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  • Models for the crustal evolution of the Yilgarn Craton have changed in the last 25 years from generally autochthonous greenstone development on sialic crust (Gee et al. 1981, Groves & Batt 1984) to alloch-thonous models that highlight the importance of accretionary tectonics (Myers 1995). Recent models highlight the importance of mantle plumes and long-lived convergent margins for both Au and Ni (Barley et al. 1998). The role of sialic crust in the development of the abundant mineral systems in the Yilgarn, and Archaean cratons in general, however, remains problematic. Felsic rocks from across the Yilgarn Craton are used as crustal probes, with their geochronology, zircon inheritance and Nd isotopic character used to constrain the age and extent of basement terranes. The studies reveal a collage of crustal fragments and implicate both autochthonous and allochthonous crustal development, with increasing importance of accretionary tectonics, particularly after 2.8 Ga. The crustal evolution places significant constraints on the development of metallogenic associations.

  • Until recently, tectonic reconstructions have been limited by (1) the assumption that tectonic plates do not deform, or (2) the inability of software packages to simulate deformation. The assumption that plates do not deform is based on the earliest ideas about plate tectonics. This assumption has led workers dealing with plate tectonic reconstructions to introduce new micro-plates to explain the inconsistencies observed in different place circuits (e.g. the Somalian plate). However, we now know that the oceanic and continental crust deform. Therefore, tectonic reconstructions must begin to address this point, without the need to invoke more and more micro-plates to resolve inconsistencies in rigid plate circuits. The second point, that software cannot simulate plate deformation is no longer an issue after the development of Pplates. Pplates is an open-source tectonic reconstruction package that allows geologists to build both classical (rigid) plate reconstructions as well as deformable plate reconstructions. To do this, the software uses one or meshes to move data back and forth in time. Each of these meshes is deformable in order to simulate deformation of the crust. This software also allows geologists to import and deform GIS data. Here we report the initial results of a deformable reconstruction of the Australian and Antarctic plates, from the timing of rifting prior to Gondwana break-up, to the present. This reconstruction also shows the timing of major fault development in the sedimentary basins along Australia's southern margin. Future work aims to simulate development of major crustal features on the Australian and Antarctic plates, and to incorporate palaeogeographical interpretations from the sedimentary record. Our ability to simulate extensional deformation associated with continental break-up has implications for both global tectonic reconstructions as well as reconstructions of individual sedimentary basins

  • Geophysical data were acquired by Australia and Japan from 1994-2002 on the deep-water continental margin offshore from Queen Mary Land, East Antarctica in the general locality of Bruce Rise. This paper presents a regional interpretation of these data and outlines the tectonic history.

  • Lying off the south-west coast of Australia some 2,500 m below sea level is the broad, rectangular Naturaliste Plateau, which forms a relatively flat ledge half way between sea level and the abyssal plain. How the plateau came to be in this position, and whether its origin is continental or oceanic, are two questions relevant to the evolution of the south-east Indian Ocean.

  • 4 reproducible student activities suggested answers Suitable for primary levels Year 6 and secondary level Years 7-8

  • Modern adakite forms in subduction zones with unusually high geotherms that result in high-pressure melting of subducted basaltic crust. Close geochemical similarities between adakite and Archaean TTG, which forms the major component of Archaean crust, have supported a view that Archaean TTG is likewise subduction related. However, recent studies have shown that conditions of adakite formation are not unique to a subducting slab and can be attained in basaltic lower crust in both subduction and non-subduction environments. Non-subduction environments may be equally relevant to the genesis of Archaean TTG. Heat flow calculations suggest that Archaean subduction (if it occurred), must have been at a low angle ? the same style of subduction that produces most modern adakites. However, if Archaean TTG was derived from a subducting slab, then like most modern adakites, it should show 1) evidence for interaction with a mantle wedge, and 2) an association with diagnostic subduction influenced magmas such as high-Mg andesite (sanukitoid), Nb-enriched basalts and boninites. Whereas this does appear to be the case for some Late Archaean terrains (e.g. Superior Province), such is not unequivocally the case for older terrains. This suggests either that Early Archaean TTG is not subduction related, or that the style of Early Archaean subduction was significantly different from modern subduction, including low-angle or flat subduction. The volume of preserved felsic crust in the Early Archaean Pilbara Craton, Western Australia, requires a complimentary volume of dense mafic material (residual after basalt melting) equaling a combined thickness of ~170 km, which is difficult to conceptualize through solely magmatic processes (e.g. underplating, mantle plume). Subduction provides a means whereby large volumes of mafic crust can be progressively cycled through a melting zone, but if applicable to the Early Archaean, features such as typically low Mg#, Cr, and Ni indicate that TTG melts of that crust must have avoided interaction with the mantle. We suggest that Early Archaean slabs were pushed or thrust beneath overriding basaltic crust, without the development of a mantle wedge. Early Archaean TTGs are melts of the underthrusted slab and their petrogenesis combines components of the subduction model for modern adakite and models for lower crustal sodic melts (e.g. Cordillera Blanca ? Peru; Ningzhen ? China).

  • Elan Bank, a large western protrusion of the Kerguelen Plateau, is a microcontinent that originally lay between India and Antarctica in Gondwana. The acticle analyses seismic stratigraphy and crustal structure of the Elan Bank and discusses tectonic history of this feature. The paper contributes to understanding of dispersal and accretion of continental fragments in association with both plate tectonics and hotspot activity has likely been a significant process for much of Earth's history.

  • This Australian volcanoes image set comprises 15 images on CD-ROM with accompanying descriptive text and student question/s for each image. Learn the history of Australia's hot spot volcanoes over 60 million years and examine 9 Australian volcanoes in detail. Suitable for primary levels Years 5-6 and secondary levels Years 7-10