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This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Northwest Basin, Western Australia.
The area under investigation forms a portion of a coastal sandy belt 1,500 to 2,000 feet wide, which extends from Main Beach (Southport) to South Nobby (North Burleigh), and is about 5 to 15 feet higher than the low-lying coastal plains adjoining it on the west. The known deposits and probably all of the deposits of heavy minerals between Southport and North Burleigh occur either on the present sea beaches or in the eastern half of the sandy belt. Preliminary boring and sampling of the area was carried out early in 1948. Bores were put down to water level using a post hole auger. When the sand brought up from a borehole appeared to contain appreciable quantities of heavy minerals it was sampled by quartering. An account of the investigation is set down in this report. The distribution of heavy minerals and the tonnages available for mining are shown on the accompanying geological plans. Estimates of the quantities of heavy minerals have been tabulated.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from a depth of 3 feet to 802 feet down.
Geophysical surveys were conducted at Shuttleton (Nymagee District) on behalf of Broken Hill Ltd. The surveys were made on an area 1.5 mile long and of average width of about 2000 feet. Crowl Creek and South Shuttleton mine leases are included in the surveyed area. The survey methods and results are described in this report. Recommendations for future testing work are discussed.
A field party from the Bureau of Mineral Resources left Melbourne on 19th March, 1949, together with a relief party from the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition. The objects of the party's visit to Macquarie Island were the establishment of a Seismological Observatory, the determination of the secular variation of magnetic declination, and the location of magnetically suitable areas for a proposed Magnetic Observatory. The present preliminary report is concerned exclusively with an accident which occurred during the construction of the Seismological Observatory and which caused injuries to A.B. Billan, R.A.N. The building plans and choice of the site are discussed.