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The magnetotelluric (MT) method is increasingly being applied to a wide variety of geoscience problems. However, the software available for MT data analysis and interpretation is still very limited in comparison to many of the more mature geophysical methods such as the gravity, magnetic or seismic reflection methods. MTPy is an open source Python package to assist with MT data processing, analysis, modelling, visualization and interpretation. It was initiated at the University of Adelaide in 2013 as a means to store and share Python code amongst the MT community (Krieger and Peacock 2014). Here we provide an overview of the software and describe recent developments to MTPy. These include new functionality and a clean up and standardisation of the source code, as well as the addition of an integrated testing suite, documentation, and examples in order to facilitate the use of MT in the wider geophysics community.
A review of mineral exploration trends, activities and discoveries in Australia in 2019-2020
This synthesis of geophysical results for Australia is designed to provide an summary of the character of the Australian continent through the extensive information available at the continental scale. We present a broad range of geophysical attributes for the continent nation. We also endeavour to examine the relationships between different fields, and their relations to known resources. The work represents part of a continuing collaboration between the Research School of Earth Sciences at The Australian National University and Geoscience Australia with the objective of bringing together all aspects of the structure of Australia in convenient forms. The results build on the extensive data bases assembled at Geoscience Australia, particularly for potential fields, supplemented by the full range of seismological information mostly from the Australian National University. The book builds in part on the AUSREM project sponsored by the AuScope infrastructure organisation to develop a 3-D representation of seismological structure beneath the Australian region. The diverse and extensive geophysical data sets available for Australia in part reflect the poor outcrop of bedrock geology for this ancient weathered continent and the economic importance of this geology to the Australian economy through its resource potential. Geophysics provides an important way to examine the structures that lie beneath the cover. This book is intended to make a contribution to the UNCOVER initiative, which has identified improved information on the subsurface as a prerequisite for extending exploration in Australia from regions of exposure into those with sedimentary cover. To aid in cross comparison of results from different disciplines an effort has been made to present all continental scale geophysical information with a common format and map projection. It is hoped that this compilation of the many different facets of geophysical studies of the continent will make a contribution to the understanding of Australia's lithospheric architecture and its evolution. We have not attempted to impose interpretations on the datasets, rather we believe that the diverse strands of information may inspire new ways of looking at the continent.
Abstract submitted for presentation to European Geosciences Union General Assembly, April, 2019
To deliver open data, government agencies must deal with legacy processes, both social and technical, that contain barriers to openness. These barriers limit the true usability of open data - how it can be used over time and in multiple contexts - and are critical to address as governments seek to expose open data. Linked Data (LD) has always been, at its core, about ensuring the FAIR Data Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) by focusing on the identity and relationship of entities and exposing their context to consumers of data, even if these principles have only recently been named FAIR. A fundamental component of LD is that entities are identified by sustainable URI references called Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) which retain their utility over time despite system and organisation change. This poster will show how Geoscience Australia (GA) is applying the use of LD & PIDS in a real world, production IT, setting. Long running operational processes have been incrementally advanced to deliver data from relational databases as LD. Policies, practices and tools have developed and applied to support these LD delivery. The key components are: Data transformation tools: reliant on a robust internal data schema, the Corporate Data Model, these tools export views of it as XML or CSV publicly which is then converted to RDF in another step Overarching data model: a Semantic Web ontology that outlines the types of entities delivered publicly by GA and their macro relations. To date, public entities are Datasets, Web Services, vocabulary terms and geological Samples, Sites Surveys and Stratigraphic Units. New objects will include images with multiple formats and resolutions PID service: an application that manages a series of PID redirection rules PID governance policy: the defined process to support the agency with its multiple teams and their different data sources to have consistent application of entity identification rules and ensure uniqueness across multiple systems in the same registers pyLDAPI data service tools: a Web API tool that can present LD endpoints for entities according to given ontologies Cloud infrastructure as code (infracode): Provisioning of LD data holding RDF triple stores on the public cloud following agency best practice in delivering scalable solutions. The tools used are Apache’s Jena/Fuseki triplestore and API deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with scalability through AWS Elastic Load Balancer and Elastic File Store components. Further work will explore suitability of the new triple store on AWS Neptune.
The local magnitude ML 5.4 (MW 5.1) Moe earthquake on 19 June 2012 that occurred within the Australian stable continental region was the largest seismic event for the state of Victoria for more than 30 years. Seismic networks in the southeast Australian region yielded many high-quality recordings of the moderate-magnitude earthquake mainshock and its largest aftershock (ML 4.4; MW 4.3) at a hypocentral range of 10 to 480 km. The source and attenuation characteristics of the earthquake sequence are analyzed. Almost 15,000 felt reports were received following the main shock, which tripped a number of coal-fired power generators in the region, amounting to the loss of approximately 1955 megawatts of generation capacity. The attenuation of macroseismic intensities are shown to mimic the attenuation shape of Eastern North America (ENA) models, but require an inter-event bias to reduce predicted intensities. Further instrumental ground-motion recordings are compared to ground-motion models (GMMs) considered applicable for the southeastern Australian (SEA) region. Some GMMs developed for ENA and for SEA provide reasonable estimates of the recorded ground motions of spectral acceleration within epicentral distances of approximately 100 km. The mean weighted of the Next Generation Attenuation-East GMM suite, recently developed for stable ENA, performs relatively poorly for the 2012 Moe earthquake sequence, particularly for short-period accelerations.
A review of mineral exploration trends, activities and discoveries in Australia in 2020
Internal advice on tsunami, earthquake and severe wind hazards for the Oro Bay region, derived from large-scale hazard assessments. This advice (refer TRIM D2021-52746) was provided to the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership (APCP) as part of Geoscience Australia's (GA's) contributions to the program. (In confidence report to APCP, not for distribution)
Internal advice on tsunami, earthquake and severe wind hazards for the Kimbe Bay region, derived from large-scale hazard assessments. This advice (refer TRIM D2021-55557) was provided to the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership (APCP) as part of Geoscience Australia's (GA's) contributions to the program. (In confidence report to APCP, not for distribution)
Internal advice on tsunami, earthquake and severe wind hazards for the Vanimo Port region, derived from large-scale hazard assessments. This advice (refer TRIM D2021-52746) was provided to the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership (APCP) as part of Geoscience Australia's (GA's) contributions to the program. (In confidence report to APCP, not for distribution)