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  • This wind field was produced within v2.0 of TCRM, using data from the Bureau of Meteorology to constrain the wind field. Wind multipliers were calculated using a landcover dataset derived from Landsat and Digital Earth Australia. This wind field may be refined in the future as new data becomes available. This record includes - the track data from the Bureau of Meteorology used to model Tropical Cyclone Debbie - the landcover dataset produced for the Airlie Beach region - the preliminary local wind field

  • The Tropical Cyclone Scenario Selection tool enables users (e.g. emergency managers, engineers, researchers, etc.) to query the catalogue of tropical cyclone scenarios, developed as part of the 2018 Tropical Cyclone Hazard Assessment (TCHA18). The TCHA18 catalogue is comprised of 10,000 simulated years of tropical cyclone activity in the Australian region, amounting to over 160,000 tropical cyclone events. Using the search tools, the tracks and wind fields of individual events affecting a location or region can be discovered and explored. The returned scenarios are retrieved from a catalogue of synthetic tropical cyclones and can queried within the map and/or downloaded in various formats for follow-on analysis.

  • This dynamic dataset is composed of data layers representing the potential damage arising from the impacts of Tropical Cyclone (TC) related winds on residential houses. The impacts are determined using information on the forecast track of the TC issued by the Bureau of Meteorology, nationally consistent exposure (residential building) and vulnerability (likely level of damage) information maintained by Geoscience Australia. The tracks are based on the content of Technical Bulletins issued by the Bureau of Meteorology’s Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres every 6 hours for active TCs in the Australian region. As such, information is generated intermittently, depending on the occurrence of TCs. The tracks are a forecast only, so do not include past position information of the TC. Forecasts may extend up to 120 hours (5 days) ahead of the forecast time. A wind field around each track is simulated using Geoscience Australia’s Tropical Cyclone Risk Model (TCRM, This provides an estimate of the maximum gust wind speed over open, flat terrain (e.g. airports). Local effects such as topography and land cover changes are incorporated via site wind multipliers (, resulting in a 0.2-second, 10-m above ground level wind speed, with a spatial resolution of approximately 30 metres. The impacts are calculated using Geoscience Australia’s HazImp code (, which utilises the National Exposure Information System building data and a suite of wind vulnerability curves to determine the level of damage sustained by individual buildings (a damage index). The damage index values are aggregated to Australian Bureau of Statistics Statistical Area Level 1 regions, and can be assigned a qualitative damage description based on the mean damage index.

  • The National Hazard Impact Risk Service for Tropical Cyclone Event Impact provides information on the potential impact to residential separate houses due to severe winds. The information is derived from Bureau of Meteorology tropical cyclone forecast tracks, in combination with building location and attributes from the National Exposure Information System and vulnerability models to define the level of impact. Impact data is aggregated to Statistical Area Level 1, categorised into five qualitative levels of impact.

  • The northwest Australian coastline from Broome to Exmouth has experienced the greatest number of landfalling Tropical Cyclones (TCs) in Australia since records began in 1908 (Bureau of Meteorology, 2020). Despite this, direct impacts of a TC on individual communities are comparatively unusual, especially for severe TCs (category 3-5) as the coastline is sparsely populated. Communities are generally hundreds of kilometres apart, and a TC can cross the coast between them with little impact. However, the highest recorded wind gust in the world was 408 km/h (category 5) at Barrow Island during TC Olivia on 10 April 1996 (Courtney et al., 2012). The highest wind gust on the Australian mainland was 267 km/h (category 4) at Learmonth during TC Vance on 22 March 1999 (Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 2000). This emphasises the fact that no regional centre in WA, with the exception of Exmouth, has experienced a high-end TC impact in the past 30 years, but there is the potential for extreme events to strike these communities. While the impacts of past cyclone events have been well-documented, it is unlikely that communities have experienced the ‘worst-possible’ (either most intense or most damaging) cyclone impact in the past 30 years. To understand the scale of impacts that would occur if a TC were to make a direct impact on any of these communities the West Australian Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) applied for funding through the Natural Disaster Resilience Program. In July 2017 funding was obtained to conduct the Severe Wind Hazard Assessment (SWHA) project. This initiative is aligned with the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework (Department of Home Affairs, 2018), which outlines a national, comprehensive approach to proactively reducing disaster risk in Australia. To better understand the potential impacts of cyclones and extra-tropical transitioning cyclones on Western Australian communities, the project has modelled a number of scenarios to demonstrate the impacts of realistic, but perhaps not experienced, cyclones for Broome, Port Hedland, South Hedland and Wedgefield, Karratha, Dampier, Roebourne, Wickham and Point Samson, Exmouth, Carnarvon, Geraldton and Perth A consistent message that comes from this analysis is the excellent performance of modern residential construction to withstand the impacts of these scenario TCs. However, a house built to code’s performance is reliant on being maintained during its life so that its resilience is retained; just because a building was built to standard doesn’t mean it has been maintained to that standard. Investigations conducted into previous cyclones demonstrate that houses built pre-1980s (pre-code) under perform and offer lesser protection compared to those houses built to code post-1980s. In line with that the work undertaken in this report shows clearly that communities with a larger proportion of pre-code residential construction will suffer greater damage, due to the greater vulnerability of older building stock. Houses not originally built to current standards cannot, in general, be expected to perform to the current design levels, irrespective of the maintenance level. The only way to increase performance of these older residential buildings is to retrofit to modern standards. The analysis undertaken in the project has provided emergency managers from local, district and State level with a wealth of information on the potential impacts a major cyclone would have on Western Australia. This information has provided opportunity to strengthen planning processes and raise community awareness of mitigation actions that can reduce impacts. This collection comprises reporting and data developed as part of the Severe Wind Hazard Assessment for Western Australia. The collection includes all reports, publications (e.g. conference presentations, posters and news articles, etc.), and data delivered to Department of Fire and Emergency Services (Western Australia).

  • Tropical cyclone Gita impacted the Kingdom of Tonga in February 2018, causing significant damage across the main island of Tongatapu. This dataset is a best estimate of the maximum local gust wind speed across Tongatapu, based on the best-available track information, elevation and land cover data. The data represents the maximum 0.2 second, 10-metre above ground level wind speed at (approximately) 25 metre horizontal resolution. The wind field was generated using: Geoscience Australia's Tropical Cyclone Risk Model - Wind Multipliers code - TC Gita track was sourced from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (

  • The TCHA18 Data collection covers the model output generated by the Tropical Cyclone Risk Model as part of the assessment. This includes average recurrence interval wind speeds, stochastic track catalogues, wind fields and intermediary data. It also includes an evaluation track catalogue, used to evaluate the performance of the model with respect to historical landfall rates, frequency and track density.

  • The local wind multiplier data for Tongatapu is used to generate local wind speeds over the island of Tongatapu, Tonga.

  • This dataset provides an assessment of the tropical cyclone wind hazard for the Kingdom of Tonga. The data was generated to provide a collection of scenarios for detailed impact mapping as part of the PacSAFE project (2016-2018), funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The dataset includes a catalogue of synthetic tropical cyclone tracks and the corresponding maximum wind swaths, average recurrence interval (ARI) wind speeds for ARIs from 5 to 10,000 years, and hazard profiles for selected locations within the simulation domain.

  • Natural hazard data supports the nation to respond effectively to emergencies, reduce the threat natural hazards pose to Australia¿s national interests and address issues relating to community safety, urban development, building design, climate change and insurance. A baseline understanding of hazards, impacts and risk can help to enhance community resilience to extreme events and a changing environment. Probabilistic hazard and risk information provides planners and designers opportunity to investigate the cost and benefit of policy options to mitigate natural hazard impacts. Modelled disaster scenario information can enable disaggregation of probabilistic hazard to identify the most probable event contributing to hazard. Tropical cyclone return period wind hazard maps developed using the Tropical Cyclone Risk Model. The hazard maps are derived from a catalogue of synthetic tropical cyclone events representing 10,000 years of activity. Annual maxima are evaluated from the catalogue and used to fit a generalised extreme value distribution at each grid point. Wind multipliers are factors that transform regional wind speed to local wind speed, mathematically describing the influences of terrain, shielding and topographic effects. Local wind speeds are critical to wind-related activities that include hazard and risk assessment. The complete dataset is comprised of: - Stochastic tracks, wind fields and impact data; - Probabilistic wind speed data (hazard); - Site-exposure wind multipliers.