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  • Geoscience Australia carried out a marine survey on Carnarvon shelf (WA) in 2008 (SOL4769) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through colocated sampling of surface sediments and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wavegenerated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Research Vessel Solander. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and video transects were completed in three survey areas that extended seaward from Ningaloo Reef to the shelf edge, including: Mandu Creek (80 sq km); Point Cloates (281 sq km), and; Gnaraloo (321 sq km). Additional bathymetric mapping (but no sampling or video) was completed between Mandu creek and Point Cloates, covering 277 sq km and north of Mandu Creek, covering 79 sq km. Two oceanographic moorings were deployed in the Point Cloates survey area. The survey also mapped and sampled an area to the northeast of the Muiron Islands covering 52 sq km. cloates_3m is an ArcINFO grid of Point Cloates of Carnarvon Shelf survey area produced from the processed EM3002 bathymetry data using the CARIS HIPS and SIPS software

  • The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.

  • This layer shows the location of Ramsar wetlands on Christmas Island. It wss provided by Christmas Island National Park staff in 2012 as a shapefile.

  • This dataset has been developed by the Australian Government as an authoritative source of indigenous location names across Australia. The dataset is designed to support the accurate positioning, consistent reporting, and effective delivery of Australian Government programs and services to indigenous locations. The dataset contains Preferred and Alternate names for indigenous locations where Australian Government programs and services have been, are being, or may be provided. The Preferred name will always default to a State or Territory jurisdiction's gazetted name so the term 'preferred' does not infer that this is the locally known name for the location. Similarly, locational details are aligned, where possible, with those published in State and Territory registers. This dataset is NOT a complete listing of all locations at which indigenous people reside. Town and city names are not included in the dataset. The dataset contains names that represent indigenous communities, outstations, defined indigenous areas within a town or city, and locations where services have been provided. It is the intent of the custodians of this dataset to give point of truth information from the jurisdictions where possible. If you wish to provide feedback about a name contained in the dataset, an omission or the locational details shown, please contact the data manager through the AGIL mailbox giving the point of truth contact or link as the basis for the feedback. The dataset consists of three excel workbooks:- A) the field definitions B) the Location table which includes latitude, longitude, unique identifier(location code), state, date created, date retired and retired reason. Where possible, links to the jurisdictional points of truth. C) the Name table which includes location code, name code, date created, date retired, retired reason and name flag (preferred or alternate name).

  • This dataset is a polygon theme of vegetation types or structures of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. It is derived from topography data (possibly 1:1000 scale) created by AUSLIG. The attributes are probably meaningless. Re-coding according to actual vegetation types is recommended if this layer is to be used for analysis. The vegetation appears to match the 1987 orthophotography, and would therefore be out of date in some areas (the 1992 planning data documentation reveals that areas have been cleared since the 1987 air photos). Coverage is over West and Home Islands.

  • This use of this data should be carried out with the knowledge of the contained metadata and with reference to the associated report provided by Geoscience Australia with this data (Reforming Planning Processes Trial: Rockhampton 2050). A copy of this report is available from the the Geoscience Australia website ( or the Geoscience Australia sales office (, 1800 800 173). The wind hazard outputs are a series of rasters, one for each average recurrence interval considered, presenting peak wind hazard (peak from all directions) as measured in km/h.

  • The Radiometric Map of Australia dataset comprises grids of potassium, uranium, and thorium element concentrations, and derivatives of these grids, that were derived by seamlessly merging over 550 airborne gamma-ray spectrometric surveys in the national radioelement database

  • This use of this data should be carried out with the knowledge of the contained metadata and with reference to the associated report provided by Geoscience Australia with this data (Reforming Planning Processes Trial: Rockhampton 2050). A copy of this report is available from the the Geoscience Australia website ( or the Geoscience Australia sales office (, 1800 800 173). This file identifes the storm tide inundation extent for a specific Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) event. Naming convention: SLR = Sea Level Rise s1a4 = s1 = Stage 1(extra-tropical storm tide), s2 = Stage 2 (tropical cyclone storm tide) (relating to Haigh et al. 2012 storm tide study), a4 = area 4 and a5 = area 5 2p93 = Inundation height, in this case 2.93 m Dice = this data was processed with the ESRI Dice tool.

  • This use of this data should be carried out with the knowledge of the contained metadata and with reference to the associated report provided by Geoscience Australia with this data (Reforming Planning Processes Trial: Rockhampton 2050). A copy of this report is available from the the Geoscience Australia website ( or the Geoscience Australia sales office (, 1800 800 173). This file identifes the storm tide inundation extent for a specific Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) event. Naming convention: SLR = Sea Level Rise s1a4 = s1 = Stage 1(extra-tropical storm tide), s2 = Stage 2 (tropical cyclone storm tide) (relating to Haigh et al. 2012 storm tide study), a4 = area 4 and a5 = area 5 2p93 = Inundation height, in this case 2.93 m Dice = this data was processed with the ESRI Dice tool.

  • This dataset is part of a digital geological map of the Granites-Tanami Block which Australian Geological Survey Organisation has prepared by joining together as a seamless coverage 15 of the 1:250 000 geological maps which cover the province.The data layers in the digital map include geology, faults, lineaments structural data, mineral deposits and Australian Geological Survey Organisation drill hole locations. The digital data is available in Arcinfo/ Arcview or Mapinfo format. Topographic and cultural layers are not included: these can be purchased separately from AUSLIG.