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  • Data from surveys along the East Antarctic margin will be presented to provide insights into the diversity and distribution of benthic communities on the continental shelf and slope, and their relationship to physical processes. Seabed video and still imagery collected from the George V shelf and slope and the sub-ice shelf environment of the Amery Ice Shelf indicate that the benthic communities in these regions are highly diverse, and are strongly associated with the physical environment. Variations in seafloor morphology, depth, sediment type and bottom circulation create distinct seabed habitats, such as muddy basins, rugged slope canyons and scoured sandy shelf banks, which are, in turn, inhabited by discrete seabed communities. The infauna dominated muddy basins contrast sharply with the diverse range of filter-feeding communities that occur in productive canyons and rugged inner shelf banks and channels. In the sub-ice shelf environment, differences in organic supply, linked to the circulation patterns, cause distinct differences in the seabed communities. The strong association between benthic communities and seafloor characteristics allows physical parameters to be used to extend our knowledge of the nature of benthic habitats into areas with little or no biological data. Comprehensive biological surveys of benthic communities in the East Antarctic region are sparse, while physical datasets for bathymetry, morphology and sediment composition are considerably more extensive. Physical data compiled within the proposed network of East Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is used to aid our understanding of the nature of the benthic communities. The diversity of physical environments within the proposed MPAs suggests that they likely support a diverse range of benthic communities.

  • In this study, we aim to identify the most accurate methods for spatial prediction of seabed gravel content in the northwest Australian Exclusive Economic Zone. We experimentally examined: 1) whether input secondary variables affect the performance of RFOK and RFIDW, 2) whether the performances of RF, SIMs and their hybrid methods are data-specific, and 3) whether model averaging improves predictive accuracy of these methods in the study region. For RF and the hybrid methods, up to 21 variables were used as predictors. The predictive accuracy was assessed in terms of relative mean absolute error and relative root mean squared error based on the average of 100 iterations of 10-fold cross validation. In this study, the following important findings were achieved: - the predictive errors fluctuate with the input secondary variables; - the existence of correlated variables can alter the results of model selection, leading to different models; - the set of initial input variables affects the model selected; - the most accurate model can be missed out during the model selection; - RF, RFOK and RFIDW prove to be the most accurate methods in this study, with RFOK preferred; and these methods are not data-specific, but their models are, so best model needs to be identified; and - Model averaging is clearly data-specific. In conclusion, model selection is essential for RF and the hybrid methods. RF and the hybrid methods are not data-specific, but their models are. RFOK is the most accurate method. Model averaging is also data-specific. Hence best model needs to be identified for individual studies and application of model averaging should also be examined accordingly. RF and the hybrid methods have displayed substantial potentials for predicting environmental properties and are recommended for further test for spatial predictions in environmental sciences and other relevant disciplines in the future. This study provides suggestions and guidelines for improving the spatial predictions of biophysical variables in both marine and terrestrial environments.

  • The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2012 provides both spatial and text information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for continental and marine Australia. State and Territory conservation agencies supplied data, current to 31 December 2012, to Australian Government Department of the Environment.

  • Poster for IAH 2013 A major concern for regulators and the public with geological storage of CO2 is the potential for the migration of CO2 via a leaky fault or well into potable groundwater supplies. Given sufficient CO2, an immediate effect on groundwater would be a decrease in pH which could lead to accelerated weathering, an increase in alkalinity and the release of major and minor ions. Laboratory and core studies have demonstrated that on contact with CO2 heavy metals can be released under low pH and high CO2 conditions (particularly Pd, Ni and Cr). There is also a concern that trace organic contaminants could be mobilised due to the high solubility of many organics in supercritical CO2. These scenarios potentially occur in a high CO2 leakage event, therefore detection of a small leak although barely perceptible could provide an important early warning for a subsequent and more substantial impact.

  • CO2CRC Symposium 2013: Oral presentation as part of a tag-team Ginninderra presentation As part of the controlled release experiments at the Ginninderra test site, a total of 14 soil flux surveys were conducted; 12 during the first experiment (March 2012 - June 2012), and 2 during the second experiment (October - December 2012). The aim was to determine what proportion of the known CO2 that was released could be measured using the soil flux method as a quantification tool. The results of this study enabled us to use the soil flux measurements as a proxy for other CO2 quantification methods and to gain an understanding of how the CO2 migrated within the sub-surface. For experiment one; baseline surveys were conducted pre-release, followed by surveys several times a week during the first stages of the release. The CO2 'breakthrough' was detected only 1 day after the release began. Surveys were then conducted weekly to monitor the flux rate over time. The soil CO2 flux gradually increased in magnitude until almost reaching the expected release rate (128 kg/day measured while the release rate was 144 kg/day) after approximately 4 weeks, and then receded quickly once the controlled release was stopped. Soil gas wells confirm that there is significant lateral migration of the CO2 in the sub-surface, suggesting that there was a degree of accumulation of CO2 in the sub-surface during the experiment.

  • In May 2013, Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) undertook a collaborative seabed mapping survey (GA0340/ SOL5754) on the Leveque Shelf, a distinct geological province within the Browse Basin, offshore Western Australia. The purpose of the survey was to acquire geophysical and biophysical data on seabed environments over a previously identified potential CO2 injection site to better understand the overlying seabed habitats and to assess potential for fluid migration to the seabed. Mapping and sampling was undertaken across six areas using multibeam and single beam echosounders, sub-bottom profilers, sidescan sonar, underwater towed-video, gas sensors, water column profiler, grab samplers, and vibrocorer. Over 1070 km2 of seabed and water column was mapped using the multibeam and single beam echosounder, in water depths ranging between 40 and 120 m. The sub-surface was investigated using the multichannel and the parametric sub-bottom profilers along lines totalling 730 km and 1547 km in length respectively. Specific seabed features were investigated over 44 line km using the sidescan sonar and physically and sampled at 58 stations. Integration of this newly acquired data with existing seismic data will provide new insights into the geology of the Leveque Shelf. This work will contribute to the Australian Government's National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) by providing key seabed environmental and geological data to better inform the assessment of the CO2 storage potential in this area of the Browse Basin. This dataset contains identifications of Polychaetes collected from 64 Smith-McIntyre grabs deployed during GA0340/SOL5754.

  • Phase two of the China Australia Geological Storage of CO2 (CAGS2) project aimed to build on the success of the previous CAGS project and promote capacity building, training opportunities and share expertise on the geological storage of CO2. The project was led by Geoscience Australia (GA) and China's Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) through the Administrative Centre for China's Agenda 21 (ACCA21). CAGS2 has successfully completed all planned activities including three workshops, two carbon capture and storage (CCS) training schools, five research projects focusing on different aspects of the geological storage of CO2, and ten researcher exchanges to China and Australia. The project received favourable feedback from project partners and participants in CAGS activities and there is a strong desire from the Chinese government and Chinese researchers to continue the collaboration. The project can be considered a highly successful demonstration of bi-lateral cooperation between the Australian and Chinese governments. Through the technical workshops, training schools, exchange programs, and research projects, CAGS2 has facilitated and supported on-going collaboration between many research institutions and industry in Australia and China. More than 150 experts, young researchers and college students, from over 30 organisations, participated in CAGS2. The opportunity to interact with Australian and international experts at CAGS hosted workshops and schools was appreciated by the participants, many of whom do not get the opportunity to attend international conferences. Feedback from a CAGS impact survey found that the workshops and schools inspired many researchers and students to pursue geological storage research. The scientific exchanges proved effective and often fostered further engagement between Chinese and Australian researchers and their host organisations. The research projects often acted as a catalyst for attracting additional CCS funding (at least A$700,000), including two projects funded under the China Clean Development Mechanism Fund. CAGS sponsored research led to reports, international conference presentations, and Chinese and international journal papers. CAGS has established a network of key CCS/CCUS (carbon capture, utilisation and storage) researchers in China and Australia. This is exemplified by the fact that 4 of the 6 experts that provided input on the 'storage section of the 12th Five-Year plan for Scientific and Technological Development of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, which laid out the technical policy priorities for R&D and demonstration of CCUS technology in China, were CAGS affiliated researchers. The contributions of CAGS to China's capacity building and policy CCUS has been acknowledged by the Chinese Government. CAGS support of young Chinese researchers is particularly noted and well regarded. Letters have been sent to the Secretary of the Department of Industry and Science and to the Deputy CEO of Geoscience Australia, expressing China's gratitude for the Australian Government's support and GA's cooperation in the CAGS project.

  • The potential for using a single high precision atmospheric station for detecting CO2 leaks has been investigated using a variety of statistical approaches. Geoscience Australia and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research installed an atmospheric monitoring station, Arcturus, in the Bowen Basin, Australia, in 2010 and have collected over 3 years' worth of atmospheric concentration measurements. The facility is designed as a prototype remote baseline monitoring station that could be deployed in areas targeted for commercial scale geological storage of carbon dioxide. Two Picarro gas analysers are deployed in the station to continuously monitor CO2, CH4 and CO2 isotopes. An automated weather station and an eddy covariance flux tower have also been installed at the site. Atmospheric CO2 perturbations, from simulated leaks, have been modelled to determine the minimum statistically significant emissions that can be detected above background concentrations at Arcturus. CO2 leakage was simulated from January to December (2011) using a 3D-coupled prognostic meteorological and pollutant dispersion model (TAPM). Simulations were conducted for various locations, emission rates and distances (1-10 km) from the station. The simulated leaks were simulated using an area source (100 m x 100 m) and a point source located in the optimum wind direction (SSE), which showed the largest perturbation. To better understand the observed CO2 signal, a statistical model combining both a regression and time series model was constructed. The regression model is a time dependent generalised additive model relating the CO2 to other observed atmospheric variables (e.g. wind speed, temperature, humidity). It accounts for seasonal trends through the inclusion of dummy variables. The time series model is based on a seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, but with the additional complexity of allowing auto-regressive relationships to depend on the time of day. A non-parametric goodness of fit approach using the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff (KS) test was then used to test whether simulated perturbations can be detected against the modelled expected value of the background for certain hours of the day and for particular seasons. The developed regression model allows us to pre-whiten the CO2 time series. Pre-whitening reduces both the variance and skew of the marginal distribution of the signal. This improves the power of the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff (KS) test when attempting to detect simulated perturbations against the background signal. The KS test calculates the probability that the modelled leak perturbation could be caused by natural variation in the background. For hours between 10am and 2pm in the winter of 2011, minimum detectable leaks located 1km from the measurement station improve from 44 to 22 tpd for an area source and 33 to 14 tpd for a point source at a p-value of 0.05. These are very large leaks located only 1 km from the station. Additionally, this approach results in a high false alarm rate of 56%. An alternative p-value could be chosen to reduce the false alarm rate but the overall conclusion is the same. A long term, single measurement station monitoring program that is unconstrained by prior information on possible leaks, and based on detection of perturbations of CO2 alone due to leakage above a (noisy) background signal, is likely to take one or more years to detect leaks of the order of 10kt p.a.

  • In many areas of the world, vegetation dynamics in semi-arid floodplain environments have been seriously impacted by increased river regulation and groundwater use. With increases in regulation along many rivers in the Murray-Darling Basin, flood volume, seasonality and frequency have changed which has in turn affected the condition and distribution of vegetation. Floodplain vegetation can be degraded from both too much and too little water due to regulation. Over-regulation and increased use of groundwater in these landscapes can exacerbate the effects related to natural climate variability. Prolonged flooding of woody plants has been found to induce a number of physiological disturbances such as early stomatal closure and inhibition of photosynthesis. However, drought conditions can also result in leaf biomass reduction and sapwood area decline. Depending on the species, different inundation and drought tolerances are observed. Identification of groundwater-dependent terrestrial vegetation, and assessment of the relative importance of different water sources to vegetation dynamics, typically requires detailed ecophysiological studies over a number of seasons or years as shown in Chowilla, New South Wales [] and Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia []. However, even when groundwater dependence can be quantified, results are often difficult to upscale beyond the plot scale. Quicker, more regional approaches to mapping groundwater-dependent vegetation have consequently evolved with technological advancements in remote sensing techniques. Such an approach was used in this study. LiDAR canopy digital elevation model (CDEM) and foliage projected cover (FPC) data were combined with Landsat imagery in order to characterise the spatial and temporal behaviour of woody vegetation in the Lower Darling Floodplain, New South Wales. The multi-temporal dynamics of the woody vegetation were then compared to the estimated availability of different water sources in order to better understand water requirements.

  • The National Exposure Information System (NEXIS) is a unique modelling capability designed by Geoscience Australia (GA) to provide comprehensive and nationally-consistent exposure information in response to the 2003 COAG commitment to cost-effective, evidence-based disaster mitigation. Since its inception, NEXIS has continually evolved to fill known information gaps by improving statistical methodologies and integrating the best publically-available data. In addition to Residential, Commercial and Industrial building exposure information, NEXIS has recently expanded to include exposure information about agricultural assets providing a wider understanding of how communities can be affected by a potential event. GA's collaboration with the Attorney General's Department (AGD) has involved the consolidation of location-based data to deliver consistent map and exposure information products. The complex information requirements emphasised the importance of having all relevant building, demographic, economic, agriculture and infrastructure information in NEXIS available in a clear and unified Exposure Report to aid decision-makers. The Exposure Report includes a situational map of the hazard footprint to provide geographic context and a listing of detailed exposure information consisting of estimates for number and potential cost of impacted buildings by use, agricultural commodities and cost, the number and social vulnerability of the affected population, and the number and lengths of infrastructure assets and institutions. Developed within an FME workbench, the tool accepts hazard footprints and other report specifics as input before providing an HTML link to the final output in approximately 5 minutes. The consolidation of data and streamlining of exposure information into a simple and uniform document has greatly assisted the AGD in timely evidence-based decision-making during the 2014-15 summer season.