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  • <div>The Abbot Point to Hydrographers Passage bathymetry survey was acquired for the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) onboard the RV Escape during the period 6 Oct 2020 – 16 Mar 2021. This was a contracted survey conducted for the Australian Hydrographic Office by iXblue Pty Ltd as part of the Hydroscheme Industry Partnership Program. The survey area encompases a section of Two-Way Route from Abbot Point through Hydrographers Passage QLD. Bathymetry data was acquired using a Kongsberg EM 2040, and processed using QPS QINSy. The dataset was then exported as a 30m resolution, 32 bit floating point GeoTIFF grid of the survey area.</div><div>This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.</div>

  • The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.

  • Adelaide LiDAR 2008 data was flown by AAMHatch between 13th to 19th September 2008 as part of the Urban Digital Elevation Modelling in High Priority Areas Project funded by the Federal Department of Climate Change. Several data gaps existed in the intital survey due to operational instrumentation errors and a subsequent refly was conducted on 5th January 2009 to complete the dataset. The data was captured with point density of 0.8m point per square metre and overall vertical accuracy has been confirmed at <15cm (68% confidence level). The data are available as mass point files (LAS) comprising ground, thinned ground and non ground points in 2km tiles. A hydrologically conditioned and drainage enforced 2m DEM or HDEM has also been developed in 2010 as part of the Urban DEM project managed by the CRC for Spatial Information and Geoscience Australia. The HDEM was produced by SKM using the ANUDEM program. The HDEM ensures that primary stream/channel flow, and water flow across the land surface are accurately represented. The hydrologically enforced elevation model should be used for any water modelling. Adelaide Hydrological Enforced DEM(HDEM) 2008

  • The coverage of this dataset is over the WestNarranLake region . The C3 LAS data set contains point data in LAS 1.2 format sourced from a LiDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) from an ALS50 ( Airborne Laser Scanner ) sensor . The processed data has been manually edited to achieve LPI classification level 3 whereby the ground class contains minimal non-ground points such as vegetation, water , bridges , temporary features , jetties etc . Purpose: To provide fit-for-purpose elevation data for use in applications related to coastal vulnerability assessment, natural resource management ( especially water and forests) , transportation and urban planning . Additional lineage information: This data has an accuracy of 0.3m ( 95 CI ) vertical and 0.8m ( 95 CI ) horizontal with a minimum point density of one laser pulse per square metre . For more information on the datas accuracy, refer to the lineage provided in the data history .

  • <p>The AusAEM Year 1 NT/QLD Airborne Electromagnetic Survey covers the Newcastle Waters and Alice Springs 1:1 Million map sheets in the Northern Territory and the Normanton and Cloncurry 1:1 Million map sheets in Queensland. CGG Aviation (Australia) Pty. Ltd. flew the 67,700-line kilometre survey between 2017 and 2018 using the TEMPEST® airborne electromagnetic system. Flown at 20-kilometre line spacing, data were acquired and processed under contract to Geoscience Australia. <p>This data package supersedes and replaces two earlier releases: June 11, 2018, and December 2018 (eCatID 120948) with revised calibrations and processing. Along with the regionally spaced (20 km) flight lines, it now includes 1,500 line kilometres of infill flying that was funded by private exploration companies and not previously released in view of time-bounded confidentiality agreements. The survey was commissioned by Geoscience Australia as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program. The EFTF program is led by Geoscience Australia (GA), in collaboration with the Geological Surveys of the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia, and is investigating the potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources in northern Australia and South Australia. The EFTF is a four-year $100.5 million investment by the Australian Government in driving the next generation of resource discoveries in northern Australia, boosting economic development across this region. This Data Release (Phase 1) Package contains the final survey deliverables produced by the contractor CGG, including: <p>a) The operations and processing report. <p>b) Final processed electromagnetic, magnetic and elevation point located line data. <p>c) Final processed electromagnetic, magnetic and elevation grids. <p>d) Conductivity estimates generated by the EM Flow® conductivity depth-imaging algorithm. <p>e) Graphical multi-plots of line data and EM Flow® conductivity sections. <p>f) Graphical stacked EM Flow® conductivity sections. <p>g) ESRI shape-files containing the flight line locations. <p>An updated release package (Phase 2), which contains results from our in-house inversion of the EM data (from this Phase 1 release), which includes the regional and infill areas are downloadable from the link provided in the Downloads tab.

  • These datasets cover approximately 3360 sq km of coastal areas of Northern and South-eastern Tasmania. The project covered three areas: - Greater Hobart 1283 square km - Huon Valley 460 square km - Launceston, Burnie, Devonport 1612 square km This project, undertaken by RPS Mapping on behalf of Geoscience Australia produced accurate LiDAR and derived products to ICSM specifications and medium format digital ortho-photo mosaics.

  • AusAEM (WA) 2020-21, Eastern Goldfields & East Yilgarn Airborne Electromagnetic Survey The accompanying data package, titled “AusAEM (WA) 2020-21, Eastern Goldfields & East Yilgarn Airborne Electromagnetic Survey Blocks: TEMPEST® airborne electromagnetic data and GALEI conductivity estimates”, was released on 4 February 2021 by Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Geological Survey of Western Australia. The data represents the first phase of the AusAEM2020 (WA) survey flown with a fixed-wing aircraft by CGG Aviation (Australia) Pty. Ltd. under contract to Geoscience Australia, using the TEMPEST® airborne electromagnetic system. The survey was flown at a 20-kilometre nominal line spacing over the most eastern part of the state and down to the southern coast of Western Australia. The total area encompasses close to 32,680 line kilometres of newly acquired airborne electromagnetic geophysical data. CGG also processed the data. This package contains 18,482 line kilometres of the survey data, which have been quality-controlled, processed and inverted. The East Yilgarn Block entailed approximately 12,590 line kilometres and the Eastern Goldfields 5,892 line kilometres. The remaining data will be released as a separate package. Geoscience Australia and Western Australia (Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety) commissioned the AusAEM 2020 survey as part of the national airborne electromagnetic acquisition program, to complete 20km line separation AEM coverage over WA. The program is designed to deliver freely available pre-competitive geophysical data to assist in the investigation and discovery of potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources within Australia. Funding for the survey came from the Western Australian government’s Exploration Incentive Scheme. GA managed the survey data acquisition, processing, contracts, quality control of the survey and generated the inversion products included in the data package. The data release package contains 1. A data release package summary PDF document. 2. The survey logistics and processing report and TEMPEST® system specification files 3. ESRI shapefiles for the regional and infill flight lines 4. Final processed point located line data in ASEG-GDF2 format 5. Conductivity estimates generated by CGG’s EMFlow conductivity-depth transform -point located line data output from the inversion in ASEG-GDF2 format -graphical (PDF) multiplot conductivity sections and profiles for each flight line -Grids generated from CGG's inversion conductivity-depth transform in ER Mapper® format (layer conductivities) 6. Conductivity estimates generated by Geoscience Australia's inversion -point located line data output from the inversion in ASEG-GDF2 format -graphical (PDF) multiplot conductivity sections and profiles for each flight line -georeferenced (PNG) conductivity sections (suitable for pseudo-3D display in a 2D GIS) -GoCAD™ S-Grid 3D objects (suitable for various 3D packages)

  • These data represent the OZCHRON database of physical age determinations of Australian rocks, and the radiogenic isotope ratios used in determining the ages. OZCHRON datasets comprise bibliographic references, analytical data and pooled results for samples derived using the Rb-Sr, SHRIMP, U-Pb, and Sm-Nd age determination methods.

  • North Adelaide Lidar

  • The Macquarie Barwon LiDAR survey provides elevation and photographic data over approximately 17,326 km² along the Macquarie and Barwon Rivers, north-west of Dubbo NSW. The LiDAR was captured between November 2013 and May 2014, at a nominal density of two outgoing laser pulses per square metre. Photography was captured simultaneously and provided as an ortho-rectified mosaic with a resolution of 20cm. The LiDAR was delivered in a full waveform format that retains a higher level of precision and significantly more above ground information than traditional LiDAR. A set of seamless products, including hydro-flattened bare earth terrain surfaces (DEMs), were produced to the ICSM specification. Other derived surfaces include a Digital Surface Model (DSM), Canopy Height Model (CHM) and Foliage Canopy Model (FCM). The outputs of the project are compliant with National ICSM LiDAR Product Specifications and the NEDF.