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  • The Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC are funding the preparation of an exposure information modelling framework to identify fundamental information requirements for better evidence based disaster management. The framework will underpin the development of a comprehensive natural hazards exposure information base to assist in reducing the natural hazards risk to communities. Implementation of the framework will help to understand the exposure of people, buildings, businesses and infrastructure to natural hazards. Current exposure information provision capabilities have been reviewed to identify key issues, needs, gaps, overlaps and deficiencies. A stakeholder engagement workshop was convened to identify future information needs and to understand the trends by aligning with broader framework objectives of the National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines. The following are four different components of built environment exposure identified through extensive reviews and stakeholder consultation for endorsement. Information on population o remoteness, density, mobility, socio-economic status, age profile, disability status, indigenous and ethnic composition and proportion of floating and tourist population o time dependence of population, population evacuation speed, information on factors that influence human risk perception and information on existing network organisations and community groups are important for exposure information modelling. Information on Buildings o building type, code/standard, age, location, location by the exposure categories o number of storeys, floor height, elevation, orientation, façade coverage and material use o ancillary buildings Information on infrastructure o roads, bridges, airports and seaports; power distribution networks; underground water supply networks o lifeline and connected infrastructure. Information on business and land use o location of operations, type, employment, turnover, size, value and costs o primary industry agriculture, horticulture, cattle o ecological inventory, land use The collective views of data managers, researchers and end users have informed the basis for exposure information requirements to develop a consistent, standardised exposure information framework that will support vulnerability assessments for disaster risk reduction and socio-economic impact analysis.

  • National Exposure Information System (NEXIS) Flyer

  • The purpose of the Global Map is to accurately describe the present status of the global environment in international cooperation of respective National Mapping Organizations (NMOs) of the world. The map has features from the Global Map specifications.

  • The Gazetteer provides information on the location and spelling of more than 370,000 geographical names across Australia as at January 2012. The supply of data is coordinated by the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping and derived from State, Territory and Australian Government agencies. Copyright of the Gazetteer data resides with the relevant state, territory and Australian Government agencies which are custodians of the data. The Gazetteer fields include: - Record ID - unique feature identifier for each feature. - Authority ID - custodian state or territory. - State ID - state or territory which contains the feature. - Name - name of the feature. - Feature Code - code indicating the type of feature - Status - indicates whether the name is authorised. - Variant name - variant or alternative name used for the feature. - Postcode - Postcode for the feature. - Concise Gazetteer - indicates whether the feature is included in the concise gazetteer. - Longitude - longitude of the feature in decimal degrees. - Latitude - latitude of the feature in decimal degrees. - 100K map number - 1:100 000 scale map number in which the feature is located. - CGDN - indicates whether the place name can be used in the second level domains by community website portals which reflect community interests. Product specifications: - Coverage: Australia - Currency: 2012 - Coordinates: Geographical - Datum: GDA94 - Format: Microsoft Access Database, KML, GML - Medium: WEB - Forward Program: Annual revision Please note: The custodians of the place name data do not guarantee that the data is free from errors and omissions. If possible errors or omissions in the data are identified, please contact Corrections are forwarded to the State and Territories, Name Authorities for clarification. Updates will appear in subsequent revisions of the Gazetteer.

  • This dataset has been developed by the Australian Government as an authoritative source of indigenous location names across Australia. The dataset is designed to support the accurate positioning, consistent reporting, and effective delivery of Australian Government programs and services to indigenous locations. The dataset contains Preferred and Alternate names for indigenous locations where Australian Government programs and services have been, are being, or may be provided. The Preferred name will always default to a State or Territory jurisdiction's gazetted name so the term 'preferred' does not infer that this is the locally known name for the location. Similarly, locational details are aligned, where possible, with those published in State and Territory registers. This dataset is NOT a complete listing of all locations at which indigenous people reside. Town and city names are not included in the dataset. The dataset contains names that represent indigenous communities, outstations, defined indigenous areas within a town or city, and locations where services have been provided. It is the intent of the custodians of this dataset to give point of truth information from the jurisdictions where possible. If you wish to provide feedback about a name contained in the dataset, an omission or the locational details shown, please contact the data manager through the AGIL mailbox giving the point of truth contact or link as the basis for the feedback. The dataset consists of three excel workbooks:- A) the field definitions B) the Location table which includes latitude, longitude, unique identifier(location code), state, date created, date retired and retired reason. Where possible, links to the jurisdictional points of truth. C) the Name table which includes location code, name code, date created, date retired, retired reason and name flag (preferred or alternate name).

  • The Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) is a framework of ten national authoritative geographic data themes that supports evidence-based social-economic decision making across multiple levels of Australian and New Zealand government agencies, industry, research and the community. The AAA data management principles (Authoritative, Accurate and Accessible), articulated for FSDF, are easily translatable to the FAIR Principles and applied to ensure: - Ability to Find data through rich and consistently implemented metadata; - Access to metadata and data by humans and machines while practicing federated data management within trusted data repositories; - Interoperability of metadata and data through adoption of common standards and application of best practices; and - Reusability of data by capturing licencing constraints and information about its quality and provenance. The Location Information Knowledge Platform (LINK) was developed in 2016 as a digital catalogue of FSDF content. This governed, online, dynamic, analysis and discovery tool was designed to enhance the discovery of FSDF datasets, support work planning and indicate the legal frameworks, agency priorities and use case associated with FSDF data. More than 73 Australian government agencies and commercial organisations use this Platform. Current work includes: - Building common high-level and individual lower-level information models (ontologies) for the FSDF and each dataset; - Development of a new architecture for persistent identifiers and identifier incorporation in the datasets; - The ISO 19115-1-based Australian and New Zealand Metadata profile and best practices user guides; and - Testing new workflows for metadata and data governance and integration utilising a set of common cloud-based infrastructure. On realisation, the FSDF will become a necessary component of spatial socio-economic decision making across Australian and New Zealand government agencies and the private sector. FSDF will encourage cross-sector partnerships and enable seamless access to authoritative spatial data across organisational and jurisdictional boundaries, thus contributing to economic growth, improved public safety, meeting legal and policy obligations and sustaining business needs.

  • The SDE Transport Database (STRANSPORT) is a subset of the former SDE Best Available Geographic Database (SBAGD). STRANSPORT contains only the transport feature datasets and feature classes such as aviation, marine, road and rail. SBAGD is a historic database comprising the GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 data and any updates that were made from 2008-2013. This vector data represents major topographic features and has been sourced through many programs such as the National Topographic Information Coordination Initiative (NTICI). The topographic data complies with the Topographic Data and Map Specifications for the National Topographic Database & NTMS Series 1:250 000 & 1:100 000 scale topographic map products version 6.0. To use this dataset please contact the Spatial Platforms team (eGIS),, and obtain an SDE login for use within your selected GIS software.

  • The SDE Elevation Database (SELEVATION) is a subset of the former SDE Best Available Geographic Database (SBAGD). SELEVATION contains only the elevation feature datasets and feature classes such as relief, contours and survey marks. SBAGD is a historic database comprising the GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3 data and any updates that were made from 2008-2013. This vector data represents major topographic features and has been sourced through many programs such as the National Topographic Information Coordination Initiative (NTICI). The topographic data complies with the Topographic Data and Map Specifications for the National Topographic Database & NTMS Series 1:250 000 & 1:100 000 scale topographic map products version 6.0. To use this dataset please contact the Spatial Platforms team (eGIS),, and obtain an SDE login for use within your selected GIS software.

  • Geoscience Australia is the nation’s trusted advisor on the geology and geography of Australia. In its role as the provider of fundamental geographic information for the nation, Geoscience Australia is coordinating new efficient and consistent approaches to cross-government location information supply chains to meet requirements for more detailed and frequently updated national data. This presentation will explore these approaches with a focus on how and why land, property and transport network information can be enabled to ultimately improve outcomes to meet the triple bottom line in the national context - Australia’s environment, its people and economic prosperity. In this presentation, Geoscience Australia will outline how it is collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders in response to increasing demands and expectations for detailed, timely, consistent and interoperable location information throughout Australia. The presentation will describe how existing vehicles for change such as the Foundation Spatial Data Framework, Open Data principles and the Location Index are being used to identify current and future information needs and gaps, examine existing supply chains and identify opportunities to lubricate the flow and integration of vital information underpinning important decisions and policy development.

  • Travel Allowance Distances as provided by Department of Finance