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  • 1993 release of Australian Proterozoic geochronology data from AGSO's OZCHRON database. Includes Rb_Sr, U-Pb conventional and SHRIMP ion probe U-Pb ages.

  • Dataset containing biostratigraphic data from wells in the Oway Basin.

  • The Broken Hill Region OZCHEM database subset is comprised of 567 wholerock analyses derived from AGSO field work and the literature. AGSO's complete OZCHEM database contains approximately 50000 analyses, mainly from Australia but some are also from Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Approximately 32000 analyses of Australian rocks of all ages and some New Zealand Tertiary volcanics are available for sale. The location is stored with each analysis along with geological descriptions, including the host stratigraphic unit and lithology. Most samples have been collected by AGSO field parties.OZCHEM is stored in an ORACLE relational database and is available in Oracle export, comma-delimited relational ASCII, and Microsoft Access formats.

  • The Western Australian Proterozoic OZCHEM database subset is comprised of 1603 wholerock analyses derived from AGSO field work and the literature. Data are from Albany-Fraser, Ashburton Basin, Birrindudu Basin, Gascoyne Block, Granites-Tanami, Halls Creek, Kimberley Basin, Leeuwin Block, Northampton Block and Paterson Province. AGSO's complete OZCHEM database contains approximately 50000 analyses, mainly from Australia but some are also from Papua New Guinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. Approximately 32000 analyses of Australian rocks of all ages and some New Zealand Tertiary volcanics are available for sale. The location is stored with each analysis along with geological descriptions, including the host stratigraphic unit and lithology. Most samples have been collected by AGSO field parties.OZCHEM is stored in an ORACLE relational database and is available in Oracle export, comma-delimited relational ASCII, and Microsoft Access formats.

  • When the CRCLEME project concluded at Geoscience Australia, some data was left unsorted. This directory contains that residual data. The Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration (CRC LEME) was established and supported under the Australian Government Cooperative Research Centre Program. LEME is now closed after a seven-year renewal in 2002, being the successor of the highly acclaimed CRC for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration, which formally finished in June 2001. LEME's role was to apply regolith science to the challenges facing Australia in natural resource management and mineral exploration. Regolith is the surficial mantle of weathered rock, sediments, soils, biotic complexes and water that are formed by the natural processes of weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition. LEME was an unincorporated joint venture between Geoscience Australia, CSIRO (represented by the Divisions of Exploration & Mining and Land & Water), Australian National University, Curtin University of Technology, University of Adelaide, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Primary Industries and Resources South Australia and the Minerals Council of Australia. As such it had access to 155 (amounting to 78 Full Time Equivalent) research scientists, drawn from both in-kind contributions and cash-funded positions in participating organisations. In addition it had a large cohort of PhD and Honours students, supported by its Student Program. This body of research expertise was assembled into multi-disciplinary research teams, under a program structure managed by the Executive, to address LEME's strategic research priorities.

  • A monthly archive of data from the GAV section

  • This data release includes digital data produced during the regional assessment of the CO2 geological storage potential in the Petrel Sub-basin CO2, documented in GA Record 2014/**. Refer to the GA Record for the details of data generation.

  • Between October 2008 and February 2009, Geoscience Australia undertook two major surveys off the coast of Western Australia. Areas of interest included the Mentelle and northern Perth Basins, the Southern Carnarvon Basin, the southern Exmouth Sub-basin (Northern Carnarvon Basin) and the Wallaby Plateau. These surveys collected a range of data, including industry-standard seismic reflection data and gravity and magnetic data. In addition to the new data collected, Geoscience Australia has reprocessed existing open file 2D seismic data within the survey area. These data are available for purchase. Please complete the order form on the downloadable information sheet and return to Geoscience Australia.

  • Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 2093 whole-rock analyses of rocks from the Lachlan Fold Belt, Rocky Cape Block and Dundas Trough.