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This theme consists of GPS data from Christmas Island visitors who track their travels around the island using GPS units. This is useful to test the accuracy of aerial imagery and road \ track location data. The GPS measurements may not be highly accurate and have infrequent points around corners. However, over many traverses the positional accuracy of the CIGIS datasets is proving to be better than expected
3D Basin Architecture & Mineral Systems in the Mount Isa Western Succession, introductory presentation at Final Sponsors Meeting, Mount Isa (March, 2005).
PowerPoint presentation: Mount Isa Western Succession: geodynamic evolution and basin architecture. Final sponsors meeting, Mount Isa (March, 2005).
Mount Isa Western Succession: geodynamic evolution and basin architecture. Final sponsors, meeting, Mount Isa (March, 2005).
A1/F4; Characteristics of mineralised faults; Annual Review Meeting Perth, November 2003.
Operations report for gravity survey 200560 prepared for GA by Daishsat Pty Ltd
Solid geology interpretation of the north-western part of the Red River 1:250 000 sheet area. Solid geology based on interpretation of geophysical data.
This address was presented at the Central Australian Basins Symposium, Alice Springs, Northern Territory, 16-18 August, 2005. The Neoproterozoic sedimentary successions of the Centralian Superbasin (Walter et al 1995) in the northwest Paterson Orogen, Western Australia, are host to several major mineral systems including: gold-copper (Telfer, Magnum), base metal (Nifty, Maroochydore) and uranium (Kintyre). Geological mapping of the region by Bagas and others (1991-2003) at 1:100 000 scale is being followed by a new Geoscience Australia and Geological Survey of Western Australia National Geoscience Agreement project, to acquire new airborne geophysical data, and develop an understanding of the depositional history of the Neoproterozoic Paterson stratigraphy, its subsequent deformation(s) and its mineral systems. This project will investigate and integrate sedimentary facies, geophysical properties, structural elements and other post-depositional processes, such as granite emplacement, to understand their relationships to the mineral systems in the region. The suggested links of Bagas et al (1995, 1999) between the Paterson Neoproterozoic succession and the Centralian Superbasin will also be investigated.
Sharing the wealth  - Australia 's Mining Monthly, April 2005, by Jess Tyler (contributions by Bob Morrison, John Walshe, Carl Young, Tony Roache, Kas De Luca)
Intrusion-related gold-rich systems occur throughout eastern Australia. The last 20 years has seen a large increase in our understanding of the relationships between mineralisation and associated felsic intrusions, in particular, the strong relationship between the oxidation state and degree of compositional evolution of felsic magmas, and potential associated commodity types. This paper reviews recent developments in igneous metallogeny, in particular, with regard to intrusion-related Cu-Au and Au mineralisation, to show that eastern Australia is still prospective for granite-related gold systems. Major potential exists, both under cover and as blind deposits. To aid in discovery, Geoscience Australia is synthesising metallogenic data for both Palaeozoic intrusions of eastern Australia, and local country rock units