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  • This data collection is comprised of radiometric (gamma-ray spectrometric) surveys acquired across Australia by Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory governments and the private sector with project management and quality control undertaken by Geoscience Australia. The radiometric method measures naturally occurring radioactivity arising from gamma-rays. In particular, the method is able to identify the presence of the radioactive isotopes potassium (K), uranium (U) and thorium (Th). The measured radioactivity is then converted into concentrations of the radioelements K, U and Th in the ground. Radiometric surveys have a limited ability to see into the subsurface with the measured radioactivity originating from top few centimetres of the ground. These surveys are primarily used as a geological mapping tool as changes in rock and soil type are often accompanied by changes in the concentrations of the radioactive isotopes of K, U and Th. The method is also capable of directly detecting mineral deposits. For example, K alteration can be detected using the radiometric method and is often associated with hydrothermal ore deposits. Similarly, the method is also used for U and Th exploration, heat flow studies, and environmental mapping purposes such as characterising surface drainage features. The instrument used in radiometric surveys is a gamma-ray spectrometer. This instrument measures the number of radioactive emissions (measured in counts per second) and their energies (measured in electron volts (eV)). Radiometric data are simultaneously acquired with magnetic data during airborne surveys and are a non-invasive method for investigating near-surface geology and regolith.

  • This collection includes calibrated time-series data and other products from Geoscience Australia's geomagnetic observatory network in Australia and Antarctica. Data dates back to 1924. <b>Value: </b>These data are used in mathematical models of the geomagnetic field, in resource exploration and exploitation, to monitor space weather, and for scientific research. The resulting information can be used for compass-based navigation, magnetic direction finding, and to help protect communities by mitigating the potential hazards generated by magnetic storms. <b>Scope: </b>Continuous geomagnetic time series data, indices of magnetic activity and associated metadata, Data dates back to 1924.

  • Descriptions of and measurements from field sites and samples from geological (including regolith) surveys. <b>Value: </b>Used to constrained surface geology, important in resource exploration and understanding physical environment. <b>Scope: </b>Mapping surveys mainly in Australia, but also in Antarctica, Oceania and south-east Asia.

  • Magnetotellurics (MT) is a passive geophysical method which uses natural time variations of the Earth's magnetic and electric fields to measure the electrical resistivity of the sub-surface. Electrical resistivity is a bulk property of a volume of Earth material and is associated with factors such as rock composition, porosity and permeability as well as temperature and pressure. The Magnetotelurics (MT) Data Collection includes datasets from The Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP) and regional-scale MT surveys across the Australian continent. These data were collected by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with the State and Territory Geological Surveys and other partners. <b>Value: </b>Magnetotelluric data to expand the geoscientific understanding of the earth's lithospheric structure and provide new insights into Australia's onshore energy and mineral potential. <b>Scope: </b>AusLAMP is being conducted over multiple years to create a national MT dataset and map lithospheric structure of the Australian continent. MT data have also been acquired for mapping crustal structure and resource potential at regional scale. These data provide valuable information for multi-disciplinary interpretations. To view the magnetotellurics data via the Geoscience Australia internet page click on the following URL: <a href=""></a> For further information about the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP) click on the following URL: <a href=""></a>

  • Parametric dataset of earthquakes in the Australian region, with magnitudes greater than 2.5. Includes records of instrumentally recorded earthquakes and explosions, and earthquake parameters inferred from historic documents. Threshold magnitude of completeness varies spatially and temporally. <b>Value: </b>This data has historic value, and is used in assessment of earthquake hazard, risk and potential impacts from future events. <b>Scope: </b>A catalogue of known historical earthquakes in Australia and adjacent regions.

  • Gravity data measure small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The gravity data collection contains both onshore and offshore data acquired on geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State & NT Governments and the private sector.

  • In May 2013, Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) undertook a collaborative seabed mapping survey (GA0340/ SOL5754) on the Leveque Shelf, a distinct geological province within the Browse Basin, offshore Western Australia. The purpose of the survey was to acquire geophysical and biophysical data on seabed environments over a previously identified potential CO2 injection site to better understand the overlying seabed habitats and to assess potential for fluid migration to the seabed. Mapping and sampling was undertaken across six areas using multibeam and single beam echosounders, sub-bottom profilers, sidescan sonar, underwater towed-video, gas sensors, water column profiler, grab samplers, and vibrocorer. Over 1070 km2 of seabed and water column was mapped using the multibeam and single beam echosounder, in water depths ranging between 40 and 120 m. The sub-surface was investigated using the multichannel and the parametric sub-bottom profilers along lines totalling 730 km and 1547 km in length respectively. Specific seabed features were investigated over 44 line km using the sidescan sonar and physically and sampled at 58 stations. Integration of this newly acquired data with existing seismic data will provide new insights into the geology of the Leveque Shelf. This work will contribute to the Australian Government's National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) by providing key seabed environmental and geological data to better inform the assessment of the CO2 storage potential in this area of the Browse Basin. This data package brings together a suite of datasets which describe the seabed environments and shallow geology of the Leveque Shelf, Browse Basin.

  • Geoscience Australia (GA) has created a unique collection of 3D structural and geological models and model inputs for Australia and its near shore regions. Currently the collection contains a variety of 3D volumetric models and surfaces that were produced for specific projects at regional to continental scale. The approximately 40 regional scale models in the collection cover roughly 1/3 of the Australian continent. The models capture 3D stratigraphy and architecture, including the depth to bedrock and the locations of different major rock units, faults and geological structures. The geologic models represent the integration of geophysical surveys, seismic surveys, borehole data, field geology, and geochemical data, the majority of which will now be available through this and other RDSI collections. In their current form, the 3D models provide a valuable input to simulations of geological processes. However, the plan over time is to use the HPC capability at NCI and the large storage volumes available to dynamically integrate the various models and geological, geochemical and geophysical derivative products to then create a unified 3D model for the entire continent. Separately and then cumulatively, these models will provide an important new basis for describing and understanding Australia's geologic evolution and resource wealth. Currently there are no international open standards for the development and storage of 3D geological models, which is why they are difficult to integrate or stitch into nationally integrated data sets. The lack of consistency of the models means that each has to be transformed into formats compatible with existing HP modelling and simulation software. It is hoped that through exposing these 3D geological models into a HP collaborative environment that this will foster and accelerate the development of international standards and tools necessary for the assimilation of 3D geological models into a variety of HP programs. <b> Note: This record has been superseded by eCat 144629:</b> - <a href=""></a>

  • Collection of field notebooks recording mainly geological observations made by staff of Geoscience Australia (GA) and its predecessors, Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) and Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO), while conducting fieldwork between 1930 and 2010. The notebooks are currently being digitised. <b>Value: </b>Historic and scientific significance. Many sites visited are remote and have rarely been revisited. Some notebooks also record observations on fauna and flora. <b>Scope: </b>Geographical scope is largely Australia, pre- and post-Independence Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the Australian Antarctic Territory, but other countries and territories are represented.

  • Survey Data captured after severe natural hazard events covering a range of hazards with specific attributes. This observational information is used as input data to assessing vulnerability to natural hazard, but is not made available in its raw form. <b>Value: </b>Used to assess impacts from natural disasters and thereby reduce future risks. <b>Scope: </b>Australia, data from Papua New Guinea, Indonesian province of West Sumatra (Padang) and New Zealand