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  • Microsoft Excel Add-Inn Ken Ludwig and Geoscience Australia

  • Upgrade for software package for geochemical modelling released in 1999. Available from OEMD on request to Evgeniy Bastrakov (a password is set for a particular user).

  • A git code repository container for Earth Observation tools. An example tool is the DatasetDrivers construct for automatic retrieval of imagery & metadata.

  • RadWaste Decision Support System (DSS) allows Dept. Industry and GHD stakeholders to perform multi criteria analysis (MCA) against the 30 mandatory requirements for each land submission for consideration for consideration for the national radioactive waste storage site. The shorlisted sites will need to be suitable for the long-term storage of low-level and medium-level radioactive waste. The storage site is expected to have a 500yr lifecycle; 100 years active, 400 yrs managed closure.

  • A fully four-dimensional (3D x time) object-oriented biophysical dispersal model was developed to simulate the movement of marine larvae over semi-continuous surfaces. The model is capable of handling massive numbers of simulated larvae, can accommodate diverse life history patterns and distributions of characteristics, and saves point-level information to a relational database management system.

  • Software for machine to machine minting of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Minting of DOIs for datasets is facilitated through the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) as a member of DataCite.

  • Collection of tsunami related codes

  • The RadWaste, or Radioactive Waste Site identification Project, is a Department of Industry (D.o.I.) project, with the objective of locating and securing a national storage site suitable for the long-term storage of low-level and medium-level radioactive waste. The Radioactive Waste Site identification Application allows users to locate and geospatially identify the land they wish to nominate for assessment and then capture the location coordinates. The application no longer includes any system smarts such as weightings and suitability rankings or reporting functionality. The RadWaste applications are based upon the existing CIAP application framework and architecture.