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GA publication: Flyer AEIP, ELVIS, EM-LINK 2021
This internal-use-only dataset contains the latest available Administrative Boundaries data - Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Main Structure (Mesh Blocks and Statistical Areas) - from PSMA which is updated every 3 months. Data is open to general public and can be downloaded. For more information about the PSMA licence agreement and to access the metadata statement, please refer to the confluence page of (
Flythrough of Murray Canyons based on AUSCAN research cruise Jan-March 2003
Short video of earthquakes occurring in Queensland during 2013 shown as a time lapse.
The large tsunami disasters of the last two decades have highlighted the need for a thorough understanding of the risk posed by relatively infrequent but disastrous tsunamis and the importance of a comprehensive and consistent methodology for quantifying the hazard. In the last few years, several methods for probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis have been developed and applied to different parts of the world. In an effort to coordinate and streamline these activities and make progress towards implementing the Sendai Framework of Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) we have initiated a Global Tsunami Model (GTM) working group with the aim of i) enhancing our understanding of tsunami hazard and risk on a global scale and developing standards and guidelines for it, ii) providing a portfolio of validated tools for probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk assessment at a range of scales, and iii) developing a global tsunami hazard reference model. This GTM initiative has grown out of the tsunami component of the Global Assessment of Risk (GAR15), which has resulted in an initial global model of probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk. Started as an informal gathering of scientists interested in advancing tsunami hazard analysis, the GTM is currently in the process of being formalized through letters of interest from participating institutions. The initiative has now been endorsed by UNISDR and GFDRR. We will provide an update on the state of the project and the overall technical framework, and discuss the technical issues that are currently being addressed, including earthquake source recurrence models and the use of aleatory variability and epistemic uncertainty, and preliminary results for a global hazard assessment which is an update of that included in UNIDSDR GAR15.
An overview of Geoscience Australia's space-related work.
Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) is a national guideline document, data and software suite that can be used for the estimation of design flood characteristics in Australia. This is the 4th edition of ARR, after the 1st edition was released by Engineers Australia in 1958. This edition is published and supported by the Commonwealth of Australia. Geoscience Australia supports ARR as part of its role to provide authoritative, independent information and advice to the Australian Government and other stakeholders to support risk mitigation and community resilience. ARR is pivotal to the safety and sustainability of Australian infrastructure, communities and the environment. It is an important component in the provision of reliable and robust estimates of flood risk. Consistent use of ARR ensures that development does not occur in high risk areas and that infrastructure is appropriately designed.
A video for the launch of new Great Barrier Reef bathymetry data on 30 November 2017.
A postcard providing an overview of the marine ecology programme at Geoscience Australia
Presentation slides and speaking notes are provided for a presentation that was given online on Wednesday 7th October 2020, 11:00 to 12:00 AEDT time (UTC +11). The presentation coincided with the release of two products; (1) a new web page for the Australian Fundamental Gravity Network (AFGN), and (2) the 2019 Australian National Gravity Grids (eCat Record 133023). Not mentioned as a separate item, the presentation drew heavily on material in the Explanatory Notes for the gravity grids (eCat Record 144233) which was also released on this day. The presentation was pitched at the level of a general audience. It commenced with an introduction to gravity, and how it changes from one place to another in step with different geological units. The subjects of 2-dimensional digital grids and how coloured images are derived from them were then covered as a prelude to later material. The speakers then described first of the two main topics - the Australian Fundamental Gravity Network (AFGN) and its importance when producing the 2019 Australian National Gravity Grids. The AFGN is a series of gravity benchmarks that allow gravity surveys to be linked to the Australian Absolute Gravity Datum 2007 (AAGD07). This makes it possible for the many separate gravity data sets that have been acquired in Australia to be combined into a seamless whole. Gravity data from 1308 ground surveys and 14 blocks of airborne gravity and airborne gravity gradiometry have been combined with offshore gravity data from satellite altimetry to form the 2019 Australian National Gravity Grids. This marks the first time that airborne data have been incorporated into the national gravity grids. It is also the first time that the offshore data have been fully processed alongside the onshore data. Grids of three types of gravity anomalies were produced; Free Air Anomaly (FAA), Complete Bouguer Anomaly (CBA), and De-trended Global Isostatic Residual (DGIR). During the presentation, various comparisons were made illustrating the improvements made with the 2019 grids in comparison with the previous 2016 grids and the benefits of incorporating airborne data into the grids. The gravity grids were produced to assist those involved in geological mapping and exploration, and it is hoped that the new grids will inspire users to revisit their geological interpretations and to aid explorers to identify new opportunities and to more efficiently focus their efforts on prospective ground. The presentation was recorded, and the recording of the presentation is available on demand on the Geoscience Australia YouTube Channel at Introductions were made by Marina Costelloe. The event was controlled by Chris Nelson, and the recording was edited by Douglas Warouw. Note that there are some minor differences between the presentation material given here and the presentation seen in the video recording. These changes were made in the interest of clarity and include the removal of “animation” effects and the provision of some additional text. Speaker Biography for Richard Lane; Richard joined Geoscience Australia in 2001 after a career as a mineral and petroleum geophysicist with CRA Exploration / Rio Tinto and as the Program Leader responsible for the development of the TEMPEST AEM system in CRC AMET. As a Senior Geophysicist in the Geophysical Acquisition and Processing Section, he has been evaluating the role of airborne gravity and airborne gravity gradiometry on a national scale. He is an ASEG Gold Medal recipient, a Society of Exploration Geophysicists Honorary Lecturer, and a Distinguished Geoscience Australia Lecturer. Speaker Biography for Phillip Wynne; Phillip has been with GA for over twenty years. In that time, he has been involved in all aspects of regional gravity surveys. He currently oversees gravity surveys conducted by GA and Australian States and Territories and manages the Australian Fundamental Gravity Network.