seismic sections
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In 2008, as part of its Onshore Energy Security Program, Geoscience Australia and PIRSA acquired 262 km of vibroseis-source, deep seismic reflection data as a single north-south traverse (08GA-C1) in the Curnamona Province in South Australia. This line started in the south near outcrop of the Willyama Supergroup, ran to the east of Lake Frome along the Benagerie Ridge, and ended in the north to the northeast of the Mount Painter and Mount Babbage Inliers. Almost the entire route of the seismic traverse was over concealed bedrock, with only a few drillholes which could be used as control points. Overall, the crust imaged in the seismic section is relatively reflective, although the central part of the section contains an upper crust which has very low reflectivity. The lower two-thirds of the crust contain strong, subhorizontal reflections. The Moho is not sharply defined, but is interpreted to occur at the base of the reflective package at about 13 s two-way travel time (TWT), about 40 km depth. The highly reflective crust can be tracked, from the southern end of the seismic section, northwards for a distance of about 200 km. In the north, where rocks of the Mount Painter and Mount Babbage Inliers are exposed close to the section, the crust has a marked lower reflectivity, compared to the rest of the line. This contrast in crustal reflectivity suggests that the crust beneath the Mount Painter region is different to that beneath the Willyama Supergroup of the Curnamona Province in the south, raising the possibility of an ancient crustal boundary between the two regions.
Field tests were conducted on 11 March 1974 in Waiaal Victoria to compare the seismic efficiency of Molanite, TNT, and-Anzite Blue. Ueismic energy p:enerated by equal amounts of each explosive was recorded in identical conditions, and the amplitudes of the refracted and reflected waves were measured and compared. The comparisons indicated that Molanite and Anzite Blue were equally efficient whereas TNT was about 10 percent less efficient. No significant difference was observed in the character of the seismic energy generated by any of the explosives tested.
No abstract available
In hard rock regions, a large range of stacking velocities is required to correctly stack reflectors of different dips. Typically, horizontal reflectors stack at 6000 m/s, whereas reflectors with dips of 60 degrees stack at 12,000 m/s. For high fold (vibrator) data, correct stack of conflicting dips can be achieved by dip moveout (DMO) correction. However, for lower fold (dynamite) data, the sparse offset distribution complicates application of DMO. An alternative technique involves producing stacks with different stacking velocities and stacking these stacks. This technique was applied to two seismic reflection data sets, low fold dynamite from Broken Hill and high fold vibrator data from the Lachlan Fold Belt. The Lachlan data set was used as both full 60/120 fold and reduced 10/20 fold. Velocity analysis, both analytical and empirical, was carried out to determine the range of stacking velocities. Stacking velocity increases with dip angle (cos-1 theta), but the velocity range across which an event stacks coherently increases more rapidly (approximately cos-3 theta for velocities typical of hard rock)). The most critical area for analysis is the first two seconds of data, due to greater sensitivity of NMO to stacking velocity. The optimum number of stacks is an important consideration, based on the number of stacks in which an event contributes coherently to the sum The Broken Hill stack data showed simultaneous imaging of horizontal and dipping events. For the Lachlan reduced fold data set, horizontal and moderate to steeply dipping events were stacked successfully, although not as well as the post-DMO stack of the full fold data. The technique has some problems at the shallowest levels, where the stack can be degraded due to time shifts of events in the individual stacks.
<p>Geoscience Australia with assistance from the Geological Survey of Queensland conducted a seismic survey in southeast Queensland form April to December 1984. The survey set out to investigate deep structures within the earth's crust and is the first of the Australian Continental Reflection Profiling (ACORP), initiatives to study critical transects of the Australian lithosphere. The survey obtained 798 km of six-fold seismic reflection data over the Westgate Trough, Nebine Ridge, Surat Basin, Kumbarilla Ridge, and Clarence-Moreton Basin.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74969</b>
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Geoscience Australia in collaboration with the Geological Survey of NSW acquired the Yathong Trough Deep Crustal Seismic Survey in 2013. The survey involved the acquisition of seismic reflection and gravity data along two traverses, 13GA-YT1 (98km) and 13GA-YT2 (132km) near Hillston, NSW. The purpose of the survey was to acquire new data to better understand the regional geology and major structured of the Yathong Trough within the Darling Basin, NSW. Funding was from the Geological Survey NSW through the New Frontiers Initative. Raw data for this survey are available on request from
Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the Gawler-Officer-Musgrave-Amadeus (GOMA) Deep Crustal Seismic survey (L190) acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) in collaboration with AuScope and Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA). Stack and migrated data for line 09GA-OM1 as well as CDP coordinates data. This 634 line km traverse follows the Alice Springs to Adelaide railway line begining near Erldunda in the Northern Territory and finishing near Tarcoola in South Australia. Raw data for this survey are available on request from
Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the 2009 Southern Delamerian Seismic Survey (L193) acquied by Geoscience Australia, in conjunction with AuScope, Victoria Department of Primary Industries, and Primary Industries and Resources, SA (PIRSA). Stack and migrated data are included for lines 09GA-SD1 and 09GA-SD2, as well as CDP coordinates. Raw data for this survey are available on request from