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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Mr. P.F. Nelligan, a surveyor from the Department of Lands and Survey, Perth and J.N. Casey from this Bureau, combined to produce a land classification map of the north-east part of the Canning Basin - an area covered largely by sand and dunes, interspersed with isolated rock outcrops, claypans and salt lakes. The classification was plotted on 1 mile to 1 inch photo-indices prepared by National Mapping, Canberra, and the information was transferred to a 10 mile to 1 inch Land and Survey Dept. map by the drawing section of the L. and s. Dept. The controlled compilation of this section of the Canning Basin from aerial photographs has not been completed therefore the land classification map is not accurate, but serves to show the relative distribution of the various land units. Many features in the desert have been named by the surveyors and geological parties which operated in this area during 1955. Most of these features are plotted on the accompanying map, and their description is given in this record. All such names have been approved by the Nomenclature Committee, Lands and Survey, Perth.
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Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available