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  • Models of seabed sediment mobilisation by waves and currents over Australia's continental shelf environment are used to examine whether disturbance regimes exist in the context of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). Our study shows that it is feasible to model the frequency and magnitude of seabed disturbance in relation to the dominant energy source (wave-dominated shelf, tide-dominated shelf or tropical cyclone dominated shelf). Areas are mapped where the recurrence interval of disturbance events is comparable to the rate of ecological succession, which meets criteria defined for a disturbance regime. We focus our attention on high-energy, patch-clearing events defined as exceeding the Shields (bed shear stress) parameter value of 0.25. Using known rates of ecological succession for different substrate types (gravel, sand, mud), predictions are made of the spatial distribution of a dimensionless ecological disturbance index (ED), given as: ED = FA (ES/RI), where ES is the ecological succession rate for different substrates, RI is the recurrence interval of disturbance events and FA is the fraction of the frame of reference (surface area) disturbed. Maps for the Australian continental shelf show small patches of ED-seafloor distributed around the continent, on both the inner and outer shelf. The patterns are different for wave-dominated (patches on the outer shelf trending parallel to the coast), tide-dominated (patches crossing the middle-shelf trending normal to the coast) and cyclone-dominated (large oval-shaped patches crossing all depths). Only a small portion of the shelf (perhaps ~10%) is characterised by a disturbance regime as defined here. To our knowledge, this is the first time such an analysis has been attempted for any continental shelf on the earth.

  • This introductory chapter provides an overview of the book's contents and definitions of key concepts including benthic habitat, potential habitat and seafloor geomorphology. The chapter concludes with a summary of commonly used habitat mapping technologies. Benthic (seafloor) habitats are physically distinct areas of seabed that are associated with particular species, communities or assemblages that consistently occur together. Benthic habitat maps are spatial representations of physically distinct areas of seabed that are associated with particular groups of plants and animals. Habitat maps can illustrate the nature, distribution and extent of distinct physical environments present and importantly they can predict the distribution of the associated species and communities.

  • This dataset contains species identifications of molluscs collected during survey SOL4934 (R.V. Solander, 27 August - 24 September, 2009). Animals were collected from the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf with a benthic sled. Specimens were lodged at Northern Territory Museum on the 3 May 2010. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Richard Willan at the Northern Territory Museum and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 5 May 2010 (leg 1 only). See GA Record 2010/09 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.

  • The legacy of multiple marine transgressions is preserved in a complex morphology of ridges, mounds and reefs on the Carnarvon continental shelf, Western Australia. High-resolution multibeam sonar mapping, underwater photography and sampling across a 280 km2 area seaward of the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area shows that these raised features provide hardground habitat for modern coral and sponge communities. Prominent among these features is a 20 m high and 15 km long shore-parallel ridge at 60 m water depth. This ridge preserves the largely unaltered form of a fringing reef and is interpreted as the predecessor to modern Ningaloo Reef. Landward of the drowned reef, the inner shelf is covered by hundreds of mounds (bommies) up to 5 m high and linear ridges up to 1.5 km long and 16 m high. The ridges are uniformly oriented to the north-northeast and several converge at their landward limit. On the basis of their shape and alignment, these ridges are interpreted as relict long-walled parabolic dunes. Their preservation is attributed to cementation of calcareous sands to form aeolianite, prior to the post-glacial marine transgression. Some dune ridges abut areas of reef that rise to sea level and are highly irregular in outline but maintain a broad shore-parallel trend. These are tentatively interpreted as Last Interglacial in age. The mid-shelf and outer shelf are mostly sediment covered with relatively low densities of epibenthic biota and have patches of low-profile ridges that may also be relict reef shorelines. An evolutionary model for the Carnarvon shelf is proposed that relates the formation of drowned fringing reefs and aeolian dunes to Late Quaternary eustatic sea level.

  • It is with great interest that we read the paper by Mueller (2015) who proposes that the majority of small pockmarks with diameters less than about 10 m on the northwest shelf of Australia may be of biotic origin, created by the fish Epinephelus, the Grouper. This hypothesis is based on a spatial association between pockmarks and Epinephelus at a number of sites on the northwest shelf and elsewhere around Australia, and on recent work undertaken on the habitats and observed behaviours of grouper fish in the Gulf of Mexico who excavate sediment from pre-existing solution cavities (Coleman et al., 2010; Wall et al., 2011). However, we contend that critical details have not been taken into account as part of Mueller's (2015) hypothesis, and additional consideration of existing geologic, geomorphic, sedimentologic and geochemical information is required. To make the science more robust, here we present a more comprehensive overview of the information available.

  • This study used angular response curves of multibeam backscatter data to predict the distributions of seven seabed cover types in an acoustically-complex area. Several feature analysis approaches on the angular response curves were examined. A Probability Neural Network model was chosen for the predictive mapping. The prediction results have demonstrated the value of angular response curves for seabed mapping with a Kappa coefficient of 0.59. Importantly, this study demonstrated the potential of various feature analysis approaches to improve the seabed mapping. For example, the approach to derive meaningful statistical parameters from the curves achieved significant feature reduction and some performance gain (e.g., Kappa = 0.62). The first derivative analysis approach achieved the best overall statistical performance (e.g., Kappa = 0.84); while the approach to remove the global slope produced the best overall prediction map (Kappa = 0.74). We thus recommend these three feature analysis approaches, along with the original angular response curves, for future similar studies.

  • Here we report on the results of a study undertaken in the Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve (southeast Australia) designed to test the benefits of two approaches to characterising shelf habitats: (i) MBES mapping of a continuous (~30 km2) area selected on the basis of its potential to include a range of representative seabed habitats , versus; (ii) a novel approach that uses targeted mapping of a greater number of smaller, but spatially balanced, locations using a Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified sample design. We present the first quantitative estimates of habitat type on the shelf of the Flinders reserve, using both survey approaches, based on three MBES analysis techniques. We contrast the quality of information that both survey approaches offer in combination with the three MBES analysis methods. We then consider the implications for future inventory of benthic habitats in shelf environments in the context of monitoring extensive offshore marine reserves.

  • A range of physical descriptors of the seabed can potentially be used as surrogates for defining patterns of benthic marine biodiversity, including bathymetry, geomorphology and sediment type. These variables can be mapped, described and sampled across spatial scales that are of value to the management of the marine estate by providing a template for monitoring benthic ecosystems. As part of a four-year program (2007-2010) funded by the Australian Government, Geoscience Australia led marine surveys designed to collect robust datasets for the analysis of surrogacy relationships between a suite of physical variables and benthic biota in select areas of the Australian continental shelf. This paper focuses on results of the 2008 Carnarvon shelf survey, located within a Commonwealth Marine Park and adjacent to the World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Reef (Western Australia). High resolution multibeam sonar mapping, underwater video and benthic sampling revealed a complex geomorphology of ridges, mounds and sandy bedforms. The largest ridge extends 15 km alongshore is 20 m high and interpreted as a drowned forereef. Smaller ridges are ~1 km long, oriented northeast and preserve the form of aeolian dunes. Mounds are up to 5 m high and form extensive fields surrounded by flat sandy seabed. These ridges and mounds provide hardground habitat for diverse coral and sponge communities, whereas the surrounding sandy seafloor is characterised by few sessile benthic organisms. Multivariate analysis of these relationships is used to develop predictive models of benthic habitats, demonstrating the utility of high resolution physical data for informing management of these ecosystems.

  • In 2012, Geoscience Australia carried out marine surveys in the Vlaming Sub-basin (Perth Basin; GA0334) and Petrel Sub-basin (Bonaparte Basin; SOL5463). The purpose of these surveys was to gather pre-competitive geophysical and biophysical data on the seabed environments within targeted areas to evaluate the seal quality for CO2 storage studies in these sub-basins. Over the duration of the Vlaming Sub-basin survey, approximately 650 km2 of multibeam sonar data, 2300 line km of sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data, 6.65 km2 of sidescan sonar imagery, 4.25 km of video footage and 89 grab samples were acquired. The Petrel Sub-basin survey acquired more than 650 km2 of multibeam sonar data and 650 line km of multi-channel SBP data. A total of 114 sampling operations recovered shallow samples or video footage for sedimentological, biological and chemical analysis. These datasets have been used to investigate possible fluid migration pathways in the shallow subsurface geology. In the Petrel Sub-basin, banks, palaeo-channels, plains, ridges and pockmark fields characterise the seafloor. In the Vlaming Sub-basin, a Holocene sediment-starved system was observed with shallow valleys, shallow terraces, sediment mega-ripples and prominent ridges on the seafloor. The complexity of both these environments and the general spatial correlation between seabed features and the subsurface geology, suggest that a large number of processes interacted to produce the present geomorphology of the continental shelves. These new datasets will contribute to the regional assessment of CO2 storage prospectivity in the Vlaming and Petrel sub-basins.

  • This dataset contains species identifications of molluscs collected during survey SOL4934 (R.V. Solander, 27 August - 24 September, 2009). Animals were collected from the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf with a benthic sled. Specimens were lodged at Northern Territory Museum on the 8 February 2010. Species-level identifications were undertaken by Richard Willan at the Northern Territory Museum and were delivered to Geoscience Australia on the 15 March 2010. See GA Record 2010/09 for further details on survey methods and specimen acquisition. Data is presented here exactly as delivered by the taxonomist, and Geoscience Australia is unable to verify the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications.<p><p>This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.