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No abstract available
30% coverage west SI50-6, 45% coverage east SI50-5 (Busselton/Collie) 22-1/I50-5-6/3
40% coverage west I50/B1-120 Vertical scale: 250
AGSO Record 2000/45 is a report of the results of specialist structural geological studies in the North Pilbara between 1997-2000 and, for the first time, this report provides a comprehensive synthesis of the structural evolution of the resource-rich North Pilbara Craton. A print, CD-ROM, and web based output. The report can be viewed with a standard web browser. Traditionally, the science of structural geology is presented in a one-dimensional printed text document format with accompanying maps, drawings, and images referred to from the text at appropriate points. This approach creates a problem in communication, as structural geology is four dimensional (the three spatial dimensions and time). The report is structured so that the new information can be accessed in three different ways. 1) a 'standard' way where the text is arranged chronologically and where the user can skip to sections of interest by embedded hyperlinks; 2) geographical regions on a map with hyperlinked text explanations, maps, and images, and; 3) time-based break up of the text (by structural events eg D1, D2 etc) so that the same event can be compared across regions. A printable version is also available on the CD-ROM. Over 200 scanned photographs are located spatially on active maps so the user can see the geology described in their correct spatial position and in relation to other areas. This provides a 'virtual' fieldtrip for the user, who can decide where they want to go in the report. The report can be viewed with the standard web browser.
Legacy product - no abstract available
Processed Stacked and Migrated SEG-Y seismic data and section images for the Youanmi Deep Crustal Seismic Survey. This survey was conducted under a National Geoscience Agreement with the Western Australia Geological Survey. Funding was through the Onshore Energy Security Program and Western Australia's Exploration Incentive Scheme. The objective of the survey was to image the northwest Yilgarn Craton to the Ida Fault crossing the Meekatharra structural zone, a focus of gold mineralization. Data are supplied as SEG-Y files, TIFF and PDF images. Raw data for this survey are available on request from
(special) 22-1/H50-14/4
H51-B1/2641 Contour interval: 50