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  • The Australian Crustal Elements dataset delineates upper crustal elements, primarily based on composite geophysical domains, each of which shows a distinctive pattern of magnetic and gravity anomalies. These elements generally relate to the basement, rather than the sedimentary basins. Boundaries between these elements are interpreted to mark crustal-scale changes in composition or structural pattern, or both. Where feasible, these boundaries are chosen to emphasise their correlation with the outcropping boundaries of geological provinces.

  • Two full-colour map sheets (at 1:5 million and 1:10 million scales) that show the continental extent and age relationships of Proterozoic mafic and ultramafic rocks and associated mineral deposits throughout the continent. These rocks have been assigned to 30 Magmatic Events (ME) ranging in age from the Early Palaeoproterozoic ~2455 Ma (ME 1) to the Early Cambrian ~520 Ma (ME 30). The presence and correlation of these Magmatic Events into five Major Crustal Elements and 28 provinces are represented in a Time-Space-Event Chart on Sheet 2. Enlarged inset maps on Sheet 1 provide in more detail the polygon and line data of certain regions, and other inset maps on Sheet 2 show the distribution of Proterozoic and Archaean rocks, mineral deposits and occurrences, and five Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). This national map supersedes two similar 'Proterozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events' maps relating to Western Australia (2006; GeoCat 64813) and the Northern Territory-South Australia (2007; GeoCat 65257). A user guide to the map series is described in Geocat 66624. A georeferenced image of the map Australian Proterozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events (Sheet 1) is also provided. The image shows spatial distribution of Proterozoic (2500 Ma to 545 Ma) mafic-ultramafic magmatic events in Australia. The map illustrates for the first time, the continental extent and age relationships of Proterozoic mafic and ultramafic rocks and their associated mineral deposits. The image has been georeferenced using ESRI ArcGIS 9.3 software. Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 False Easting: 0.00000000 False Northing: 0.00000000 Central Meridian: 134.00000000 Standard Parallel 1: -18.00000000; Standard Parallel 2: -36.00000000 Latitude Of Origin: 0.00000000 The package contains five files contained in a ZIP file [ZIP 25MB]: geo_national_mafic_part1_300dpi1.rrd geo_national_mafic_part1_300dpi1.xml geo_national_mafic_part1_300dpi1.aux geo_national_mafic_part1_300dpi1.jpg geo_national_mafic_part1_300dpi1.jwg <h3>Related products:</h3><a href=";catno=66624">Guide to Using the Australian Proterozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events Map</a> <a href=";catno=70461">Proterozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events Resource Package</a> <a href=";catno=69347">Archean Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events Resource Package</a> <a href=";catno=69935">Guide to using the Australian Archean Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events Map</a> <a href=";catno=69213">Proterozoic Large Igneous Provinces: Map Sheets 1 and 2</a> <a href=";catno=70008">Guide to using the Map of Australian Proterozoic Large Igneous Provinces</a>

  • This map is produced as part of a series of three maps showing selected mines and mineral deposits and commodities throughout Australia for 2007 on a gravity raster image.

  • Shows Australia and it's external Territories including Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Heard Island, Antarctica, Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island and Macquarie Island at various scales.

  • The purpose of The Energy Infrastructure Australia Map, is to provide an overview of the location of Energy Infrastructure facilities in Australia.

  • The Hydrologeology Map of Australia defines the sedimentary basins and fractured rock provinces which make up the regional hydrogeological divisions in Australia. These hydrogeological provinces have been further classed with regard to either a fractured rock province or a sedimentary basin, distribution of aquifers within the province, and aquifer productivity.

  • This map shows the distribution and age of major stratigraphic, intrusive and medium- to high-grade metamorphic units of onshore Australia. Units on the map represent stratigraphic supergroups, regional intrusive associations and regional metamorphic complexes.

  • A GIS data set created from a map, first published by BMR in 1983, that depicts the distribution of metamorphic facies in Australia. The original map was compiled between 1972 and 1983 by T.G. Vallance, G.W. DAddario, A.J. Stewart, J.E. Mitchell, J.F. Stirzaker, and A.S.Mikolajczak using data supplied by BMR, State and Territory Geological Surveys, Universities and the Geological Society of Australia. As a digital data set the attributes have been revised to allow relational analysis of the data within. Two formats of GIS data are provided: ArcView shape files and Mapinfo TAB files.

  • Australia has been divided into 392 Regolith Terrain Units on the basis of dominant topography, geology and regolith. Full details available in BMR Record 1986/27 has been used to attribute this dataset.

  • Oil and Gas field locations of Australia. Removed as an online resource 10/08/2017 on request from Tom Bernecker