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  • Natural hazard data supports the nation to respond effectively to emergencies, reduce the threat natural hazards pose to Australia¿s national interests and address issues relating to community safety, urban development, building design, climate change and insurance. A baseline understanding of hazards, impacts and risk can help to enhance community resilience to extreme events and a changing environment. Probabilistic hazard and risk information provides planners and designers opportunity to investigate the cost and benefit of policy options to mitigate natural hazard impacts. Modelled disaster scenario information can enable disaggregation of probabilistic hazard to identify the most probable event contributing to hazard. Tropical cyclone return period wind hazard maps developed using the Tropical Cyclone Risk Model. The hazard maps are derived from a catalogue of synthetic tropical cyclone events representing 10,000 years of activity. Annual maxima are evaluated from the catalogue and used to fit a generalised extreme value distribution at each grid point. Wind multipliers are factors that transform regional wind speed to local wind speed, mathematically describing the influences of terrain, shielding and topographic effects. Local wind speeds are critical to wind-related activities that include hazard and risk assessment. The complete dataset is comprised of: - Stochastic tracks, wind fields and impact data; - Probabilistic wind speed data (hazard); - Site-exposure wind multipliers.

  • The TCHA18 Data collection covers the model output generated by the Tropical Cyclone Risk Model as part of the assessment. This includes average recurrence interval wind speeds, stochastic track catalogues, wind fields and intermediary data. It also includes an evaluation track catalogue, used to evaluate the performance of the model with respect to historical landfall rates, frequency and track density.

  • The local wind multiplier data for Tongatapu is used to generate local wind speeds over the island of Tongatapu, Tonga.

  • Tropical cyclone Gita impacted the Kingdom of Tonga in February 2018, causing significant damage across the main island of Tongatapu. This dataset is a best estimate of the maximum local gust wind speed across Tongatapu, based on the best-available track information, elevation and land cover data. The data represents the maximum 0.2 second, 10-metre above ground level wind speed at (approximately) 25 metre horizontal resolution. The wind field was generated using Geoscience Australia's Tropical Cyclone Risk Model (, and Wind Multipliers code ( TC Gita track was sourced from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (

  • This dataset provides an assessment of the tropical cyclone wind hazard for the Kingdom of Tonga. The data was generated to provide a collection of scenarios for detailed impact mapping as part of the PacSAFE project (2016-2018), funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The dataset includes a catalogue of synthetic tropical cyclone tracks and the corresponding maximum wind swaths, average recurrence interval (ARI) wind speeds for ARIs from 5 to 10,000 years, and hazard profiles for selected locations within the simulation domain.

  • Tropical cyclone scenario prepared for Tonga National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) as part of the PacSAFE Project (2016-2018)

  • The collection of products released for the 2018 National Tropical Cyclone Hazard Assessment (TCHA18). - 2018 National Tropical Cyclone Hazard Assessment - 2018 National Tropical Cyclone Hazard Assessment Stochastic Event Catalogue - 2018 National Tropical Cyclone Hazard Assessment Hazard Map - Tropical Cyclone Risk Model

  • The Tropical Cyclone Scenario Selector Tool (TC SST) provides an interactive application to interrogate the stochastic event catalogue which underpins the 2018 Tropical Cyclone Hazard Assessment (TCHA18). The application allows users to search for TC events in the catalogue based on location and intensity (either TC intensity category, or maximum wind speed), visualise the tracks and the wind fields of those events, and download the data for further analysis.

  • Tropical cyclone scenario prepared for Tonga National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) as part of the PacSAFE Project (2016-2018)

  • Tropical cyclone scenario prepared for Tonga National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) as part of the PacSAFE Project (2016-2018)