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Geoscience Australia Marine Survey 302: Final Survey Report. by Fugro Robertson Inc, Nov. 2006 - Jan. 2007.
Geodata TOPO250K Series 3 Topographic Data - Horizontal Control Points (A line which represents an imaginary line on the ground joining points of equal elevation in relation to the Australian Height Datum - AHD66). Series 3 contains a medium scale vector representation of the topography of Australia. The data include the following ten themes and 92 feature classes: Cartography: Annotations, CartographicLines, CartographicPoints, GraticuleAnnotations, Graticules, GridAnnotations and Grids Elevation: Contours, BenchMarks, HorizontalControlPoints and SpotElevations Framework: ProhibitedAreas, Reserves, FrameworkBoundaries, Islands, LargeAreaFeatures, Locations, Mainlands, Seas, GeodataIndexes and MapIndexes Habitation: BuildingAreas, BuildingPoints, BuiltUpAreas, CemeteryAreas, CemeteryPoints, Homesteads, PlaceNames, PopulatedPlaces and RecreationAreas Hydrography: CanalLines, Locks, RapidLines, Spillways, WatercourseLines, WaterfallPoints, Bores, CanalAreas, Flats, Lakes, PondageAreas, RapidAreas, Reservoirs, Springs, WatercourseAreas, Waterholes, WaterPoints, MarineHazardAreas, MarineHazardPoints and ForeshoreFlats Infrastructure: AerialCableways, DamWalls, Fences, MarineInfrastructureLines, MarineInfrastructurePoints, VerticalObstructions, WaterTanks, Yards, Conveyors, MineAreas, MinePoints, PetroleumWells and StorageTanks Terrain: Caves, Craters, DeformationAreas, Discontinuities, Pinnacles, SandRidges and Sands Transport: AircraftFacilityPoints, RailwayBridgePoints, RailwayCrossingLines, Railways, RailwayStopPoints, RailwayTunnelLines, RailwayTunnelPoints, BarrierPoints, FerryRouteLines, FootTracks, RoadCrossingLines, RoadCrossingPoints, Roads, RoadTunnelLines and RoadTunnelPoints Utility: Pipelines and Powerlines Vegetation: ClearedLines, CultivatedAreas, NativeVegetationAreas and Windbreaks
Methodology for bushfire mapping using the ACRES Landsat archive
Map of Cable Protection Zones (Y shaped option) off Sydney, NSW. Generalized for use in ACMA PowerPoint presentations from previously produced map for ACMA GeoCat 64114 June '06.
Map of Cable Protection Zones off Sydney, NSW. Produced for ACMA in Feb '07 from previous map GeoCat 64114 June '06. This map is generalised for use in PowerPoint presentations by ACMA. Updated April '08 to include other, including not yet layed, cables.
Map of Cable Protection Zone of Perth, WA. Produced for ACMA from previous map GeoCat 64115, this map is generalised for use in PowerPoint for a conference in Manilla in March 07. For ACMA use only.
pmd*CRC Annual Report 2006/2007
Initial 'straw man' used in the targeting exercise and developed from earlier Y4 (PDT) Meeting in May 2007
Y4 Presentation of introduction to Targeting and the terrane-scale targeting (presented to sponsors at the final PDT Meeting in Kalgoorie May 2007)
Y4 Presentation of deposit-scale targeting (presented to sponsors at the final PDT Meeting in Kalgoorie May 2007)