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1:1 000 000 Australian geoscience map sheet index.
AGSO and in collaboration with Nigel Press and Associates, AUSLIG and Radarsat International (RSI) have undertaken an interpretative study of hydrocarbon migration and seepage in the offshore Bonaparte and Browse Basins, North-Western Australia. The study used Radarsat images, detailed water column Geochemical Sniffer and Airborne Laser Fluorosensor data, acquired over a number of many years. The intrepertations derived from these seepage technologies were compared and contrasted, and then intergrated with a wide variety of petroleum geological information, including regional seismic data, isopach maps, key reservoirs, source and sealing units and fault maps. All the data and many more have been placed into a 'regional' ArcView GIS associated with the final reports, Acrobat and Powerpoint files.
This is part of a series of 49 maps covering the whole of Australia and forms part of the International Map of the World map series. At this scale 1 centimetre on the map represents 10 kilometres on the ground. Each map covers an area of six degrees of longitude and four degrees of latitude. The maps show roads, railways, hydrography, larger nature conservation reserves, outback homesteads. Seabed and land relief is shown by layer tints, spot heights and contours in metres. Contour interval is 500 metres, with an additional contour at 200 metres. Product Specifications Coverage: Whole of Australia covered with 49 maps. National coverage first completed in 1975. Currency: Ranges from 1971 to 1983. Average 1976. Coordinates: Geographical. Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD. Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic. Medium: Paper map, flat and folded. Status: These maps are no longer maintained. It is planned to produce a new series of maps from the converted 42 World Aeronautical Charts (WAC) series of maps produced in 2006. These maps are only available as a print on demand product. This map can be purchased in either flat or folded format.
This is part of a series of 49 maps covering the whole of Australia and forms part of the International Map of the World map series. At this scale 1 centimetre on the map represents 10 kilometres on the ground. Each map covers an area of six degrees of longitude and four degrees of latitude. The maps show roads, railways, hydrography, larger nature conservation reserves, outback homesteads. Seabed and land relief is shown by layer tints, spot heights and contours in metres. Contour interval is 500 metres, with an additional contour at 200 metres. Product Specifications Coverage: Whole of Australia covered with 49 maps. National coverage first completed in 1975. Currency: Ranges from 1971 to 1983. Average 1976. Coordinates: Geographical. Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD. Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic. Medium: Paper map, flat and folded. Status: These maps are no longer maintained. It is planned to produce a new series of maps from the converted 42 World Aeronautical Charts (WAC) series of maps produced in 2006. These maps are only available as a print on demand product. This map can be purchased in either flat or folded format.
This is part of a series of 49 maps covering the whole of Australia and forms part of the International Map of the World map series. At this scale 1 centimetre on the map represents 10 kilometres on the ground. Each map covers an area of six degrees of longitude and four degrees of latitude. The maps show roads, railways, hydrography, larger nature conservation reserves, outback homesteads. Seabed and land relief is shown by layer tints, spot heights and contours in metres. Contour interval is 500 metres, with an additional contour at 200 metres. Product Specifications Coverage: Whole of Australia covered with 49 maps. National coverage first completed in 1975. Currency: Ranges from 1971 to 1983. Average 1976. Coordinates: Geographical. Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD. Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic. Medium: Paper map, flat and folded. Status: These maps are no longer maintained. It is planned to produce a new series of maps from the converted 42 World Aeronautical Charts (WAC) series of maps produced in 2006. These maps are only available as a print on demand product. This map can be purchased in either flat or folded format.
This is part of a series of 49 maps covering the whole of Australia and forms part of the International Map of the World map series. At this scale 1 centimetre on the map represents 10 kilometres on the ground. Each map covers an area of six degrees of longitude and four degrees of latitude. The maps show roads, railways, hydrography, larger nature conservation reserves, outback homesteads. Seabed and land relief is shown by layer tints, spot heights and contours in metres. Contour interval is 500 metres, with an additional contour at 200 metres. Product Specifications Coverage: Whole of Australia covered with 49 maps. National coverage first completed in 1975. Currency: Ranges from 1971 to 1983. Average 1976. Coordinates: Geographical. Datum: AGD66 (GDA94 compliant at this scale); AHD. Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic. Medium: Paper map, flat and folded. Status: These maps are no longer maintained. It is planned to produce a new series of maps from the converted 42 World Aeronautical Charts (WAC) series of maps produced in 2006. These maps are only available as a print on demand product. This map can be purchased in either flat or folded format.
This product covers interpretation of the full geophysical extent of the Yilgarn Craton, and also most of the Albany-Fraser province to the south-southeast. The interpretation covers the Meekatharra (SG50), Wiluna (SG51), Perth (SH50), Kalgoorlie (SH51), Albany (SHI50), and Esperance (SI51) 1:1M sheets. The data set predominantly addresses the Archaean rocks of the Yilgarn Craton but includes interpretation of the adjacent, abutting or onlapping Proterozoic rocks such as the Northampton Block, Yerida, Bryah, Padbury and Earaheedy groups, Albany-Fraser Province, Stirling and Mt Barren Beds, and Phanerozoic Perth and Officer Basins. The aeromagnetic interpretation provides most information on the distribution of the Archaean rocks as these rocks are generally moderately to highly magnetised with reasonable variation of magnetisation. Adjacent Perth Basin sediments are poorly magnetised and spatially associated magnetic anomalies are attributed to underlying Proterozoic rocks. The Archaean rocks are subdivided into undivided gneiss-migmatite-granite (Agmg), banded gneiss (Agn), sinuous gneiss (Anu), greenstone (Aa), and granite plutons (Ag). Where important relative differences in magnetisation are mapped, the geophysical map units include the suffixes _h (high), _m (medium), _l (low) and _r (remanent) for the level of magnetisation. Dykes, faults, and unassigned small intrusives are also mapped. Large Archaean domains equivalent to geologically defined Provinces are also defined including Narryer, Murchison, Toodyay- Lake Grace, Southwest, Southern Cross, Yeelirrie, Lake Johnston and Eastern Goldfields domains.