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Geoscience Australia distributes a range of Antarctica maps and images at various scales and currency, on behalf of Australian Antarctic Division. These products are very diverse and include topographic maps and satellite images, ranging from landscape specific (1:1,000 scale) to regional (1:20,000,000) scale.
Australia 85 inclination magnetic (dip I) isomagnetic chart 1985.0 epoch 1:10M
The purposes of this Bulletin are to explain and describe the accompanying 1:10 000 000-scale geological map, to discuss briefly the map's units, and to provide readers and users with a guide to the rapidly expanding literature of Antarctic geology, from which they can obtain more detailed information.
This map illustrates broadly the geographic distribution of mines and deposits, and the range of selected commoditiesmined. It also shows Oil and Gas fields and piplines (onshore and offshore) and the major offshore producting basins (resources in PJ).
National map which identifies Australia's major current mines and undeveloped mineral deposits overlayed on a simplified geological regions and infrastructure coverage.
Gravity station location map, updated to October 2007
Australia 85 north magnetic intensity (X) isomagnetic chart 1985.0 epoch 1:10M
Australian Copper Resources Map, 1:10 000 000 as of March 2009
Australian Copper Resources Map, 1:10 000 000 as of January 2007
Australian Gold Resources Map, 1:10 000 000, December 2006 Version