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Australia has been divided into 392 Regolith Terrain Units on the basis of dominant topography, geology and regolith. Full details available in BMR Record 1986/27 has been used to attribute this dataset.
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Map of permits currently held by Silver Wave Energy (AC/P49 to 51). Paper size A0.
Contains boundary and attribute information for parcels of public, private and Aboriginal lands in Australia. Data are sourced primarly from government gazette notices, cadastral maps and plans. A nominal scale of around 1:5 million and a minimum 50 square kilometre threshold limit for land parcels was used in the generalisation of this product from the National Public and Aboriginal Lands data. Data is suitable for GIS applications. This map shows public and private land tenure, including Indigenous land for the whole of Australia at a scale of 1:4.7 million. The land tenure boundaries depicted on this map generally define broadly classified areas greater than 50 square kilometres. Indigenous land areas between 0.1 and 100 square kilometres are shown more comprehensively by symbols. The information on this map is complemented by statistical tables giving the total area of the land tenure categories for each State and Territory. This map is also available as free vector GIS data, ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif. Please direct any corrections or feedback on this map to mapfeedback@ga.gov.au. Product Specifications: Coverage: Australia Currency: Mid 1993 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 Projection: Simple Conic on two standard parallels 18S and 36S Medium: Printed map (flat and folded); Data - Free online Forward Program: See Public Lands 2004 PDF map above
This dataset represents the distribution of Petroleum titles for the Australasian region. This attributed dataset is used in production of the "Petroleum Exploration and Development Titles" map published annually in APRIL. Attributes and an additional lookup table contain information on the operator, dates of award and expiry, the State who has jurisdiction, and the companies and their equity for each title.
Australia crustal elements map based on the distrubution of geophysical domains 1:5million
No product available. Removed from website 25/01/2019
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