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  • The National Major Dam Walls dataset presents the spatial locations; in point and polygon format, of all known major dam walls within Australia.

  • This point dataset contains the Australian Coastal Maritime Navigation Aids including 'traditional-type' lighthouses and the newer solar powered automated lights.

  • An examination was made of a proposed dam site at Geehi in April, 1947. The report comprises notes on access, general geology, evidence gathered from aerial photography, and the suitability of the site. Three accompanying plans, and a petrographic report on rocks collected from the vicinity, are appended to this report.

  • On May 3rd, and again on June 1st, the author visited the Cotter dam to investigate a reported loss of water from the fault on the northern side of the wall. This report gives an account of these visits, together with the author's observations and conclusions in relation to the reported water loss.

  • The principal alternative sites for an administrative centre which have been considered or suggested are discussed from the points of view with which a geologist and vulcanologist is primarily concerned - namely vulnerability to volcanic action, earthquakes, and tidal waves, foundations, water supply and accessibility of material suitable for road resurfacing, aggregate, etc. The areas considered are Rabaul, Nonga-Tavui, Keravat-Kabaira, Vunakanau-Taliligap, and Koko-Rapopo.

  • This report concerns a geological reconnaissance made of a portion of the Kosciusko area and the preliminary geological plan compiled from air photographs and field observations. General geology, engineering geology, water problems, and proposed works for the hydro-electric scheme are discussed in the report. Three geological plans are included.

  • It was requested that the Branch examine the Naronga site with a view to determining whether it was suitable from a geological point of view for the construction of a flood control dam. The area was visited and mapped in March, 1946. The topography, geology, possible site and capacity of a retaining wall are discussed in this report. Three plates showing the area and sections accompany this report.

  • In response to the proposal for a new administrative building to be erected, 1/4 mile east of Parliament House, nine test pits were put down by the Department of the Interior for the purpose of examining the sub-surface conditions. Four of the pits were used for engineering tests of the bearing power of the rock foundations. The geology of the site is discussed in this report.

  • An investigation into the possibility of providing additional water supplies to the township of Tennant Creek was carried out by the Department of Works and Housing. A request was made to the Bureau in March, 1947, to carry out a geological examination of possible dam sites in the Tennant Creek area. A preliminary inspection of two possible sites was made on 5th June, and a detailed plane table survey of both sites was carried out on 6th and 7th July, 1947. The location, access, topography, general geology, engineering geology, and recommendations for future investigation and work are discussed in this report.

  • A site for a National Park Reserve is proposed at the head of the Tidbinbilla River, and a Zoological Park is planned, within the city limits, between Yarralumla Nursery and the Molonglo River. The Department of the Interior has requested geological information on these sites with special reference to supply of building stone. The geology of the proposed sites is described in this report. Possible sources of building stone in the vicinity of these sites are considered.