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  • Increased loads of land-based pollutants associated with land use change are a major threat to coastal-marine ecosystems globally. Identifying the affected areas and the scale of influence on marine ecosystems is critical to assess the ecological impacts of degraded water quality and to inform planning for catchment management and marine conservation. Studies using remotely-sensed data have contributed to our understanding of the occurrence and extent of influence of river plumes, as well as to assess exposure of ecosystems to river-borne pollutants. However, refinement of plume modelling techniques is required to improve risk assessments. We developed a novel approach to model exposure of coastal-marine ecosystems to river-borne pollutants. The model is based on supervised classification of true-colour satellite imagery to map the extent of plumes and to qualitatively assess the dispersal of pollutants in plumes. We use the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) to test our approach. We combined frequency of plume occurrence with spatially-distributed loads (based on a cost-distance function) to create maps of exposure to suspended sediment and dissolved inorganic nitrogen. We then compared annual exposure maps (2007-2011) to assess inter-annual variability in the exposure of coral reefs and seagrass beds. Our findings indicate that classification of true colour satellite images is useful to map plumes and to qualitatively assess exposure to river-borne pollutants. This approach should be considered complementary to remote sensing methods based on ocean colour products used to characterise surface water in plumes. The proposed exposure model is useful to study the spatial and temporal variation in exposure of coastal-marine ecosystems to riverine plumes. Observed inter-annual variation in exposure of habitats to pollutants stresses the need to incorporate the temporal component in exposure and risk models.

  • The Bland Basin is the broad alluviated palaeovalley of Bland Creek, a tributary of the Lachlan River in the central part of New South Wales, Australia, within the drainage basin of the Murray-Darling River System. It covers about 4000 km2 and contains up to 120 m of terrestrial sediments, interpreted as being deposited by alluvial, colluvial, lacustrine/paludal, and aeolian processes. It is undated, but is likely to be coeval with the downstream contiguous fill of the Lachlan River palaeovalley, dated elsewhere by palynology as Miocene to Recent. The southwestern part of the basin has been studied in detail using airborne geophysics (electromagnetics, magnetics, and gamma ray spectrometry) and drilling. The small erosional catchment area of the modern Basin surface has resulted in a paucity of sediment available for deposition in the Basin, but drainage base level has been driven by the rate of sedimentation of the Lachlan palaeovalley downstream of the Basin. Therefore, most of the sediment derived from the catchment has been trapped in the Basin rather than being transported downstream and into the Lachlan palaeovalley, and at times large lakes and/or swamps have formed in the central part of the Basin. The sediments in the southwest of the Basin are dominated by clay and silt, with local sand and gravel, mostly in basal gravelly sand and a sandier interval in the middle part of the sequence. Quartz silt derived from aeolian dust is a major component of the upper part of the sedimentary sequence. Geophysical responses of the sediment include high conductivity due to saline groundwater, low gamma response dominated by thorium decay emissions due to the leached nature of the sediment, and short wavelength-low amplitude magnetic anomalies resulting from local concentrations of detrital maghemite-rich gravel formed during weathering in the catchment area. Other broad valleys draining to the Lachlan River may contain similar mud-dominated Neogene basins.

  • Physical sedimentological processes such as the mobilisation and transport of shelf sediments during extreme storm events give rise to disturbances that characterise many shelf ecosystems. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis predicts that biodiversity is controlled by the frequency of disturbance events, their spatial extent and the amount of time required for ecological succession. A review of available literature suggests that periods of ecological succession in shelf environments range from 1 to over 10 years. Physical sedimentological processes operating on continental shelves having this same return frequency include synoptic storms, eddies shed from intruding ocean currents and extreme storm events (cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes). Modelling studies that characterise the Australian continental shelf in terms of bed stress due to tides, waves and ocean currents were used here to create a map of ecological disturbance, defined as occurring when the Shield's parameter exceeds a threshold of 0.25. We also define a dimensionless ecological disturbance ratio (ED) as the rate of ecological succession divided by the recurrence interval of disturbance events. The results illustrate that on the outer part of Australia's southern, wave-dominated shelf the mean number of days between threshold events that the Shield's parameter exceeds 0.25 is several hundred days.

  • Craig's seeps is a wonderful example of scientific work.

  • A symposium was held at the University of Wales, Swansea in July 2007 to honour the career and achievements of Professor Michael Collins. The symposium was organised by Michael's former postgraduate students as a tribute to his contributions over the past 30 years as a scientist, teacher, mentor and friend. About 30 of the 50+ Ph.D. and M.Sc. students that Michael has supervised over the years were fortunate to attend the symposium, which offered the opportunity for all of us to learn about the many different subjects and projects that Michael supervised and to renew our friendships with the Collins family, as well as the extended, academic Collins 'family'.

  • Keppel Bay is a macrotidal embayment on a tectonically stable, tropical coast, which links the Fitzroy River with the Great Barrier Reef continental shelf. Estuaries and deltas act as conduits between catchments and inner shelf environments. Therefore, understanding sediment transport pathways in these complex systems is essential for the management of ecosystems such as coral-reefs that are potentially vulnerable to enhanced river sediment loads. Furthermore, the morphology and sediment dynamics of subtidal sand ridges and dunes are relatively poorly characterised in macrotidal estuaries, particularly in turbid, episodic systems such as the Fitzroy River and Keppel Bay. Our sedimentological analysis of seabed samples, shear-stress modelling and three-dimensional acoustic imaging reveals that Keppel Bay is a mixed wave- and tide-dominated estuarine system. Areas of sediment starvation and shoreward transport characterise the offshore zone, whereas a complex of both active and relict tidal sand ridges, and associated subaqueous dunes, dominate the relatively protected southern Keppel Bay. Transport within this region is highly dynamic and variable, with ebb-dominated sediment transport through tidal channels into the outer bay where there is a switch to wave-dominated shoreward transport. Ultimately, bedload sediments appear to be reworked back inshore and to the north, and are gradually infilling the bedrock-defined embayment. Our characterisation of the Keppel Bay system provides a detailed example of the physiography of the seaward portion of a tide-dominated system, and shows that sediment transport in these areas is influenced by a variable hydrodynamic regime as well as relict channels and bedrock topography.

  • Geoscience Australia carried out a marine survey on Carnarvon shelf (WA) in 2008 (SOL4769) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through co-located sampling of surface sediments and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wave-generated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Research Vessel Solander. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and video transects were completed in three survey areas that extended seaward from Ningaloo Reef to the shelf edge, including: Mandu Creek (80 sq km); Point Cloates (281 sq km), and; Gnaraloo (321 sq km). Additional bathymetric mapping (but no sampling or video) was completed between Mandu creek and Point Cloates, covering 277 sq km and north of Mandu Creek, covering 79 sq km. Two oceanographic moorings were deployed in the Point Cloates survey area. The survey also mapped and sampled an area to the northeast of the Muiron Islands covering 52 sq km. Seabed sediment samples were collected by a Smith McIntyre grab at a total of 275 locations, divided between Mandu Creek (n=81), Point Cloates (n=92), Gnaraloo (n=92) and Muiron Islands (n=10). The full sample set represents 102 sampling stations at which two sediment grabs were collected in close proximity. The exception to this was at Mandu Creek where three grabs were collected at 19 stations and at Gnaraloo where single grabs were taken at three stations. At Muiron Islands, single grabs were collected at five stations and two grabs at three stations (see Brooke et al. 2009).

  • The Lower Darling Valley (LDV) contains Cenozoic shallow marine, fluvial, lacustrine and aeolian sediments capped by a number of Quaternary fluvial units associated with the Darling River and its anabranches, which were poorly dated prior to this study. Recent investigations in the LDV area have used an Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey, a new high-resolution LiDAR survey, sonic drilling, shallow hand-augering, examination of tractor-dug pits, sediment sample analyses, landform mapping, and river bottom profiling in combination with OSL and radiocarbon dating to provide new insights into the nature and chronology of Quaternary fluvial landscape evolution. The Quaternary sequence in the LDV consists of scroll-plain tracts of different ages incised into higher, older and more featureless floodplain sediments. Samples for OSL and radiocarbon dating were taken in tractor-excavated pits, from sonic cores and from hand-auger holes from a number of scroll-plain and older floodplain sediments. The youngest, now inactive, scroll-plain phase associated with the modern Darling River, was active in the period 5-2 ka. A previous anabranch scroll-plain phase has Last Glacial Maximum dates around 20 ka. Less distinct scroll-plain tracts, older than the anabranch system, have ages around 30ka. A poorly preserved scroll-plain phase with very indistinct scroll and channel traces is associated with the Darling River tract and has ages around 45-50 ka. Older dates of 85 ka and >150 ka have been obtained beneath the higher floodplain from lateral-migration sediments that lack visible scroll-plain traces. This chronologic sequence suggests regular recurrence of approximately 5 ka lateral-migration episodes separated by approximately 10 ka periods of quiescence. There is a lack of coincidence with the glacial-interglacial climate cycles. This suggests that the onset and termination of lateral-migration phases is probably a combination of changes in discharge and sediment regimes r

  • Two facies models are proposed to explain siliciclastic and carbonate depositional systems of 1800 Ma to 1640 Ma age in the Western Fold Belt of the Mt Isa Inlier. Both models record the response of depositional systems to storm-driven processes of sediment transport, dispersal and deposition on a shallow water shelf. The same suite of facies belts can also be identified in sedimentary successions of the Eastern Fold Belt. Slope driven processes of sediment transport and dispersal characterise turbidite and debrite deposits of the Soldiers Cap Group and Kuridala Formation and provide evidence for significantly greater water depths in this part of the basin from ~1685 Ma. Through the recognition of unconformity surfaces, their correlative conformities, maximum flooding and ravinement surfaces the facies belts are packaged into 7 supersequences for the interval 1800-1640 Ma. The new correlations are shown in an Event Chart that correlates linked depositional systems across the entire Mt Isa Inlier. Thick successions of turbidite and debrite deposits are restricted to the eastern parts of the Mt Isa Inlier and do not occur in the Western Fold Belt. A major phase of extension and rifting commenced at ~1740 Ma and by ~1690 Ma led to significant crustal thinning and increased rates of accommodation over an area east of the Selwyn Fault and Burke River Structural Belt. In the Mitakoodi and Selwyn Blocks the rapid transition from shallow water shelf depositional systems of the Prize Supersequence to significantly deeper water slope environments of the Gun Supersequence coincided with the development of a platform margin, the deposition of turbidite and debrite deposits in deep water on the continental slope and the intrusion of mafic sills and dykes. Turbidite and debrite depositional systems of the Soldiers Cap Group and Kuridala Formations are restricted to a lowstand wedge of siliciclastic facies deposited basinward of a platform margin. Basin geometries and sediment architectures associated with this extensional event and recorded in the Gun Supersequence (~1685 Ma to 1650 Ma) provide an explanation for the geographic separation and fluid evolution pathways responsible for the Mt Isa Type and Broken Hill Type Zn-Pb-Ag deposits.

  • A 3 minute movie flying around the SW coast of Australia, demonstrating the results of sediment data aquisition.