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Large atmospheric acoustic sources such as: volcanic eruptions, bolides (terminating meteorite explosions), the ocean surface, chemical and nuclear detonations generate copious quantities of infrasound (low frequency sound) that can propagate several thousand kilometres. Using the appropriate recording equipment, infrasound from various sources can be detected and used to infer certain knowledge about the source mechanism or atmosphere through which it travelled. Each year an Infrasound Technology Workshop is organised to provide researchers from various international institutions the opportunity to meet with colleagues and present current research results in an informal setting. The Infrasound Technology Workshop 2004 was hosted by Geoscience Australia in Hobart, Tasmania from 29 November to 3 December 2004. The Workshop was organised in cooperation with the Provisional Technical Secretariat of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) in Vienna. Listed below is the complete list of abstracts submitted to the general infrasound session in author's surname order. 28 abstracts were submitted for this workshop. A special Volcano Infrasound session was held at the Workshop, see Geocat #69616 to view abstracts.
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Legacy product - no abstract available
On the 12th July the writer was informed by signal originated by the A.D.O. Baluan Island, that explosive activity had recommenced at the St. Andrew Strait vents. The writer departed Rabaul by air from Momote on the 14th July and arrived at Baluan per Administration work boat on the evening of the 15th July. En route to Momote on the evening of the 14th a brief aerial inspection was made of the active area. Two small craters were visible above sea level and some minor explosions originated from the western crater during this inspection. The writer spent one week in the area and departed Baluan on the 21st July. During this period, as no further explosive activity was manifest, two ground inspections were made of the western crater. The day after the writer departed Baluan mild activity (mainly effusive) recommenced at the eastern crater. The name Tuluman (Tuluman being the word for hot in the Manus language) has been proposed for this new volcano. The name embraces the whole of the structure, that is, the two small cones above sea level as well as the submarine portion of the structure. The two small structures above sea level are referred to as east and west Tuluman craters respectively.
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The abstracts presented in this volume are of papers to be delivered at the 1993 IAVCEI General Assembly, held on the campus of the Australiana National University, Canberra, from 25 Septebber to 1 October. They cover a wide range of topics within the general field of volcanology and chemistry of the Earth's interior, and are programmed into fifteen separate Symposia. About tho-thirds of the papers are for presentation as poster displays. The remainder are oral presentations to be given in three concurrent streams.
Four days were spent in the area, observations being severely limited, firstly by lack of knowledge, on the part of the observer, of overall topography such as could be obtained from aerial photos or viewing the area from an aircraft and secondly by the dense fog which covered the area for the greater portion of the time spent there. Captain Fox of Q.E.A. had previously informed me that during the aerial inspection made by Mr. G.A. Taylor, three areas of "burnt" ground had been observed. Mr. Jones during his stay in the area had located two of those and in addition, two more minor areas. During my stay in the area those fumarolic areas were inspected and in addition, the third area located and inspected. The three major areas shall be referred to as the lower, middle and upper fumarolic areas.
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