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  • This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 31483 Vulcan Sub-basin geohistory modelling (Record 1999/40) 39676 Petrel Sub-basin geohistory modelling (Record 2002/17)

  • These data are one of a set of 13 that captures a consistent horizon and fault interpretation of approximately 35 000 km of regional, mostly deep, seismic reflection data recorded by AGSO along the north and northwestern continental margins of Australia between 1990 and 1994.

  • This product is the single largest AGSO funded stream sediment geochemical data set available in Australia. The data covers roughly 80 000 square kilometres of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic north Queensland and contains 235 914 analyses of 8752 samples. This product also includes PDF files of the associated reports and atlases.

  • Australia's National Oil-on-the-Sea Identification Database (NOSID) contains organic geochemical data on a reference set of 30 oils that is used to characterised (or fingerprint) an oil. The data on these oils have been produced from a variety of analytical methods including isotope, UVF, GC and GC-MS (biomarker) analyses. The NOSID database and the Oil Identification Reference Kit are the products of collaboration between the Geoscience Australia (GA), the Australian Government Analytical Laboratories (AGAL) and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

  • Dataset from the Vulcan Sub-basin containing depth based information regarding environmental analyses as exported from AGSO's RESFACS database.

  • In 2008, the Ord Irrigation Cooperative commissioned an airborne electromagnetics (AEM) survey of the ORIA Stage 1 and 2 areas to identify, quantify and understand any potential salinity risks in the current Ord irrigation area and the parts of the catchment that have been identified as potential future irrigation sites or potentially impacted by future irrigation. The project has been funded by the Australian and Western Australian governments through the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality. Geoscience Australia and CSIRO were contracted to carry out the analysis and interpretation of the AEM dataset, and produce customised interpretation products. Some of the more specific questions it was hoped to address included: - Are we at risk of salinity in the Ord Catchment? - If so what areas are at the greatest risk? - Where can we target management to reduce this risk? - How can we plan future development to minimise salinity risk and maximise longevity of projects? The areas surveyed include the current Stage 1 Ord Irrigation Area, Stage 2 Irrigation Area (including Weaber and Knox Plains and Carlton Hill - Parry's Lagoon Conservation Area. The inclusion of undeveloped land in this survey is because the technology provides the opportunity to ensure any future irrigation development is guided by the best available information on soil type, aquifer quality and location and salinity risk. The information generated by this project will be publicly available and can be used for such things as: - Identifying leaky areas in the landscape that may require more concentrated management or can be designated for more suitable land use; - Where salt is stored in the landscape and at what depth, and where in the landscape it may influence plant growth; - Provide new constraints on the connectivity of aquifer systems in 3D across the ORIA and enable the construction of more realistic hydrogeological models to improve surface and groundwater management.

  • Determination of an accurate groundwater balance for a region requires estimation of recharge and discharge rates and, where possible, knowledge of their spatial distribution. Where the value of the resource warrants it, detailed recharge and discharge studies are commissioned. These studies provide comprehensive empirical information on spatial and temporal variability of recharge, and the relationship between recharge rates and soil, regolith, landform and vegetation parameters. Where the value of the resource does not warrant detailed research, much cruder approaches (such as the estimation of recharge as a simple percentage of rainfall or the assumption that discharge is non-existent) are used. The CSIRO-led Recharge Discharge Mapping in Data Poor Areas Project jointly undertaken with Geoscience Australia (GA) developed a nationally consistent approach to recharge and discharge estimation for data poor areas which provide an intermediate solution between the use of simple approximations and the results of detailed field and modelling studies. Initially made available via GA's MapConnect website, the data layers in this dataset provide the means for hydrologists to populate the Recharge Estimation spreadsheet and the Discharge Estimation spreadsheet which may be sourced from CSIRO.

  • The Christmas Island Geographic Information System (CIGIS) is a collection of spatial data, viewing and analysis tools dealing with Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. The data includes orthophotography, topographic, mining, cultural and environmental features of the island. This work is part of an ongoing service to the Territories West of the Attorney General's Department.

  • These data represent the January 2002 edition of the Magnetic Anomaly Grid of the Australian Region. This version is the first integrated onshore/offshore magnetic anomaly grid for the complete Australian margin extending across 8S - 52S, 106E - 172E. The grid cell size is 0.01 degree (approx. 1 km). Earlier releases were restricted to portions of NW and SW Australia. - Magnetic anomaly unit is nanoTesla (nT). Appropriate IGRFs have been removed. Horizontal datum is GDA94 (which is equivalent to WGS84). - The marine data were levelled independently of the onshore data in three sectors (see below). The NNW and SSW sectors were released as grids previously. The eastern sector was levelled in 2000 in collaboration with Intrepid Geophysics (Melbourne, Australia). The three levelled sectors, together with the unlevelled sectors were combined with the onshore grid to give the present grid. Altogether, 3,022,656 data points are in the database from which the marine grid was created. - Unlevelled sectors: (-8 -25 160 172), (-39 -52 156 172), (-46 -52 106 140) - Levelled sectors: (-37 -52 140 156), (-25 -39 143 172), (-8 -25 143 160), (-24 -46 106 140), (-8 -24 106 143) - There are several places at the join between onshore and offshore grids where the two grids do not match. The problem exists because the onshore grid was developed earlier, and there was poor control on the grid merging process at the margins. Future work will attempt to address this issue and improve the continuity between the onshore and offshore grids.

  • Produced by Geoscience Australia in cooperation with the Minerals Council of Australia and the Regional Minerals Program of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources.