Type of resources
Publication year
Brecciation in the Eastern Succession
Y3 Data base including data from St. Ives, Golden Mile, New Celebration and Hanons Lake
M. Heydari et al Komatiite alteration assemblages in the Kambalda Domain, WA.
Archived imagery
Evolution of Pre-1.8 Ga basement rocks in the western Mt Isa Inlier, northeastern Australia - insights from SHRIMP U-Pb dating and in-situ Lu-Hf analysis of zircons. Precambrian Research, 163, 159-173.
List of samples collected for SEM, NAA and "34S analysis from the Menzies Boorara Shear Zone (A. Morey). Drill Samples
This workshop presented the results of the Mount Isa deep crustal seismic survey to mineral explorers and other interested geoscientists. The survey was carried out in 2006 across the Mount Isa Inlier and the Lawn Hill Platform in northwest Queensland as a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia, the Queensland Government (Geological Survey of Queensland), Zinifex Pty Ltd and the Predictive Mineral Discovery Cooperative Research Centre (pmd*CRC) using the facilities of ANSIR (the National Research Facility for Earth Sounding).
Map produced for the Australian Government Solicitor in December 2008 showing the Torres Strait Regional Claim (Q6040 of 2001) as mofidied and the Eastern Skipjack Fishery. For confidental/internal use by AGS and not for general release.
Map produced for the Australian Government Solicitor in December 2008 showing the Torres Strait Regional Claim (Q6040 of 2001) as mofidied and the Western Tuna and Billfish Fishery. For confidental/internal use by AGS and not for general release.
A schematic diagram showing Australia's Continental Shelf Jurisdictional areas. Simplified from GeoCat 65810 of April 2008 but content unchanged.