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Regolith carbonate or secondary carbonate is a key component of the regolith, particularly in many Mediterranean, arid and semi-arid regions of Australia. National maps of regolith carbonate distribution have been compiled from regional soil, regolith and geological mapping with varying degrees of confidence and consistency. Here we apply a decision tree approach based on a piecewise linear regression model to estimate and map the near-surface regolith carbonate concentration at the continental scale. The model is based on relationships established from the 1311 field sites of the National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) and 49 national environmental covariate datasets. Regolith carbonate concentration (weight %) was averaged from the <2 mm grain size-fractions of samples taken from two depth ranges (0-10 cm and ~60-80 cm) at each NGSA site. The final model is based on the average of 20 runs generated by randomly selecting 90% training and 10% validation splits of the input data. Results present an average coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.56 on the validation dataset. The covariates used in the prediction are consistent with our understanding of the controls on the sources (inputs), preservation and distribution of regolith carbonate within the Australian landscape. The model produces a continuous, quantitative prediction of regolith carbonate abundance in surficial regolith at a resolution of 90 m with associated estimates of model uncertainty. The model-derived map is broadly consistent with our current knowledge of the distribution of carbonate-rich soil and regolith in Australia. This methodology allows the rapid generation of an internally consistent and continuous layer of geoinformation that may be applicable to other carbonate-rich landscapes globally. The methodology used in this study has the potential to be used in predicting other geochemical constituents of the regolith.
Floods are Australia's most expensive natural hazard with the average annual cost of floods estimated at AUD$377 million (BITRE 2008). This figure is likely to have risen following the widespread and devastating floods across eastern Australia that occurred over the summer of 2010-11. The development of tools to support the identification and analysis of flood risk is an important first step in reducing the cost of floods in the community. The Australian Government through Geoscience Australia (GA) has been leading the development of tools which assist in flood intelligence, modelling and damage assessment. An overview of three of these tools will be provided in this presentation. Note: Rest of abstract is too long for space provided.
Beginning in the Archean, the continent of Australia evolved to its present configuration through the accretion and assembly of several smaller continental blocks and terranes at its edges. Australia grew usually by convergent plate margin processes, such as arc-continent collision, continent-continent collision or through accretionary processes at subduction zones. The accretion of several island arcs to the Australian continent, through arc-continent collisions, played an important role in this process, and the geodynamic implications of some Archean and Proterozoic island arcs recognised in Australia will be discussed here.
DRAFT Australia's Resources Supporting Economic Growth in the Nation and the Region Paul J Kay Geoscience Australia A new book on Australia's geology viewed through the lens of human activity has been prepared by Geoscience Australia for the 34th International Geological Congress (IGC). Geological factors influencing the nation's recent economic development make up one chapter of the IGC book. Australia's long geological history, fringing passive margins, limited recent deformation and overall landscape stability has formed and preserved a vast quantity of high quality bulk commodity resources. The nation's educated workforce, system of government and legal framework has provided a sound, stable foundation allowing the geological legacy to be utilised through a large export industry for societal and national benefit. The bulk resources of coal, iron, aluminium and liquefied natural gas (LNG) account for more than 50 percent of Australia's export earnings, sustaining the nation's economic success and the lifestyle of the Australian people. Mining has been a cornerstone of the Australian economy since the 19th century gold rushes and importance the resources sector has increased markedly since the mid 20th century, largely a consequence of accelerating export income from the bulk commodities. The industrialisation of Asia has provided the demand, driving infrastructure investment in remote regions of Australia. Advances in technology combined with massive economies of scale and sound public policy have enabled access to the resource and helped to satiate the growing regional market. Responding to changes in the existing status quo, be they trade or societal, will require ongoing interactions between the geosciences and other disciplines to maintain and improve Australia's standard of living.
ABSTRACT: Building on method developments achieved during a series of precursor pilot projects, the National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project targets catchment outlet (overbank) sediments as a uniform sampling medium. These transported, fine-grained materials are collected (from a shallow and a deeper level) near the lowest point of 1390 catchments, which cover 91% of the country. Dry and moist Munsell® colour, soil pH and electrical conductivity and pH of 1:5 (soil:water) slurries are recorded and laser particle size analysis and infrared spectroscopy are performed. The dried samples are sieved into two grain-size fractions (<2 mm and <75 mm) that are analysed by x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and inductively-coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (multi-element, total analyses), by ICP-MS after aqua regia digestion (multi-element, including low level gold), and specialised methods for platinum group elements, fluorine and selenium. At the time of writing, 78% of the samples have been collected and most analyses are completed for the first 25% of samples. The project is due for completion in June 2011.
The Pine Creek AEM survey was flown over the Pine Creek Orogen in the Northern Territory during 2008 and 2009 as part of the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program at Geoscience Australia (GA). The survey provides pre-competitive data for enhancing uranium and other mineral exploration. Flight line spacing was 1666 m and 5000 m covering an area of 74,000 km2 (roughly the size of Tasmania) which hosts several uranium deposits, including the Ranger Uranium Mine, Rum jungle, Ranger and Nabarlek. The region is also prospective for metals including copper, lead, zinc, gold, tin, rare earths, tantalum, tungsten, molybdenum and nickel. The Pine Creek AEM survey comprises three areas: Kombolgie to the east of Kakadu National Park; Woolner Granite near Darwin; and, Rum Jungle to the west of Kakadu National Park. Collaboration with the National Water Commission and eight private infill companies brought an additional investment of approximately $1 m into the survey, with follow-up exploration equal to or exceeding this amount. The Woolner Granite and Rum Jungle survey area data were acquired using the TEMPEST fixed wing AEM system. The acquisition and processing were carried out by Fugro Airborne Surveys Pty. Ltd., under contract to GA. The Woolner Granite and Rum Jungle surveys were flown between August 2008 and May 2009 and the data were publicly released by GA in July and September 2009 respectively. In the Kombolgie survey area, the data were acquired a by Geotech Airborne Pty. Ltd. using the VTEM helicopter AEM system. The survey was flown between August and November of 2008, and additional calibration flights relating to the survey were flown in April 2009. The Kombolgie data were publicly released by GA in December 2009.
Imagine you are an incident controller viewing a computer screen which depicts the likely spread of a bushfire that's just started. The display shows houses and other structures in the fire's path, and even the demographics of the people living in the area - such as the number of people, their age spread, whether the household has independent transport, and whether English is their second language. In addition, imagine that you can quantify and display the uncertainty in both the fire weather and also the type and state of the vegetation, enabling the delivery of a range of simulations relating to the expected fire spread and impact. You will be able to addresses the 'what if' scenarios as the event unfolds and reject those scenarios that are no longer plausible. The advantages of such a simulation system in making speedy, well-informed decisions has been considered by a group of Bushfire CRC researchers who have collaborated to produce a 'proof of concept' system initially for use in addressing 3 case studies. The system has the working name FireDST (Fire Impact and Risk Evaluation Decision Support Tool). FireDST links various databases and models, including the Phoenix RapidFire fire prediction model and building vulnerability assessment model (radiant heat and ember attack), as well as infrastructure and demographic databases. The information is assembled into an integrated simulation framework through a geographical information system (GIS) interface. Pre-processed information, such as factors that determine the local and regional wind, and also the typical response of buildings to fire, are linked with the buildings through a database, along with census-derived social and economic information. This presentation provides an overview of the FireDST simulation 'proof of concept' tool and walks through a sample probabilistic simulation constructed using the tool.
Floodplain vegetation can be degraded from both too much and too little water due to regulation. Over-regulation and increased use of groundwater in these landscapes can exacerbate the effects related to natural climate variability. Prolonged flooding of woody plants has been found to induce a number of physiological disturbances such as early stomatal closure and inhibition of photosynthesis. However drought conditions can also result in leaf biomass reduction and sapwood area decline. Depending on the species, different inundation and drought tolerances are observed. This paper focuses specifically on differing lake level management practices in order to assess associated environmental impacts. In western NSW, two Eucalyptus species, River Red Gum (E. camaldulensis) and Black Box (E. largiflorens) have well documented tolerances and both are located on the fringes of lakes in the Menindee Lakes Storage Water scheme. Flows to these lakes have been controlled since 1960 and lake levels monitored since 1979. Pre-regulation aerial photos indicate a significant change to the distribution of lake-floor and fringing vegetation in response to increased inundation frequency and duration. In addition, by coupling historic lake water-level data with a Landsat satellite imagery, spatial and temporal vegetation response to different water regimes has been observed. Two flood events specifically investigated are the 2010/11 and 1990 floods. Results from this analysis provide historic examples of vegetation response to lake regulation including whether recorded inundation duration and frequency resulted in positive or negative impacts, the time delay till affects become evident, duration of observed response and general recovery/reversal times. These findings can be used to inform ongoing water management decisions.
Monitoring changes in the spatial distribution and health of biotic habitats requires spatially extensive surveys repeated through time. Although a number of habitat distribution mapping methods have been successful in clear, shallow-water coastal environments (e.g. aerial photography and Landsat imagery) and deeper (e.g. multibeam and sidescan sonar) marine environments, these methods fail in highly turbid and shallow environments such as many estuarine ecosystems. To map, model and predict key biotic habitats (seagrasses, green and red macroalgae, polychaete mounds [Ficopamatus enigmaticus] and mussel clumps [Mytilus edulis]) across a range of open and closed estuarine systems on the south-west coast of Western Australia, we integrated post-processed underwater video data with interpolated physical and spatial variables using Random Forest models. Predictive models and associated standard deviation maps were developed from fine-scale habitat cover data. Models performed well for spatial predictions of benthic habitats, with 79-90% of variation explained by depth, latitude, longitude and water quality parameters. The results of this study refine existing baseline maps of estuarine habitats and highlight the importance of biophysical processes driving plant and invertebrate species distribution within estuarine ecosystems. This study also shows that machine-learning techniques, now commonly used in terrestrial systems, also have important applications in coastal marine ecosystems. When applied to video data, these techniques provide a valuable approach to mapping and managing ecosystems that are too turbid for optical methods or too shallow for acoustic methods.