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This collection contains Earth Observations from space created by Geoscience Australia. This collection specifically is focused on RADAR and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Example products include: ALOS SLC, ENVISAT raw etc.
This collection contains Earth Observations from space created by Geoscience Australia. This collection specifically is focused on data and derived data from the European Commission's Copernicus Programme. Example products include: Sentinel-1-CSAR-SLC, Sentinel-2-MSI-L1C, Sentinel-3-OLCI etc.
This collection contains Earth Observations from space created by Geoscience Australia. This collection specifically is focused on derived or value-added products. Example products include: Fractional Cover (FC), Australian Geographic Reference Image (AGRI), and InterTidal Extents Model (ITEM) etc.
This collection contains Earth Observations from space created by Geoscience Australia. This collection specifically is focused on optical data. Example products include: Landsat NBAR Surface Reflectance, and Landsat pixel quality, etc.