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This map shows the area of the Portland Area Trawl Closure within the Commonwealth Trawl Sector (also known as the South East Trawl Fishery (SETF)) of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. Developed as per the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Closures) Direction 2008 - Schedule 23. Produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Not for public sale or distribution by GA.
Geoscience Australia`s wall map of Australia is ideal for displays and feature walls in offices, classrooms and conference rooms. The four component sheets - North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West are available individually, flat or folded, with each map 103cm x 88cm. The fully assembled size is 2m x 1.7m. At this scale 1cm on the map represents 25km on the ground. This map can be purchased from Geoscience Australia`s Sales Centre or your nearest topographic map retailer. Digital data at this scale, suitable for use in a GIS, is also available for free download. Product Specifications Coverage: Complete coverage of Australia Currency: Last revised 1998 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD Projection: Simple Conic on two standard parallels (18S and 36S) Medium: Paper, flat and folded copies Forward Program: Will be revised upon completion of small-scale product data revision
Geoscience Australia`s wall map of Australia is ideal for displays and feature walls in offices, classrooms and conference rooms. The four component sheets - North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West are available individually, flat or folded, with each map 103cm x 88cm. The fully assembled size is 2m x 1.7m. At this scale 1 cm on the map represents 25km on the ground. This map can be purchased from Geoscience Australia`s Sales Centre or your nearest topographic map retailer. Digital data at this scale, suitable for use in a GIS, is also available for free download. Product Specifications Coverage: Complete coverage of Australia Currency: Last revised 1998 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD Projection: Simple Conic on two standard parallels (18S and 36S) Medium: Paper, flat and folded copies Forward Program: Will be revised upon completion of small-scale product data revision
Geoscience Australia`s wall map of Australia is ideal for displays and feature walls in offices, classrooms and conference rooms. The four component sheets - North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West are available individually, flat or folded, with each map 103cm x 88cm. The fully assembled size is 2m x 1.7m. At this scale 1 cm on the map represents 25km on the ground. This map can be purchased from Geoscience Australia`s Sales Centre or your nearest topographic map retailer. Digital data at this scale, suitable for use in a GIS, is also available for free download. Product Specifications Coverage: Complete coverage of Australia Currency: Last revised 1998 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD Projection: Simple Conic on two standard parallels (18S and 36S) Medium: Paper, flat and folded copies Forward Program: Will be revised upon completion of small-scale product data revision
Geoscience Australia`s wall map of Australia is ideal for displays and feature walls in offices, classrooms and conference rooms. The four component sheets - North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West are available individually, flat or folded, with each map 103cm x 88cm. The fully assembled size is 2m x 1.7m. At this scale 1cm on the map represents 25km on the ground. This map can be purchased from Geoscience Australia`s Sales Centre or your nearest topographic map retailer. Digital data at this scale, suitable for use in a GIS, is also available for free download. Product Specifications Coverage: Complete coverage of Australia Currency: Last revised 1998 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD Projection: Simple Conic on two standard parallels (18S and 36S) Medium: Paper, flat and folded copies Forward Program: Will be revised upon completion of small-scale product data revision
This map shows the area of the Bass Strait Trawl Closure within the Commonwealth Trawl Sector (also known as the South East Trawl Fishery (SETF)) of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. Modified from GeoCat 68491 (2008) as per the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Closures) Direction No .1 2009 - Schedule 4. Produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Not for public sale or distribution by GA.
No abstract available
GEODATA TOPO 2.5M 2003 is a national seamless data product aimed at regional or national applications. It is a vector representation of the Australian landscape as represented on the Geoscience Australia 2.5 million general refererence map and is suitable for GIS applications. The product consists of the following layers: built-up areas; contours; drainage; framework; localities; offshore; rail transport; road transport; sand ridges; Spot heights; and waterbodies. It is a vector representation of the Australian landscape as represented on the Geoscience Australia 1:2.5 million scale general reference maps. This data superscedes the TOPO 2.5M 1998 product through the following characteristics: <li>developed according to GEODATA specifications <li>derived from GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 2 data where available. Product Specifications Themes: GEODATA TOPO 2.5M 2003 consists of eleven layers: built-up areas; contours; drainage; framework; localities; offshore; rail transport; road transport; sand ridges; spot heights; and waterbodies Coverage: Australia Currency: 2003 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: GDA94, AHD Format: ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif Medium: Free online - Available in ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif
This dataset is derived from the 1:2,500,000 scale geology of Australia (1976).The surficial cover theme was derived from stipple patterns on the original published maps, overprinting the bedrock geology polygons. It has polygon topology with attribution giving a description and a numerical code for each map unit. Map units represent 5 superficial Cainozoic units and exposed bedrock. The data was originally captured by AGSO and passed to NRIC (now ARDC) for translating, cleaning and final editing. ARDC acknowledges the following organisations for their contributions to the preparation of this dataset: Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (project initiation and financial support) This digital dataset was released in 1999 by ARDC, BRS.
A legacy of over 500 paper maps records geological lineament analysis of Australia conducted by the late Tim O'Driscoll in Western Mining Corporation Exploration Division during the 1960s to 1980s. The lineament interpretations were used to target mineral exploration, famously including the analysis that led to the discovery of the Olympic Dam deposit in South Australia. Papers discussing the lineament approach are collected in Bourne & Twidale (2007). Lineaments were interpreted from a range of data available at the time, including magnetic and gravity maps, topography, standard geological maps, and 'chicken track'interpretation of aerial photographs and early satellite images. This product comprises high quality digital scans of 130 of the original paper maps, rectified and georeferenced for use in GIS software. Geoscience Australia reproduces these maps and makes them available publicly for their historic and scientific interest. The paper originals are held in the Geoscience Australia library.