In this paper we develop a case study for the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie region, Australia, to explore the use of multiple attenuation models via a logic tree approach. In particular, we demonstrate how two different logic tree techniques lead to differences in probabilistic hazard, scenario damage and probabilistic risk.

  • Close up map of Submarine Cables and southern protection zone around Clovelly / Tamarama, Sydney. Similiar to a map produced in June 2006 (GeoCat 64812) with small updates. For internal use by ACMA

  • Map produced for the Australian Media and Communication Authority showing the latest positions for submarine cables and latest revision of the extents of the simplified, filled in protection zones off Sydney, NSW,April 2007. Developed from an earlier map produced in March 2006, Geocat 64114. For internal use by ACMA.

  • Product Specifications Coverage: Partial coverage, predominantly in northern Australia, along major transport routes, and other selected areas. About 1000 maps have been published to date. Currency: Ranges from 1968 to 2006. Coordinates: Geographical and UTM. Datum: AGD66, new edition WGS84; AHD. Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator UTM. Medium: Paper, flat copies only.

  • This dataset attempts to reflect the boundaries of claimant applications for Native Title as per the Register of Native Title Claims (s185, Native Title Act; Commonwealth). This is a national dataset but data is stored by jurisdiction (State), for ease of use. Applications stored for each jurisdiction dataset include applications which overlap into adjoining jurisdictions as well as applications which overlap with these. This dataset depicts the spatial record of registered claimant applications. Aspatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Federal Court number, application status and the names of both the NNTT Case Manager and Lead Member assigned to the application. Applicants of registered applications have the Right To Negotiate (RTN) with respect to certain types of Future Acts over the area being claimed. Whilst applications that are determined are recorded on a separate register, all registered applications remain on the Register of Native Title Claims until otherwise finalised.

  • At this scale 1cm on the map represents 1km on the ground. Each map covers a minimum area of 0.5 degrees longitude by 0.5 degrees latitude or about 54 kilometres by 54 kilometres. The contour interval is 20 metres. Many maps are supplemented by hill shading. These maps contain natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries. Product Specifications Coverage: Australia is covered by more than 3000 x 1:100 000 scale maps, of which 1600 have been published as printed maps. Unpublished maps are available as compilations. Currency: Ranges from 1961 to 2009. Average 1997. Coordinates: Geographical and either AMG or MGA coordinates. Datum: AGD66, GDA94; AHD Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator UTM. Medium: Printed maps: Paper, flat and folded copies. Compilations: Paper or film, flat copies only.