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  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • To study the seafloor morpholofy on the George V land shelf, East Antarctica, over 2000 kilometres of high-frequency echo-sounder data were collected between February and March 2000. The acoustic facies are explained in terms of glacial and oceanographic influences on the shelf since the Last Glacial Maximum.

  • During the late Neogene, the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf drainage system flowed across Prydz Bay and showed several changes in flow pattern. In the Early Pliocene, the Lambert Glacier ice stream reached the shelf edge and built a trough mouth fan on the upper continental slope. This was associated with an increase in ice discharge from the Princess Elizabeth Land coast into Prydz Bay. The trough mouth fan consists mostly of debris flow deposits derived from the melting out of subglacial debris at the grounding line at the continental shelf edge. The composition of debris changes at around 1.1 Ma BP from material derived from erosion of the Lambert Graben and Prydz Bay Basin to mostly basement derived material. This probably results from a reduction in the depth of erosion and hence the volume of ice in the system. In the trough mouth fan, debris flow intervals are separated by thin mudstone horizons deposited when the ice had retreated from the shelf edge. Age control in an Ocean Drilling Program hole indicates that most of the trough mouth fan was deposited prior to the Brunhes Matuyama Boundary (780 ka BP). This stratigraphy indicates that extreme ice advances in Prydz Bay were rare after the mid Pleistocene, and that ice discharge from Princess Elizabeth Land became more dominant than the Lambert Glacier ice in shelf grounding episodes, since the mid Pleistocene. Mechanisms that might have produced this change are extreme inner shelf erosion and/or decreasing ice accumulation in the interior of East Antarctica. We interpret this pattern as reflecting the increasing elevation of coastal ice through time and the increasing continentality of the interior of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The mid Pleistocene change to 100 ka climatic and sea level cycles may also have affected the critical relationship between ice dynamics and the symmetry or asymmetry of the interglacial/glacial climate cycle duration.

  • Multichannel seismic data collected off Wilkes Land (East Antarctica) reveal four main units that represent distinct phases in the evolution of the Cenozoic depositional environment. A Cretaceous synrift succession is overlain by hemipelagic and distal terrigenous sequences deposited during Phase 1. Sediment ridges and debris-flow deposits mark the transition to Phase 2. Unit 3 records the maximum sediment input from the continent and is characterized by the predominance of turbidite deposits. During Phase 4 the sediment supply from the continental margin was reduced, and draping and filling were the dominant processes on the continental rise. Unit 4 also contains the deposits of sediment wave fields and asymmetric channel-levee systems. These four units are a response to the Cenozoic evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. During Phase 1, small ice caps were formed in the innermost continental areas. The ice volume increased under temperate glacial regimes during Phases 2 and 3, when large volumes of melt-water production led to high sediment discharge to the continental rise. Change to a polar regime occurred through Phase 4, when a thick prograding wedge developed on the continental shelf and slope and the sediment transport to the rise diminished, producing general starvation conditions.

  • This abstract describes the results of integrated potential firld modelling and deep-seismic interpretation from the Enderby Land and Wilkes Land margins of East Antarctica. The interpretation is based on data acquired under the Australian Antarctic and Southern Ocean Profiling Project.

  • This abstract describes the pre-breakup structures and history of the conjugate margins of southwest Australia (Naturaliste Plateau) and East Antarctica (Bruce Rise) and the subsequent formation of oceanic crust.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available