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Several species of Aconeceratinae occur in the Windalia Radiolarite (Upper Aptian) of the Carnarvon Basin of Western Australia. Two of them belong to the genus Aconeceras Hyatt, the third is made the type species of Eofalciferella nov., which is believed to be the ancestor of Falciferella Casey. Two new species of the latter genus have been discovered in the Upper Albian of northern South Australia. This is the first record of the genus outside England. Since Whitehouse (1926b, 1927, 1928) revised the then known Cretaceous species of Eastern Australia very little has been added to our knowledge about Australian Cretaceous ammonites. Spath (1926, 1940) first recorded the occurrence of Senonian and Maastrichtian ammonoid faunas in Western Australia. The important late Albian and Cenomanian assemblages of Northern Australia (Darwin, Bathurst and Melville Islands) are still only sketchily known (Etheridge fil. 1902, 1904, 1907) and are in need of revision, as has become evident from recent bed-for-bed collecting carried out in this area by Dr. B. Daily, of Adelaide. A monograph on this magnificent assemblage will shortly be published by Dr. C. W. Wright. An Upper Albian ammonoid fauna, collected by Dr. H. Wopfner, A. Hess, D. Scott and the author (all of Geosurveys of Australia Ltd., Adelaide), has recently been dispatched to Or. R. A. Reyment (Stockholm) for description. The Aptian/Albian, Senonian, and early Maastrichtian faunas of Western Australia are being described by the writer and the first two parts (Neoammonoidea Irregularia) will appear under the auspices of the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra.
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