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Geomorphic banks were mapped in this study based on a GIS analysis of a 100 m bathymetry grid for the Great Barrier Reef produced by Beaman (2010). The bathymetric data were contoured at 5 m intervals and used to interpret the location of geomorphic bank features, defined as having at least one steep (i.e. greater than ~2 degrees) slope rising more than 15 m above the level of surrounding seafloor. All banks were digitised by hand aided using three-dimensional imagery. Bank polygons were created in ArcGIS with the base of slope taken as the outer edge of the bank. Mean bank elevation estimates thus include the bank slopes as well as planar bank-tops. Only banks occurring on the continental shelf of the Great Barrier Reef between the 20 and 200 m isobaths, and between the latitudes of 10 to 25° S were included. Disclaimer: Geoscience Australia gives no warranty regarding the data downloads provided herein nor the data's accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose. Geoscience Australia disclaims all other liability for all loss, damages, expense and costs incurred by any person as a result of relying on the information in the data downloads.
Measurements of water turbidity, currents, seafloor sediment samples and geophysical data document the sedimentary processes and the Late Quaternary sedimentary history of a continental shelf valley system on the East Antarctic continental margin.
The Ord is one of the largest rivers in northern Australia and is located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. In this study we show that the lower Ord landscape near Kununurra in Western Australia consists of a large scale ancient landscape, possibly pre-Cambrian, being exhumed from beneath flat-lying Cambrian to Carboniferous cover rocks. Additional post-Permian landscapes are being formed by this process. The Ord Valley alluvium is of late Pleistocene to Holocene in age and consts off upward fining gravels, sands and clays infilling an inset valley profile. The Ord River initially flowed to the sea via the keep River estuary, however a major avulsion, possibly due to sedimentatain topping a low point in the surrounding valley walls, occurred possibly as recently as 1,800 years ago. As a result to mouth of the Ord shifted some 100 km to the east, to Cambridge Gulf, its course through the former alluvial plain and along the new course across the coastal plain was incised, and a scabland formed across the low point of Tararar Bar. This association of very ancient (pre-Paleozoic) landscape elements and by thin, very young weathering profiles and young sedimentary accumulations in alluvial valleys is paradoxical in the broader Australian pattern where very ancient landscape elements are associated with ancient sedimentary infill and weathering profiles.
Geomorphic landscape features and associated surface materials are fundamental to groundwater recharge processes as they form the first layer through which surface water passes before it becomes groundwater. Different surface materials exhibit different water-holding capacity and hence permeability characteristics. In the Broken Hill Managed Aquifer Recharge project, surface-materials mapping in conjunction with geomorphic mapping, has assisted hydrogeological investigations, including recharge predictions, salinity hazard and the identification of potential infiltration basins. Prior to landform identification, LiDAR DEM data was levelled using trend surfaces to eliminate regional slope (~20m). As a consequence of this, an ArcGIS interactive contour tool could be used to identify specific breaks in elevation associated with landform features. Multivariate image analysis of elevation, high resolution SPOT and Landsat-derived wetness further enhanced the contrast between geomorphic elements to confirm mapping boundaries. While specific landforms can be characterised by particular surface materials, these sediments can vary within a single geomorphic feature. Consequently, SPOT multispectral satellite imagery was used to identify surface materials using principal component analysis and unsupervised classification. This approach generated 20 classes; each assigned a preliminary cover/landform attribute using SPOT imagery. Field data (surface and borehole sample, and observations at shallow pits) were used to refine the classification approach. Interactive mapping using a de-trended DEM provided a rapid, effective and accurate alternative to time consuming manual landform digitisation. The combination of these two new products - surface-materials and geomorphic maps - has assisted in the identification of potential recharge sites and naturally occurring infiltration sites.
This record contains the raw Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data and scanned field notes collected on fieldwork at Old Bar and Boomerang Beaches, NSW for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 3 - 5 March 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with 250 MHz shielded and 100 MHz unshielded antennaes. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles.
This record contains the processed Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data (.segy), field notes, and shapefile collected on fieldwork at Adelaide Metropolitan Beaches, South Australia for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 16-19 February 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with 250 MHz shielded, 100 MHz unshielded and 50 MHz unshielded antennaes. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.
This record contains the processed Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data (.segy), field notes, and shapefiles collected on fieldwork at Old Bar and Boomerang Beaches, NSW for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 3 - 5 March 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with 250 MHz shielded and 100 MHz unshielded antennaes. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.
This record contains the raw Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data and scanned field notes collected on fieldwork at Adelaide Metropolitan Beaches, South Australia for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 16-19 February 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with 250 MHz shielded, 100 MHz unshielded and 50 MHz unshielded antennaes. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.
Measured probability distributions of shoreline elevation, swash height (shoreline excursion length) and swash maxima and minima from a wide range of beach types are compared to theoretical probability distributions. The theoretical distributions are based on assumptions that the time series are weakly steady-state, ergodic and a linear random process. Despite the swash process being inherently non-linear, our results indicate that these assumptions are not overly restrictive with respect to modeling exceedence statistics in the upper tail of the probability distribution. The RMS-errors for a range of exceedence level statistics (50, 10, 5, 2, and 1 percent) were restricted to <10 cm (and often <5 cm) for all of the swash variables that were investigated. The results presented here provide the basis for further refinement of coastal inundation modeling as well as stochastic-type morphodynamic modeling of beach response to waves. Further work is required, however, to relate the parameters of swash probability distributions to wave conditions further offshore.
A geological reconnaissance was made of an area of approximately 27,000 square miles lying north and west of Katherine in the Northern Territory. The report is compiled in two parts. The first concerns general geology and includes accounts of the nomenclature, stratigraphy, structural geology, geological history, and geomorphology of the area. The second part comprises a summary of the economic geology. The mining industry, petroleum prospects, underground water, and recommendations are discussed. A table showing the mineral production figures for the Northern Territory, northern district, is appended.